Compromettre (to jeopardize) conjugation

23 examples

Conjugation of compromettre

Present tense
je compromets
I jeopardize
tu compromets
you jeopardize
il/elle/on compromet
he/she/it jeopardizes
nous compromettons
we jeopardize
vous compromettez
you all jeopardize
ils/elles compromettent
they jeopardize
Present perfect tense
j’ai compromis
I jeopardized
tu as compromis
you jeopardized
il/elle/on a compromis
he/she/it jeopardized
nous avons compromis
we jeopardized
vous avez compromis
you all jeopardized
ils/elles ont compromis
they jeopardized
Past impf. tense
je compromettais
I was jeopardizing
tu compromettais
you were jeopardizing
il/elle/on compromettait
he/she/it was jeopardizing
nous compromettions
we were jeopardizing
vous compromettiez
you all were jeopardizing
ils/elles compromettaient
they were jeopardizing
Future tense
je compromettrai
I will jeopardize
tu compromettras
you will jeopardize
il/elle/on compromettra
he/she/it will jeopardize
nous compromettrons
we will jeopardize
vous compromettrez
you all will jeopardize
ils/elles compromettront
they will jeopardize
Past perfect tense
j’avais compromis
I had jeopardized
tu avais compromis
you had jeopardized
il/elle/on avait compromis
he/she/it had jeopardized
nous avions compromis
we had jeopardized
vous aviez compromis
you all had jeopardized
ils/elles avaient compromis
they had jeopardized
Past preterite tense
je compromis
I jeopardized
tu compromis
you jeopardized
il/elle/on compromit
he/she/it jeopardized
nous compromîmes
we jeopardized
vous compromîtes
you all jeopardized
ils/elles compromirent
they jeopardized
Past anterior tense
j’eus compromis
I had jeopardized
tu eus compromis
you had jeopardized
il/elle/on eut compromis
he/she/it had jeopardized
nous eûmes compromis
we had jeopardized
vous eûtes compromis
you all had jeopardized
ils/elles eurent compromis
they had jeopardized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai compromis
I will have jeopardized
tu auras compromis
you will have jeopardized
il/elle/on aura compromis
he/she/it will have jeopardized
nous aurons compromis
we will have jeopardized
vous aurez compromis
you all will have jeopardized
ils/elles auront compromis
they will have jeopardized
Present subjunctive tense
que je compromette
that I jeopardize
que tu compromettes
that you jeopardize
qu’il/elle/on compromette
that he/she/it jeopardize
que nous compromettions
that we jeopardize
que vous compromettiez
that you all jeopardize
qu’ils/elles compromettent
that they jeopardize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie compromis
that I have jeopardized
que tu aies compromis
that you have jeopardized
qu’il/elle/on ait compromis
that he/she/it have jeopardized
que nous ayons compromis
that we have jeopardized
que vous ayez compromis
that you all have jeopardized
qu’ils/elles aient compromis
that they have jeopardized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je compromisse
that I would jeopardize
que tu compromisses
that you would jeopardize
qu’il/elle/on compromît
that he/she/it would jeopardize
que nous compromissions
that we would jeopardize
que vous compromissiez
that you all would jeopardize
qu’ils/elles compromissent
that they would jeopardize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse compromis
that I had jeopardized
que tu eusses compromis
that you had jeopardized
qu’il/elle/on eût compromis
that he/she/it had jeopardized
que nous eussions compromis
that we had jeopardized
que vous eussiez compromis
that you all had jeopardized
qu’ils/elles eussent compromis
that they had jeopardized
Conditional mood
je compromettrais
I would jeopardize
tu compromettrais
you would jeopardize
il/elle/on compromettrait
he/she/it would jeopardize
nous compromettrions
we would jeopardize
vous compromettriez
you all would jeopardize
ils/elles compromettraient
they would jeopardize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais compromis
I would have jeopardized
tu aurais compromis
you would have jeopardized
il/elle/on aurait compromis
he/she/it would have jeopardized
nous aurions compromis
we would have jeopardized
vous auriez compromis
you all would have jeopardized
ils/elles auraient compromis
they would have jeopardized
Imperative mood
let's jeopardize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie compromis
have jeopardized
ayons compromis
let's have jeopardized
ayez compromis
have jeopardized

Examples of compromettre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"tu veux compromettre ma belle vie et mon pays ?""you want me to jeopardize my nice life and my country, huh?"
- Aller dans le passé et compromettre le futur ?So you bring rich tourists back to the past o jeopardize the future.
- Je ne peux compromettre ma mission.Negative. I cannot jeopardize my mission.
- Moi. On ne doit pas compromettre la mission.We can't jeopardize the mission.
- Ça pourrait compromettre tout nos efforts.- No. - This could jeopardize everything that we've been working towards.
- Tu as probablement compromis notre enquête, alors sois lucide.- No, it's him. - and possibly jeopardized our investigation, so be very clear.
A cause de toi, maintenant tout est compromis.You jeopardized everything.
C'est compromis. Où est-il ?I jeopardized it.
Elle a compromis les intentions généreuses que vous portait l'armée impériale japonaise.Which means she has jeopardized... the generous intention... brought by the lmperial Japanese Army
Et pourtant vous choisissez 2 femmes qui oublient de laisser leur porte fermée, qui ont compromis votre carrière en m'enfermant dans cette salle de bain.And yet you chose two women who couldn't remember to keep their door closed, who jeopardized your career by locking me in this bathroom.
Accomplis ta mission, ne la compromets pas pour moi.You got a job to do. You can't jeopardize it for me.
Comme ça, je ne compromets pas ma position légale.That way we won't jeopardize my legal position.
Même si tu compromets la Résistance?Even if you have to jeopardize the Resistance?
Si tu compromets encore ma position, je ferai le nécessaire.You jeopardize my position, I swear I'll take the necessary action.
Tu compromets tout en venant ici.You jeopardize everything by coming here.
Ne compromettez pas votre santé.We wouldn't want you To jeopardize your health.
Ne le compromettez plus.Do not jeopardize it again.
Si vous compromettez ce système... vous nous mettrez tous à risque.If you jeopardize this system, you'll be placing all of us at risk.
Vous compromettez la cause, vous le paierez.You jeopardize our cause, and you will be held accountable. But your brother was--
Vous vous rendez compte que vous compromettez la santé de l'enfant.You realize of course that you jeopardize the boy's health.
Depuis que Lily a appris que Marshall avait accepté le poste de juge, compromettant leur installation en Italie, tous deux savaient qu'une grosse dispute arrivait.Ever since Lily heard that Marshall had accepted an offer to be a judge, thus jeopardizing their planned year in Italy, they both knew a big fight was coming.
Et quand elle a commencé à répandre ces secrets à la réunion, compromettant l'ensemble de votre cabinet, vous l'avez fait taire.And when she started spilling those secrets at the reunion, jeopardizing your whole practice, you shut her up.
La tête du bébé pourrait rester coincée, le cordon ombilical serait comprimé à chaque contraction, compromettant l'apport d'oxygène.If your cervix doesn't dilate enough, the head can get stuck. Umbilical cord will compress with each contraction jeopardizing the oxygen supply.

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