Brom etymology

Old English

Old English word brom comes from Proto-Indo-European *breme-, Proto-Indo-European *bʰrewh₁-, Proto-Indo-European *bʰrewe-, and later Proto-Germanic *brēm- (Blackberry. Bramble.)

Etymology of brom

Detailed word origin of brom

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*breme- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to hum, make a noise
*bʰrewh₁- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*bʰrewe- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*brēm- Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) Blackberry. Bramble.
brom Old English (ang) Broom (the plant).
*bʰēr- Proto-Indo-European (ine)

Words with the same origin as brom

Descendants of *bʰrewe-
