Ajatella (to think about) conjugation

115 examples
kotus type 67/tulla, tt-t gradation

Conjugation of ajatella

Present tense
I think about
you think about
he/she thinks about
we think about
you all think about
they think about
is thought about
Past tense
I thought about
you thought about
he/she thought about
we thought about
you all thought about
they thought about
was thought about
Conditional mood
I would think about
you would think about
he/she would think about
we would think about
you all would think about
they would think about
would be thought about
Imperative mood
think about!
think about!
let's think about!
think about!
think about!
be thought about!
Potential tense
I probably think about
you probably think about
he/she probably thinks about
we probably think about
you all probably think about
they probably think about
probably is thought about
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to think about
to think about
while thinking about
while thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
thinking about
just about to think about
Passive infinitives
while not thinking about
not thinking about
thinking about
thought about
thought about
Passive participles
not thought about
not thought about
Present negative tense
en ajattele
I do not think about
et ajattele
you do not think about
ei ajattele
he/she do not think about
emme ajattele
we do not think about
ette ajattele
you all do not think about
eivät ajattele
they do not think about
ei ajatella
is not thought about
Past negative tense
en ajatellut
I did not think about
et ajatellut
you did not think about
ei ajatellut
he/she did not think about
emme ajatelleet
we did not think about
ette ajatelleet
you all did not think about
eivät ajatelleet
they did not think about
oli ajateltu
had been thought about
Conditional negative tense
en ajattelisi
I would not think about
et ajattelisi
you would not think about
ei ajattelisi
he/she would not think about
emme ajattelisi
we would not think about
ette ajattelisi
you all would not think about
eivät ajattelisi
they would not think about
Imperative negative mood
älä ajattele
do not think about!
älköön ajatelko
let him/her/it not think about!
älkäämme ajatelko
let's not think about!
älkää ajatelko
do not think about!
älkööt ajatelko
do not think about!
Potential negative tense
en ajatelle
I probably do not think about
et ajatelle
you probably do not think about
ei ajatelle
he/she probably does not think about
emme ajatelle
we probably do not think about
ette ajatelle
you all probably do not think about
eivät ajatelle
they probably do not think about
Present perfect tense
olen ajatellut
I have thought about
olet ajatellut
you have thought about
on ajatellut
he/she has thought about
olemme ajatelleet
we have thought about
olette ajatelleet
you all have thought about
ovat ajatelleet
they have thought about
on ajateltu
has been thought about
Past perfect tense
olin ajatellut
I had thought about
olit ajatellut
you had thought about
oli ajatellut
he/she had thought about
olimme ajatelleet
we had thought about
olitte ajatelleet
you all had thought about
olivat ajatelleet
they had thought about
Conditional perfect tense
olisin ajatellut
I would have thought about
olisit ajatellut
you would have thought about
olisi ajatellut
he/she would have thought about
olisimme ajatelleet
we would have thought about
olisitte ajatelleet
you all would have thought about
olisivat ajatelleet
they would have thought about
olisi ajateltu
would has been thought about
Imperative perfect tense
ole ajatellut
you have thought about!
olkoon ajatellut
he/she have thought about!
olkaamme ajatelleet
we have thought about!
olkaa ajatelleet
you all have thought about!
olkoot ajatelleet
they have thought about!
olkoon ajateltu
has been thought about!
Potential perfect tense
lienen ajatellut
I probably have thought about
lienet ajatellut
you probably have thought about
lienee ajatellut
he/she probably has thought about
lienemme ajatelleet
we probably have thought about
lienette ajatelleet
you all probably have thought about
lienevät ajatelleet
they probably have thought about
lienee ajateltu
probably has been thought about
Present perfect negative tense
en ole ajatellut
I have not thought about
et ole ajatellut
you have not thought about
ei ole ajatellut
he/she has not thought about
emme ole ajatelleet
we have not thought about
ette ole ajatelleet
you all have not thought about
eivät ole ajatelleet
they have not thought about
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut ajatellut
I had not thought about
et ollut ajatellut
you had not thought about
ei ollut ajatellut
he/she had not thought about
emme olleet ajatelleet
we had not thought about
ette olleet ajatelleet
you all had not thought about
eivät olleet ajatelleet
they had not thought about
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi ajatellut
I would not have thought about
et olisi ajatellut
you would not have thought about
ei olisi ajatellut
he/she would not have thought about
emme olisi ajatelleet
we would not have thought about
ette olisi ajatelleet
you all would not have thought about
eivät olisi ajatelleet
they would not have thought about
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole ajatellut
you have thought about!
olkoon ajatellut
he/she have thought about!
olkaamme ajatelleet
we have thought about!
olkaa ajatelleet
you all have thought about!
olkoot ajatelleet
they have thought about!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene ajatellut
I probably have not thought about
et liene ajatellut
you probably have not thought about
ei liene ajatellut
he/she probably has not thought about
emme liene ajatelleet
we probably have not thought about
ette liene ajatelleet
you all probably have not thought about
eivät liene ajatelleet
they probably have not thought about

Examples of ajatella

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Juuri nyt sinun täytyy ajatella rakkaitasi.""Right now you need to think about the people who love you."
"Paikka, jossa voin ajatella rauhassa ja pohtia isoja kysymyksiä"."The one place I feel peaceful and can think about the big questions."
"Rakas Jan, olen kiireitteni ja menestyksen keskellä -" "ajatella sitä mikä meni vikaan."My dearest Jan, I've taken some time out of my incredibly successful schedule to think about recent events, and I've come to a conclusion.
"osaan ajatella vain yhtä sanaa:"and all I think about is another four-letter-word:
- Aion ajatella vain Lexiä.I am only going to think about Lexi.
"Kaipaan sinua öisin, ajattelen sinua jatkuvasti.""I miss you at night. I think about you all the time. "I couldn't get through this without you.
- Anna kun ajattelen asiaa.- Let me think about that. - Okay.
- Antakaa kuusi, niin ajattelen asiaa.Make it six and I'll think about it.
- Anteeksi, mutta kun ajattelen sitä kusen melkein housuihini.- l can't helP it. Every time l think about it...
- Ei sillä, että ajattelen Fozzie-karhua.Not that I think about Fozzie Bear.
- Ehkä ajattelet asiaa sitten.Maybe you'll think about it then. No. Angel.
- Ei järjestetä enää perheillallisia. - Mitä ajattelet ideasta: "määränpäänä joulu"?- Honey, no more family dinners, okay - = what do you think about a destination cúristmas?
- Ei niin, mutta mitä ajattelet siitä?You keep saying that, but what do you think about it?
- Eli ajattelet sitä.So you do think about it. - No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding!
- Haluan tietää mitä ajattelet tästä.-I wanna know what you think about this.
- Ei edes se, mitä hän ajattelee sinusta?- Not even in what he thinks about you?
- En tiedä, mitä Jumala tästä kaikesta ajattelee.Oh, I don't know what God thinks about all this.
- Katsotaan, mitä hän ajattelee siitä.See what she thinks about it.
- Mikä on mies, joka ajattelee vain...What do you call a man who thinks about nothing but--?
-Hän ajattelee sinua jatkuvasti.- Don't say that. - She thinks about you all the time.
Ei ole syytä kieltäytyä varmasta työstä paitsi jos ajattelemme, ettemme halua olla yhdessä viittä vuotta.You know, we have Lux to think about. There is just no reason to say no to job security unless we thought we wouldn't want to spend the next five years together.
Emme tiedä niiden kytköksistä, mutta rekisteröimme ne - ja sitten ajattelemme niitä.There are incidents. We don't know how these incidents connect, but we register them, note the sequence and then we think about them.
He ajattelevat vain avaruuteen palaamista ja me ajattelemme sitä, että saamme heidät taas kotiin.All they ever do is think about going back into space and all we ever think about is getting them back home
Hänellä ei ollut vaikutusvaltaa eikä yhteyksiä. Hän oli 19-vuotias ja muutti tavan, jolla ajattelemme Internetistä.Here was a guy with no clout, no connections, 19 years old and he really changed the way we think about the internet.
Meidän piti kirjoittaa nimemme ja kaikki jutut, joita ajattelemme.We had to write our name and all the things we think about.
- En ajattele sellaista. - Kyllä ajattelette.I don't think about leaping off buildings.
- Haluan, että ajattelette Tracy Jordania.I want you to think about Tracy Jordan.
- Mitä ajattelette kieltolaista? - Juotteko te, mr Ness?What do you think about prohibition, Mr. Ness?
- Mitä ajattelette rakkaudesta?-What do you think about love?
- Te saksit ajattelette vain rahaa!-Pay! Pay! That's all you Saxons think about.
- Et kestäisi, mitä ihmiset todella ajattelevat sinusta. - Uskon, että kestän.You couldn't take what people really think about you.
- On hyvin tärkeä tietää, mitä ihmiset ajattelevat sinusta.-They will. It's important what people think about us.
- Snobit ajattelevat vain urheilua.Cos all jocks think about is sports.
-He vain ajattelevat sitä.- They just think about it.
Anla'shokina oleminen ei tarkoita sitä, että murehdimme mitä muut ajattelevat meistä.Being Anla'shok does not mean worrying about what others will think about us.
"Kotimatkalla ajattelin häntä paljon. ""And then when I was walking home, I thought about her a lot.
- En, mutta ajattelin ostaa.But I thought about it.
- Minä ajattelin juuri siskojanii.- I just thought about my sisters.
- Minäkin ajattelin sinua.- I thought about you, too.
- Minäkin ajattelin sitä.Oh, i thought about it.
- Mitä tarkoitat, että ajattelit sitä?What do you mean you thought about it?
- Sitäkö ajattelit?You thought about that, Tish?
-Blackjackia sinä vain ajattelit.All you thought about was blackjack.
Eilen sanoit, että ajattelit pysyä poissa, mutta...Last night you said you'd thought about not returning... but...
Et harkinnut antavasi rohdosta papparaiselle. Tappamistani ajattelit.You may never have considered dosing the old man... but you just thought about killing me.
Ed ajatteli vain sitä.It was all she thought about.
En osaa sanoa, mitä hän ajatteli. ― Mitä te ajattelitte hänestä?I couldn't say what she thought about anything. Eh bien. Tell to us what you thought about her.
En tiedä, mitä Corinna ajatteli, mutta hän oli pian paras kaverini.I have no idea, what Corinna thought about us. I just know that she will soon be my best friend .
En tiennyt että poikani ajatteli edelleen Madeleine'a.I didn't know he still thought about Madeleine.
Ennen kuolemaansa Lila Dash ajatteli - aviomiestään, Davea.the last thing lila dash thought about before she died... was her husband dave.
Ja me molemmat ajattelimme sitä.And... we both thought about it; He knows that.
Me ajattelimme Queen's Clubiaja Roland Garrosia.Cos we thought about Queen's Club and Roland Garros.
Me vain ajattelimme, että meidän on tehtävä se.We just sat there and thought about, this was something we had to do.
Mietimme sitä Nogin kanssa, mutta ajattelimme että sinun on parempi kertoa hänelle itse.Nog and I thought about it, but, uh... we thought it would be better if you told her yourself.
Mietimme sitä pitkään, ja kun alkoi kuulua outoja syytöksiä ajattelimme auttaa kaikkia olemaan pelkäämättä.Well, we thought about it for a long time and... with all these weird accusations starting to surface, we decided that it was best to help everyone not be afraid.
En osaa sanoa, mitä hän ajatteli. ― Mitä te ajattelitte hänestä?I couldn't say what she thought about anything. Eh bien. Tell to us what you thought about her.
Kunnes ajattelitte niitä. ― Aivan.Till you thought about them. Exactly.
Osoitatte olevanne konsultointipalkkionne arvoinen... kertomalla mitä näitte... ette mitä ajattelitte.I see you're eager to justify your consulting fee... but why don't we start with what you saw... not what you thought about what you saw?
He ajattelivat vain panssarivaunuja, tykistöä ja motorisoitua jalkaväkeä.They just thought about tank brigades artillery och motorized infantry. Troups in general.
Ihan sama, mitä he ajattelivat siitä.And I don't care what they thought about it.
Kaikki varmaan ajattelivat sitä, mutta siitä ei koskaan puhuttu ääneen.Everyone must have thought about it deep down, but it never got... it never come out vocally.
Kyselin New Yorkin kaduilla, mitä tavalliset amerikkalaiset ajattelivat - pohjoisesta naapuristaan.I hit the streets of New York to find out what the average American thought about our friendly neighbour to the north.
Siksi tiedän nyt - että kämppikseni ajattelivat minua masturboidessaan.I don't want to live in a world with secrets. And that means that I now know my three roommates have all thought about me while self-completing.
Mitähän Hayes ajattelisi tästä jos hän tietäisi, että myit minut äänien takia.I wonder what Secretary Hayes would think about this... if he was to know how you dealt me away... for bases, for votes.
Mitähän dekaani siitä ajattelisi?I wonder what the dean would think about that.
Mitäköhän äitisi ajattelisi niistä?I wonder what your mother would think about your choices.
"En ajattele sinua."I heard very clearly, "I don't think about you, Schmidt."
"Muista. ÄIä ajattele sitä.""Remember, don't think about it."
"Pahan otus ei ole totta, ellet ajattele sitä.""The Evil Thing isn't real unless you think about it."
"Pahan otus ei ole totta, ellet ajattele sitä."The Evil Thing is not real unless you think about it."
Ennen kuin sanotte mitään, ajatelkaa, mitä sijoituksenne säästää.Now, before you say anything think about the type of money that you'll save with this investment.
Ennen kuin vastaatte, ajatelkaa lapsen hyvinvointia.Before you answer, I just want you to think about the well-being of this child.
Eversti, ajatelkaa tyttöjä.Sir. Please think about the girls.
Iisisti nyt, ajatelkaa vähän mitä olette tekemässä, kaverit.Slow it down, slow it down Just think about what you're doing here. Just think about what we're doing here, guys.
Jestas, ajatelkaa...Oh, man. I just think about that.
- Ei tarvitse joulupukkia tai asetta ajatellakseen noin.You don't need to see a Santa or a gun to think about it!
-Outoa, olin juuri ajattelemassa sinua.- Damn, that's weird, I was thinking about you.
Ettekö siis pelänneet, että olisin kotona koko viikonlopun ajattelemassa Caseya?Well, so you weren't worried I'd be home alone all weekend thinking about Casey?
Istuin tässä ajattelemassa kuningaskuntaani.I was just thinking about my kingdom.
Jos istun terassilla tai rannalla, istun ajattelemassa niitä.If I sit on the terrace or the beach, I sit there thinking about it.
Kun istut kotona ajattelemassa häntä, hän pitää hauskaa ajattelematta sinua.While you're thinking about him he's having a good time not thinking about you.
"En voi lakata ajattelemasta sitä baaria, jossa se tyyppi tuli vokottelemaan minua.""I can't stop thinking about that bar in Lubbock, "when that wildcatter started chatting me up.
"En voi unohtaa ajattelemasta sitä hylättyä motellia matkallamme Lubbockista.""I can't stop thinking about that run-down motel "on the way from Lubbock.
"Hän ei voinut lakata ajattelemasta tarinaa."He couldn't stop thinking about that story."
- Aion lakata ajattelemasta sinua.- I'm gonna stop thinking about you.
- En ole koskaan lakannut ajattelemasta sitä.I never stop thinking about it...
- Koska sait minut ajattelemaan kalaa.That would've been better. Because you got me thinking about fish.
- Mikä sai sinut ajattelemaan tätä kaikkea?And what made you start thinking about all this?
- Olin muutamalla oluella, - ja alettuani ajattelemaan sitä oli se päivänselvää, - joten miksi et vaan myöntäisi sitä?Well, I was out, having a few beers, and it was so obvious once I started thinking about it, so why don't you just come out and admit it, Riley?
- Se pani minut ajattelemaan.And I got to thinking about it.
- Se sai minut ajattelemaan tätä. - Niin mitä?That's what got me thinking about this.
Et tajua, että kulutat ehkä - 20 prosenttia ajastasi ajattelemalla sitä rottaa.You don't realize you're spending... twenty percent of your time thinking about him.
Hän oli ensimmäinen kaveri, joka pidätteli laukeamista - ajattelemalla urheilua.You know who this is? He was the first guy to keep from shooting his load by thinking about sports.
Kestin sellaisen ajattelemalla vaimoani.I'd get through it thinking about my wife.
Minä löydän rohkeuden ajattelemalla hänen hävitystään.I'll find the courage in thinking about his destruction.
Olen saanut nämä jutut tapahtumaan vain ajattelemalla niitä.I made these things come true just by thinking about them.
"En voi olla ajattelematta kirjanne pahuutta."I cannot stop thinking about the wickedness of your book.
- En voi lakata ajattelematta häntä.- I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.
- En voi olla ajattelematta Iristä.I can't stop thinking about Iris.
- En voi olla ajattelematta häntä.I can't stop thinking about her.
- En voi olla ajattelematta perhettäsi, poikiasi.I just keep thinking about your family, your boys.
- Eli minun pitäisi lopettaa pornon ajatteleminen?So I should stop thinking about German porn. No, no.
-Lopeta vain itsesi ajatteleminen.Will you stop thinking about yourself for once in your life and start...
Anna minun lopettaa sen ajatteleminen.Then... please let me stop thinking about it.
Anteeksi, Charlien ajatteleminen saa minut pois tolaltani.Sorry... I'm just... I'm just a little bit upset thinking about Charlie.
- En voi lopettaa puskan ajattelemista.Me, I just... I just can't stop thinking about bush.
- Jatkatko sitten ajattelemista? - En!Were you thinking about it just then?
- Mutten voi lopettaa sen ajattelemista.Good for you. But I can't stop thinking about it.
En koskaan lopettanut ajattelemista mitä Jakelle tapahtui.I have never stopped thinking about what happened to jake.
En voi lopettaa tämän pikkupossun ajattelemista.I'm just... I can't stop thinking about this little piglet.
"En oikeastaan. Olen ajatellut muita asioita kuten Columbinea." Hän oli todella innostunut siitä ja minä olin, -I've thought about other things like Columbine." And he really was into that and I was like, "Well I could either be alone or I could join his plan and be with him and not be alone."
"Ja kun olen ajatellut sinua, kaivannut sinua.""And right after I've thought about you, longed for you. "
"Olen ajatellut kertoa poliisille, mutta en kestä sitä.""I've thought about going to the police, but I can't face it.
- Aivan. Et ole ajatellut asiaa.- Exactly, you have not thought about it.
- En ajatellut asiaa.I hadn't thought about it.

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