Bannir (to banish) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of bannir

Present tense
je bannis
I banish
tu bannis
you banish
il/elle/on bannit
he/she/it banishes
nous bannissons
we banish
vous bannissez
you all banish
ils/elles bannissent
they banish
Present perfect tense
j’ai banni
I banished
tu as banni
you banished
il/elle/on a banni
he/she/it banished
nous avons banni
we banished
vous avez banni
you all banished
ils/elles ont banni
they banished
Past impf. tense
je bannissais
I was banishing
tu bannissais
you were banishing
il/elle/on bannissait
he/she/it was banishing
nous bannissions
we were banishing
vous bannissiez
you all were banishing
ils/elles bannissaient
they were banishing
Future tense
je bannirai
I will banish
tu banniras
you will banish
il/elle/on bannira
he/she/it will banish
nous bannirons
we will banish
vous bannirez
you all will banish
ils/elles banniront
they will banish
Past perfect tense
j’avais banni
I had banished
tu avais banni
you had banished
il/elle/on avait banni
he/she/it had banished
nous avions banni
we had banished
vous aviez banni
you all had banished
ils/elles avaient banni
they had banished
Past preterite tense
je bannis
I banished
tu bannis
you banished
il/elle/on bannit
he/she/it banished
nous bannîmes
we banished
vous bannîtes
you all banished
ils/elles bannirent
they banished
Past anterior tense
j’eus banni
I had banished
tu eus banni
you had banished
il/elle/on eut banni
he/she/it had banished
nous eûmes banni
we had banished
vous eûtes banni
you all had banished
ils/elles eurent banni
they had banished
Future perfect tense
j’aurai banni
I will have banished
tu auras banni
you will have banished
il/elle/on aura banni
he/she/it will have banished
nous aurons banni
we will have banished
vous aurez banni
you all will have banished
ils/elles auront banni
they will have banished
Present subjunctive tense
que je bannisse
that I banish
que tu bannisses
that you banish
qu’il/elle/on bannisse
that he/she/it banish
que nous bannissions
that we banish
que vous bannissiez
that you all banish
qu’ils/elles bannissent
that they banish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie banni
that I have banished
que tu aies banni
that you have banished
qu’il/elle/on ait banni
that he/she/it have banished
que nous ayons banni
that we have banished
que vous ayez banni
that you all have banished
qu’ils/elles aient banni
that they have banished
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je bannisse
that I would banish
que tu bannisses
that you would banish
qu’il/elle/on bannît
that he/she/it would banish
que nous bannissions
that we would banish
que vous bannissiez
that you all would banish
qu’ils/elles bannissent
that they would banish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse banni
that I had banished
que tu eusses banni
that you had banished
qu’il/elle/on eût banni
that he/she/it had banished
que nous eussions banni
that we had banished
que vous eussiez banni
that you all had banished
qu’ils/elles eussent banni
that they had banished
Conditional mood
je bannirais
I would banish
tu bannirais
you would banish
il/elle/on bannirait
he/she/it would banish
nous bannirions
we would banish
vous banniriez
you all would banish
ils/elles banniraient
they would banish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais banni
I would have banished
tu aurais banni
you would have banished
il/elle/on aurait banni
he/she/it would have banished
nous aurions banni
we would have banished
vous auriez banni
you all would have banished
ils/elles auraient banni
they would have banished
Imperative mood
let's banish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie banni
have banished
ayons banni
let's have banished
ayez banni
have banished

Examples of bannir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Et peut-être que son premier décret sera de bannir ceux qui lui ont pourri la vie !"Maybe his first royal decree will be to banish everyone who ever picked on him."
- Il faut bannir l'esprit !You must banish the spirit!
- Prue n'a pas jeté de sort. Elle a vaincu ses peurs pour le bannir.- Prue didn't banish him with a spell, she banished him by conquering her fears.
- Vous pensez pouvoir me bannir ?~ You think you can banish me?
Afin de bannir les mauvaises influences.So we can banish negative influences.
"Le Dr. Power Pants a été banni""Dr. Power Pants has been banished
"Nous avons banni son âme avec du sang et des flammes, puis brûlé son corps pour détruire son esprit.""We banished her soul with blood and flame, then burned her body so her spirit could not walk again."
"On a banni la discrimination de nos lois... bannissons-la de nos coeurs."He said,"We banished discrimination from our laws now let's banish it from our minds and hearts."
"Roméo est banni ! ""Romeo is banished! "
- Benny dit que tu l'as banni.- Benny says you banished him.
"Et bénis soient les enfants des hommes, car ils sont bannis de la nuit sans fin."And blessed be the children of men, for they are banished from the night without end.
"Regarde-nous, orphelins, bannis de notre maison.Look at us, orphans, banished from our own home.
- Alors bannis moi.- Then banish me.
- Les Bermogg ont été bannis.- The Bermoggs were banished.
Alex a dit que le pretre symbolisait Dieu... les enfants, l'innocence perdue... et nous trois, une Eve avec deux Adam... bannis du paradis... pour errer l'eternite durant parce que nous avions peche.Alex said that the priest symbolized God... the children, lost innocence... and the three of us, a postmodern Eve with two Adams... banished from the sacred garden... to wander in the wilderness for eternity because we had sinned.
"On a banni la discrimination de nos lois... bannissons-la de nos coeurs."He said,"We banished discrimination from our laws now let's banish it from our minds and hearts."
"bannissez-moi du vôtre.I beseech you banish me from yours.
- Oh, bannissez-moi, mais ne me tuez pas !O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not!
Bannissez le gros Jack, et bannissez le monde.Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world.
Et bannissez les ténèbres pour nous délivrer du mal qui hante ces lieux.And banish the wretched darkness that we may rid this dwelling of evil.
Le bon Falstaff, le fidèle Falstaff, le vaillant Falstaff. Falstaff d'autant plus vaillant qu'il est vieux. Ne le bannissez pas du nombre des compagnons de votre fils.And therefore more valiant Jack Falstaff, being as he is old Jack Falstaff, banish not him thy Harry's company.
"cela projète une aurore bannissant Moloch avant qu'il ne soit né.""it projects an aurora banishing Moloch before he is born."
Une partie de l'accord avec notre roi était un décret bannissant Piers Gaveston.Part of the accordance with our king was a decree banishing Piers Gaveston.
Votre Majesté a commencé une grande oeuvre en bannissant l'idole monstrueuse qu'est Rome.Your Majesty has begun a great work in banishing the monstrous idol of Rome.

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