Ajaa (to drive) conjugation

141 examples
This verb can also mean the following: advocate certain idea, shave, advocate, pursue, force, run, force into a certain state, travel in a vehicle, chase, execute, do, operate a device, cut, operate, deport, expel, herd, ride, transport in a car kotus type 56/kaivaa, no gradation

Conjugation of ajaa

Present tense
I drive
you drive
he/she drives
we drive
you all drive
they drive
is driven
Past tense
I drove
you drove
he/she drove
we drove
you all drove
they drove
was driven
Conditional mood
I would drive
you would drive
he/she would drive
we would drive
you all would drive
they would drive
would be driven
Imperative mood
let's drive!
be driven!
Potential tense
I probably drive
you probably drive
he/she probably drives
we probably drive
you all probably drive
they probably drive
probably is driven
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to drive
to drive
while driving
while driving
just about to drive
Passive infinitives
while not driving
not driving
Passive participles
not driven
not driven
Present negative tense
en aja
I do not drive
et aja
you do not drive
ei aja
he/she do not drive
emme aja
we do not drive
ette aja
you all do not drive
eivät aja
they do not drive
ei ajeta
is not driven
Past negative tense
en ajanut
I did not drive
et ajanut
you did not drive
ei ajanut
he/she did not drive
emme ajaneet
we did not drive
ette ajaneet
you all did not drive
eivät ajaneet
they did not drive
oli ajettu
had been driven
Conditional negative tense
en ajaisi
I would not drive
et ajaisi
you would not drive
ei ajaisi
he/she would not drive
emme ajaisi
we would not drive
ette ajaisi
you all would not drive
eivät ajaisi
they would not drive
Imperative negative mood
älä aja
do not drive!
älköön ajako
let him/her/it not drive!
älkäämme ajako
let's not drive!
älkää ajako
do not drive!
älkööt ajako
do not drive!
Potential negative tense
en ajane
I probably do not drive
et ajane
you probably do not drive
ei ajane
he/she probably does not drive
emme ajane
we probably do not drive
ette ajane
you all probably do not drive
eivät ajane
they probably do not drive
Present perfect tense
olen ajanut
I have driven
olet ajanut
you have driven
on ajanut
he/she has driven
olemme ajaneet
we have driven
olette ajaneet
you all have driven
ovat ajaneet
they have driven
on ajettu
has been driven
Past perfect tense
olin ajanut
I had driven
olit ajanut
you had driven
oli ajanut
he/she had driven
olimme ajaneet
we had driven
olitte ajaneet
you all had driven
olivat ajaneet
they had driven
Conditional perfect tense
olisin ajanut
I would have driven
olisit ajanut
you would have driven
olisi ajanut
he/she would have driven
olisimme ajaneet
we would have driven
olisitte ajaneet
you all would have driven
olisivat ajaneet
they would have driven
olisi ajettu
would has been driven
Imperative perfect tense
ole ajanut
you have driven!
olkoon ajanut
he/she have driven!
olkaamme ajaneet
we have driven!
olkaa ajaneet
you all have driven!
olkoot ajaneet
they have driven!
olkoon ajettu
has been driven!
Potential perfect tense
lienen ajanut
I probably have driven
lienet ajanut
you probably have driven
lienee ajanut
he/she probably has driven
lienemme ajaneet
we probably have driven
lienette ajaneet
you all probably have driven
lienevät ajaneet
they probably have driven
lienee ajettu
probably has been driven
Present perfect negative tense
en ole ajanut
I have not driven
et ole ajanut
you have not driven
ei ole ajanut
he/she has not driven
emme ole ajaneet
we have not driven
ette ole ajaneet
you all have not driven
eivät ole ajaneet
they have not driven
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut ajanut
I had not driven
et ollut ajanut
you had not driven
ei ollut ajanut
he/she had not driven
emme olleet ajaneet
we had not driven
ette olleet ajaneet
you all had not driven
eivät olleet ajaneet
they had not driven
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi ajanut
I would not have driven
et olisi ajanut
you would not have driven
ei olisi ajanut
he/she would not have driven
emme olisi ajaneet
we would not have driven
ette olisi ajaneet
you all would not have driven
eivät olisi ajaneet
they would not have driven
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole ajanut
you have driven!
olkoon ajanut
he/she have driven!
olkaamme ajaneet
we have driven!
olkaa ajaneet
you all have driven!
olkoot ajaneet
they have driven!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene ajanut
I probably have not driven
et liene ajanut
you probably have not driven
ei liene ajanut
he/she probably has not driven
emme liene ajaneet
we probably have not driven
ette liene ajaneet
you all probably have not driven
eivät liene ajaneet
they probably have not driven

Examples of ajaa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Aiotko murtautua Julian taloon?" Vastasin: "Ellei poikani ole siellä, - voit ajaa minut itse hullujenhuoneelle."I told her I was going to get my kid back, and she said, "You're going to break into Julia's house?" And I said, "if he's not there, you can drive me to the loony bin yourself."
"Alle 25-vuotiaat eivät saa ajaa tai vuokrata -"You must be at least 25-years-old to drive
"Brooklyn on hänelle vain paikka, jonka läpi limusiini ajaa" "matkalla lentokentälle."For her, Brooklyn is just a place for her limo driver to pass through on her way to J.F.K. Why do you care what she thinks?
"En voi ajaa kabrioletillani, koska päässäni viheltää."Look at what she did to me! I can't drive in the convertible 'cause my head whistles."
"Juutalaiset eivät saa astua ratikkaan tai ajaa autoa.""Jews are banned from trams and forbidden to drive. "
"Minulla on pitkä tukka ja ajan moottoripyörää."I have long hair and drive a motorcycle.
"Siinä tapauksessa minä ajan ruumisvaunujanne.""Oh, hell." "If that's what's holding things up, I'll drive it."
- Ajan, ajan...Now drive! -I'm driving the thing right now.
- Anna kun minä ajan.- Let me drive.
- Anna minä ajan rouva.- Let me drive this car, ma'am.
"Kun ajat, olet ajatuksissasi. Olemme samanlaisia siinä mielessä."Whenever you drive, your mind seems like you're lost in thought.
- Ei ainakaan jos sinä ajat!- Not the way you drive!
- Ei silti haittaisi, jos ajat hitaammin.It still wouldn't kill you to drive more slowly. Why?
- En, mutta haluan kylläkin, että ajat.- No, but I do want you to drive.
- Että sinä ajat.I'm thinking you drive.
"Astelen ulos kuin Paul Newman, ja ajamme pois kuin olisimme voittaneet leivänpaahtimen."You said: "Kate, I'm going to stroll out like Paul Newman, you'll be waiting in the car and then we'll drive away like we got a free toaster."
'Otamme Pete'n auton,ajamme äidilleni, 'Menemme sisään,hoitelemme Philipin.''We take Pete's car, we drive over to Mum's, 'we go in, we take care of Philip.'
- Ehkä ajamme joskus sinne yllättämään sinut.Well, hey, maybe we'll drive up sometime, surprise you.
- Miten kauan ajamme?- How far did we drive?
- Olen kuullut, että siellä on 2000 sotilasta tien varressa jota pitkin ajamme ja...I'm told there will be 2,000 Imperial troops lining the road we'll have to drive, and, um...
- Kummalla puolella te ajatte?- What side of the street do you drive on?
- Miksi ajatte noilla?Why do you drive those things? - What?
- Millaista autoa ajatte? - Ajan moottoripyörällä.All right, out of curiosity, what kind of car do you drive?
- Millä ajatte?Oh, yeah? What do you drive?
- Millä autoilla te ajatte?So what do you drive? - Your cars. - Um...
"ajavat muut elämänmuodot hulluiksi."drive all life-forms wild.
- He ajavat minut pois kuitenkin.They're gonna drive me, anyways.
- Kaikki ajavat oikealla puolella.Yeah, everybody drives on the right side of the street.
- Kaikki muut ajavat ylinopeutta.Everybody in the universe drives over the speed limit, Nancy.
- Koska pojista, jotka ajavat tulee isiä, jotka ajavat.Because boys who drive become fathers who drive.
"Myöhemmin ajoin paikalle ja näin suuria kasoja maata sen lähellä.""Thereupon l drove to the site and saw near it great mounds of earth.
"Panin puukon pinkkiin pussiin - ajoin Stonyvalen sillalle ja heitin sen alas."I put the knife into a pink trash bag. I drove over to Stoneyville bridge and threw it in.
- Asuin Vegasissa ja halusin nähdä Tyynenmeren, - joten otin vanhan Buickin ja ajoin viikonlopun ja jäin tänne. - Kuusi taalaa yöltä.I was living in Vegas, and I wanted to see the Pacific, so I got in the old Buick and drove out for the weekend and stayed here-- six bucks a night.
- Ei ku ajoin konetta.- No, I drove the machines.
- En, ajoin Palm Springsiin...- No, I drove out toward palm springs--
- Autosi on edessä, joten sinä ajoit.Your car is outside, so we know you drove.
- En usko, että ajoit tänne asti neuvomaan minua.You know I sincerely doubt that you drove all this way to try to parent me.
- Itse ajoit minut tähän tilanteeseen!You drove me to this!
- Ja se auto, jota ajoit.- And you know that car you drove?
- Jos ajoit hänet takaisin Stanin luo, minä...- If you drove her back to Stan, I'll...
"Dean liukui rakkaan Impalansa ratin taakse ja ajoi pois, - muovin heiluessa takaikkunassa kuin variksen siivet.""Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved impala "And drove off, "The plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow."
"Hyökkääjä ajoi Kennetin lattiaan tuolilla," - "hyppäsi pystyyn ja polkaisi tätä päähän."According to Miss Nicodet, the assailant drove Mr. Kennet to the floor with a barstool and then jumped up and stomped on his head."
"Hän jätti minut risumetsään ja ajoi autolla kotiin.""He left me alone out in the woods and drove off home."
"Ja henki ajoi hänet autiomaahan.""And the spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness."
"Mikä ajoi Napoleonin marssimaan kohti Moskovaa?"What drove Napoleon to keep marching toward Moscow?
- Bree, ajoimme juuri kolme tuntia tänne.Bree, we just drove 3 hours to get here.
- Ja tuon jälkeen ajoimme tänne?- And after that, we drove here.
- Kun ajoimme New Yorkiin.- When we drove to New York.
- Kun ajoimme parkkipaikalle sunnuntaina, - ajattelimme, että joku oli ollut grillaamassa.That Sunday, when we drove in the parking lot we just thought somebody had been barbecuing.
- Lauantaina ajoimme Galvestoniin.Saturday we drove to Galveston, and stayed there.
- Silloinko ajoitte Jesse Pinkmanin kotiin?And it was at this point you drove to the home of Jesse Pinkman?
- Te ajoitte hänet siihen!That's terrible. You drove her to it.
-Te ajoitte Mercedeksellänne.You did. You drove your Mercedes.
Annoitte meille kurjimmat maat ja kun laumamme olivat lannoittaneet - ne hedelmällisiksi ajoitte meidät pois, - jotta tilallisenne voivat kasvat- taa viisinkertaisen määrän ohraaYou gave us your worst lands. After our herds made the earth fertile with dung you drove us off so your farmers could grow barley fivefold.
Fran, kerroit minulle, ― että sinä ja Rob ajoitte Bridlingtoniin sinä lauantaina, ― päivää ennen Susien ruumiin löytymistä.So, Fran, you told me that you and Rob drove over to Bridlington on the Saturday the day before Susie's body was found. Yeah.
"Auton takavalot loistivat kuin perhonen, kun tappajat ajoivat pois.""Taillights lit up all across the back like a butterfly, as the killer's car drove away."
"He pilkkasivat poikaani ja ajoivat luokanvalvojansa kuolemaan.""They mocked my son and drove their class teacher to his death."
- Ehkä he ajoivat itse.Perhaps they drove themselves.
- He ajoivat 90 minuuttia tänne.They drove 90 minutes to get here.
- He ajoivat meidät tänne.They drove us onto this plane.
- Meidät ajettiin planeetaltamme...- We were driven from our pl...
Eskimot ajettiin pois tukikohtanne tieltä.Eskimos were driven away because you would have more base.
Heidät ajettiin kodeistaan.They were driven from their homes.
Heidät ajettiin pois sata vuotta sitten.- They were driven out 100 years ago.
Junat saapuivat ja ihmiset ajettiin pamppujen avulla ulos.The trains arrived and the people were driven out with clubs.
Jos lapsi olisi jälkeenjäänyt, ajaisin maaseudulle, - avaisin oven ja sanoisin:I basically, you know? If the kid is retarted. I would drive it up to the country, and just like, open the door and i'm gonna set you free now.
Jos sinä olisit Harry Soffer, mitä näistä ajaisit?Now, if you were Harry Soffer, which car would drive?
12 leikkausta ilman eloonjääneitä ajaisi kenet tahansa hulluuteen.12 attempts at the same surgery with no survivors would drive any good man mad.
Aivan kuin se ajaisi psykoosin pois.They were beaten. As if whipping them bloody would drive the psychosis out.
Emme hoksanneet, että myrsky ajaisi teidät luoliin.We never thought the storm would drive you into the caves.
En voinut kuvitella, että 11-vuotias poikani ajaisi sen järveen vain pari kuukautta myöhemmin.I had absolutely no idea my 11-year-old son would drive that car into the lake only two months later.
Ennen kuin ammut ketään, mieti mikä ajaisi miehen - vangitsemaan itsensä paskatankkiin?- Pat, be reasonable. Before you think of shooting anyone, just for a second think, what would drive a man to incarcerate himself in the septic tank?
- Ajattelin, että jos ottaisin rahat, - ajaisimme koko perhe Kanadaan ja eläisimme ansaitsemaamme elämää.Well, Peg, I thought if I did take it, you and me and the kids would drive up to Canada and live the life we deserve.
Kerran minä toivoin, - että vanhempani ajaisivat kolarin ja kuolisivat.Once I thought, no, once I wished... That my parents would drive off the road in their car and die.
Ne ajaisivat hänet maailmalle etsimään seikkailua ja jatkamaan taistelua, kunnes eräänä päivänä hän ehkä palaisi hallitakseen Skorpionikuninkaana.It would drive him out into the wide world for further adventures and further battles until one day perhaps he would return to become the Scorpion King.
Uskovat ajaisivat pois ne, jotka eivät noudattaneet totuutta. Kuten teimme kauan sitten.The believers would drive out those who did not follow the truth,
"...palasi autoonsa, epäilty lähestyi hiihtonaamio päässään, otti esiin puukon ja sanoi puukottavansa uhria, ellei tämä aja pois ostokeskuksesta.""...upon returning to her car was accosted by above-described suspect in a ski mask, who then produced a knife and stated that he would cut her if she did not drive away from the mall."
"Jos et aja sillä, sinut pitäisi lukita valtion laitokseen.""If you don't drive one, you should be placed in a State facility."
"Kun otat, et aja."You know, like, do not geeze and drive.
"Nopeasti, aja autoani.""Quick, drive my car."
"Silvana, aja minut apteekkiin."Silvana, drive me to the drug dealer.
"Hauturi, ajakaa hiljaa"Undertaker, please drive slow
- Seurantaryhmä, ajakaa kohteen ohi.Follow team, drive past target. I say again, do not engage.
Ajakaa, ajakaa!Go drive, drive!
Etsikää lähin uloskäynti ja ajakaa turvallisesti.Please proceed to the nearest exit and drive safely.
Hakekaa vieraat takaovelta ja ajakaa heidät etuovelle.- Oh, limo. Send them to the back, so the guests can get in, and drive around the block and arrive in front.
"Hän nosti sanomalehden pöydältä - ja alkoi kopistella jalkojaan sanomalehteä heiluttaen - ajaakseen Gregorin takaisin huoneeseensa." "Zhivago...'He lifted a large newspaper from the table... and began stamping his feet... and flourishing the newspaper... to drive Gregor back into his room.'...
- Hän keksii tekosyitä ajaakseen.It'll--it'll keep me focused. Any excuse to drive.
Bison tuo rikollisuuden naapurustoon, ajaakseen maan hinnan alas.Bison's bringing crime into the neighborhoods to drive the land value down.
He sulkevat ilmastoinnin ajaakseen turistit pois - mutta sitten saattavat heidät ulos?They shut off the air to drive out the tourists, then escort them out anyway?
Hän riisui sen ajaakseen.He took it off to drive.
- Uhria ammuttiin, hänen ajaessa.Victim gets shot while driving.
- Älä tekstaile ajaessa.No texting while driving.
-Onko se edes mahdollista ajaessa?You know, I still wonder if it's even physically possible while driving...
Grand mal -kohtaus autoa ajaessa.Grand mal seizure while driving.
Kertoiko lääkäri, ettei ajaessa nukuta?Did the doctor say it is not advisable to fall asleep while driving?
"kunpa en olisi pilkannut ketään ajamassa tätä autoa.""Oh, I wish I had never made fun of anybody driving this car!"
- Adaline oli ajamassa pohjoiseen vanhempiensa rantatalolle jossa 5-vuotias Flemming odotti häntä.Adaline was driving north to her parents beach cottage, where 5 year old Flemming was waiting up for her, when something highly unusual occurred.
- Ajatuskin hänestä ajamassa autoani! - Älä viitsi.-The thought of him driving my car.
- En ole ajamassa.But I'm not driving.
- En. Minä olin juuri ajamassa ohi.Yeah, I was just driving by.
Ellet lakkaa ajamasta näin, hyppään ulos.Michael, if you don't stop driving like this, I'm gonna jump out.
Isä kielsi sinua ajamasta enää.Daddy told you he didn't want you driving no more.
Lopeta sitten ajamasta kuin auto!Then stop driving like one!
Minä kieltäydyn ajamasta.I refuse from driving.
Sanoin hänelle, että juuri museo ja nämä tapaamiset - estivät sinua ajamasta sinä päivänä.And I told her, it was the museum and one of those meetings that kept you from driving that day.
- Ajattelin lähteä ajamaan. ...mutta hän otti aseen ja yritti saada minut ulos autosta. Pääsin onneksi pakenemaan.- Anyway, l was gonna keep on driving, but he pulls out a gun and tries to pull me out of the goddamn car and that's when-- anyway, l managed to hit him and l got away,
- En ole tottunut ajamaan itse.I'm not used to driving myself.
- Enkö minä siis pääse ajamaan lentokoneita?Does this mean I won't be driving any planes?
- Lähdemme ajamaan huomenaamuna.Well, we start driving tomorrow morning.
- Lähdin ajamaan sunnuntaina.- I started driving Sunday.
- Entä kun hän houkutteli perhematkailijoita - ajamalla ympäriinsä ja tarjoamalla lapsille namuja?How about when he was trying to attract families to visit the town by driving his van around other towns and beckoning kids with candy?
- Näitte varmaankin ensimmäisessä jaksossa, kuinka teimme - kunnianosoituksen V8: lle ajamalla Patagonian halki - Barilochen kaupungista alkaen, matkallamme Ushuaiaan, Tierra del Fuegossa.As you probably saw in the first programme, we were doing an homage to the V8, driving all the way across Patagonia, from the town of Bariloche here, on our way to Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego.
-Ostin auton, joten tulen ajamalla.-I bought a car, so I'm driving.
Claude Ebouen ruumis. Hän halveksui Pabloa ajamalla taksiaan samalla kadulla, jolla Pablo virtsasi.The corpse of Claude Eboue, he disrespected Pablo by driving his cab on the same street that Pablo was relieving himself.
Emme pääse täältä ajamalla.No way we're driving out of this.
Hei. Hän vuokrasi Chin ajaman Mustangin.He rented the Mustang that Chi was driving.
"Rattijuopumus ja luvatta ajaminen.""Drunk driving", "Unlawfully in charge of a vehicle".
"Väärällä puolella ajaminen, johdattakoon sinut oikealle polulle"."May driving on the wrong side of the road, "lead you down the right path.
- Emme ole... Olemme olleet kiireisiä, - mutta tämä on ollut mukavaa. Tänne ajaminen oli mukavaa, - ja vietimme viime yön jopa samassa huoneessa.Well, I mean, you know, we haven't--we've both been so busy, but it's been nice.I mean, driving up here was great, and, you know, uh, we even stayed in the same room together last night.
- Jätä ajaminen meille.-Leave the driving to us.
- Millaista on taksin ajaminen?-So, how do you like driving a taxi?
- 950 kilometriä ajamista tänään, ja yli 300 huomenna. Paljon ajamista.Well, we gotta do 600 miles of driving today and 200 tomorrow.
- Ei! Jatkat ajamista.You stay on the road and keep driving.
- En minä sitä ajamista pelkää.It's not the driving.
- Harjoittele ajamista.What do I do ? You're gonna practice driving .
- Harjoittelen ajamista?Let's go ! Practice driving .
Asiakas on Lexusta ajava äiti jolla on iso olohuone.A mom walks in; she's driving a Lexus.
Autoa hyvin hitaasti ajava etana.A snail driving a car very slowly.
Hänestä tulee Camaroa ajava kauppa-apulainen.- You don't want Donny. Trust me. He winds up bagging groceries for a living and driving a Camaro.
Lauren soitti jo. 20 minuutin välein ohi ajava partioauto ei pysäytä Cutleria.Lauren already did. But a patrol car driving by every 20 minutes isn't gonna stop Cutler.
Lujaa ajava juoppo on päivän täyttymys. Ei oikea rikollinen vaan haaste!A drunk driving fast really makes my day - not as a real criminal, but as a challenge.
- Ei millään pahalla, mutta olen ajanut lumessa koko ikäni.- All due respect, I have driven in snow my whole life.
- Ei. Oletko koskaan ajanut autoa ennen?Have you ever driven a car before?
- En ole ikinä ajanut!- I've never driven before.
- En ole koskaan ajanut aineissa, - mutta olen monesti katsellut sitä touhua etupenkiltä, - ja silloin silmien sulkeminen todella auttoi.I'd never driven on meth before, but I've ridden shotgun plenty of times while someone else did and closing your eyes did help. So I gave it a shot.
- Et ole ajanut 37 vuoteen.Give me the keys. You haven't driven for 37 years.
Muutos harrastuksesta tietokoneeksi oli Steven ajama ajatus.Transitioning from a hobby to a personal computer, that whole idea was driven by Steve.
Pahan ajama henki.An entity driven by evil.
Voin odottaa kunnes olen siihen epätoivon ajama - juuri ennen täyskuuta tai voin tehdä sen nyt, - kun siitä voi olla vielä hyötyä.I can wait until I'm driven to it by desperation in the last days before the full moon, or I could do it now, while it might be of some use.
lso auto, hidas auto, kuljettajan ajama auto...Big car, slow car, chauffeur-driven car.

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