Baru etymology


Indonesian word baru comes from Proto-Austronesian *(ma-)baqəʀuh (New (recently made or created).)

Etymology of baru

Detailed word origin of baru

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*(ma-)baqəʀuh Proto-Austronesian (map-pro) New (recently made or created).
*(ma-)baqəʀu Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (poz-pro) New (recently made or created).
*baqəʀu Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (poz-pro)
*baharu Proto-Malayic (poz-mly-pro) New (recently made or created).
baru Malay (macrolanguage) (msa) Just (recently) New (recently made or created) Cottonwood (Talipariti tiliaceum) (syn. Hibiscus tiliaceus).
baru Indonesian (ind) Near perfect aspect i. e. the action or situation has just been completed.