Bombarder (to bombard) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of bombarder

Present tense
je bombarde
I bombard
tu bombardes
you bombard
il/elle/on bombarde
he/she/it bombards
nous bombardons
we bombard
vous bombardez
you all bombard
ils/elles bombardent
they bombard
Present perfect tense
j’ai bombardé
I bombarded
tu as bombardé
you bombarded
il/elle/on a bombardé
he/she/it bombarded
nous avons bombardé
we bombarded
vous avez bombardé
you all bombarded
ils/elles ont bombardé
they bombarded
Past impf. tense
je bombardais
I was bombarding
tu bombardais
you were bombarding
il/elle/on bombardait
he/she/it was bombarding
nous bombardions
we were bombarding
vous bombardiez
you all were bombarding
ils/elles bombardaient
they were bombarding
Future tense
je bombarderai
I will bombard
tu bombarderas
you will bombard
il/elle/on bombardera
he/she/it will bombard
nous bombarderons
we will bombard
vous bombarderez
you all will bombard
ils/elles bombarderont
they will bombard
Past perfect tense
j’avais bombardé
I had bombarded
tu avais bombardé
you had bombarded
il/elle/on avait bombardé
he/she/it had bombarded
nous avions bombardé
we had bombarded
vous aviez bombardé
you all had bombarded
ils/elles avaient bombardé
they had bombarded
Past preterite tense
je bombardai
I bombarded
tu bombardas
you bombarded
il/elle/on bombarda
he/she/it bombarded
nous bombardâmes
we bombarded
vous bombardâtes
you all bombarded
ils/elles bombardèrent
they bombarded
Past anterior tense
j’eus bombardé
I had bombarded
tu eus bombardé
you had bombarded
il/elle/on eut bombardé
he/she/it had bombarded
nous eûmes bombardé
we had bombarded
vous eûtes bombardé
you all had bombarded
ils/elles eurent bombardé
they had bombarded
Future perfect tense
j’aurai bombardé
I will have bombarded
tu auras bombardé
you will have bombarded
il/elle/on aura bombardé
he/she/it will have bombarded
nous aurons bombardé
we will have bombarded
vous aurez bombardé
you all will have bombarded
ils/elles auront bombardé
they will have bombarded
Present subjunctive tense
que je bombarde
that I bombard
que tu bombardes
that you bombard
qu’il/elle/on bombarde
that he/she/it bombard
que nous bombardions
that we bombard
que vous bombardiez
that you all bombard
qu’ils/elles bombardent
that they bombard
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie bombardé
that I have bombarded
que tu aies bombardé
that you have bombarded
qu’il/elle/on ait bombardé
that he/she/it have bombarded
que nous ayons bombardé
that we have bombarded
que vous ayez bombardé
that you all have bombarded
qu’ils/elles aient bombardé
that they have bombarded
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je bombardasse
that I would bombard
que tu bombardasses
that you would bombard
qu’il/elle/on bombardât
that he/she/it would bombard
que nous bombardassions
that we would bombard
que vous bombardassiez
that you all would bombard
qu’ils/elles bombardassent
that they would bombard
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse bombardé
that I had bombarded
que tu eusses bombardé
that you had bombarded
qu’il/elle/on eût bombardé
that he/she/it had bombarded
que nous eussions bombardé
that we had bombarded
que vous eussiez bombardé
that you all had bombarded
qu’ils/elles eussent bombardé
that they had bombarded
Conditional mood
je bombarderais
I would bombard
tu bombarderais
you would bombard
il/elle/on bombarderait
he/she/it would bombard
nous bombarderions
we would bombard
vous bombarderiez
you all would bombard
ils/elles bombarderaient
they would bombard
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais bombardé
I would have bombarded
tu aurais bombardé
you would have bombarded
il/elle/on aurait bombardé
he/she/it would have bombarded
nous aurions bombardé
we would have bombarded
vous auriez bombardé
you all would have bombarded
ils/elles auraient bombardé
they would have bombarded
Imperative mood
let's bombard!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie bombardé
have bombarded
ayons bombardé
let's have bombarded
ayez bombardé
have bombarded

Examples of bombarder

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Sans blague ! Puisque c'est comme ça, nous allons les bombarder.If that's the way it's going to be, we'll have to bombard them.
Bien, j'ai construit ce bébé pour les bombarder avec des électrons ainsi je peux les identifier, ce que j'ai fait.Well, I built this baby to bombard them with electrons so I could identify them, which I have.
C'est plus scientifique que de le faire tomber ou de le bombarder de flashes.Now doing it this way, I believe, is a lot more scientific... than dropping it or kicking it... or bombarding it with light bulb photon flashes.
C'est un appareil de fission pour bombarder tes atomes avec autant d'énergie qu'ils ont reçu dans l'explosion de l'accélérateur de particules.It's a fission device designed to bombard your atoms with as much energy as they experienced in the particle accelerator explosion.
Cela signifie qu'il va commencer à bombarder.That means he'll start a bombardment.
- Du côté du médecin, il est bombardé littéralement d'informations qui ne sont pas toujours pertinentes.Doctors are literally bombarded with often-irrelevant information.
- Nous avons bombardé les animaux pendant plusieurs mois dans le réacteur de mon frère... mais sans résultat signifiant ou de changement.- Well, we bombarded both animals for several months in my brothers reactor... But without any significant results or change.
A Noël, ils ont bombardé mon cher quartier de Chorillo.At Christmas they bombarded my beloved neighborhood of Chorillo.
Aujourd'hui à 7 h 55, heure locale, les Japonais ont bombardé les bases de l'Armée et de la Marine américaine.Here today, at 7:55 local time units of the Japanese air force bombarded American Army and Naval installations.
C'est difficile de reconnaître la vérité quand on est bombardé de mensonges tout le temps.It's very hard to recognize the truth when you are bombarded by lies all the time.
Alors... si on crée un champ de Higgs négatif et qu'on bombarde les visiteurs avec un flux d'antis-bosons de Higgs, on pourrait les désintégrer? Peut-être.So if we created a negative Higgs field and bombarded them with Higgs antibosons they might disintegrate?
Capitaine, lancez l'écran de fumée. Et au signal, on bombarde.Captain, lay the smoke screen, and when l give the signal, start the bombardment.
Chargés de particules venant du soleil, le vent solaire, bombarde constamment la Terre.Charged particles from the Sun, the solar wind, are constantly bombarding the Earth.
Et le meilleur, c'est que je la bombarde avec ses propres devoirs.And the best part is I'm bombarding her with her own homework.
Oh, ça va, bombarde moiOh, no, bombard me. Bombard me.
Elle a été créée en la bombardant de rayon gamma.It was created by bombarding the plant with gamma rays.
Je testais un alliage, en le bombardant d'électrons.I was testing an alloy, bombarding it with electrons.
Nous, le roi et le cardinal voulions leur apprendre la charité chrétienne en les bombardant pour qu'ils se rendent.We tried to teach the rebels the meaning of Christian charity, by bombarding them into surrender.
Ou c'est comme ça qu'on baisse son estime d'elle-même, en la bombardant d'un vocabulaire confus.Or, that's how we lower her self-esteem, by bombarding her with confusing vocabulary.
pour détendre ta chimpanzé mentalement fragile au lieu de rendre son col de l'utérus fermé comme une huître en la bombardant d'un déluge de prévisions de relax your already mentally fragile ape-wife instead of making her cervix snap shut like a barnacle by bombarding her with a barrage of pregnancy statistics.

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