Soltar (to release) conjugation

113 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to let loose, give, to let go, let, to give

Conjugation of soltar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I release
you release
he/she/it releases
we release
you all release
they release
Present perfect tense
he soltado
I have released
has soltado
you have released
ha soltado
he/she/it has released
hemos soltado
we have released
habéis soltado
you all have released
han soltado
they have released
Past preterite tense
I released
you released
he/she/it released
we released
you all released
they released
Future tense
I will release
you will release
he/she/it will release
we will release
you all will release
they will release
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would release
you would release
he/she/it would release
we would release
you all would release
they would release
Past imperfect tense
I used to release
you used to release
he/she/it used to release
we used to release
you all used to release
they used to release
Past perfect tense
había soltado
I had released
habías soltado
you had released
había soltado
he/she/it had released
habíamos soltado
we had released
habíais soltado
you all had released
habían soltado
they had released
Future perfect tense
habré soltado
I will have released
habrás soltado
you will have released
habrá soltado
he/she/it will have released
habremos soltado
we will have released
habréis soltado
you all will have released
habrán soltado
they will have released
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I release
(if/so that) you release
(if/so that) he/she/it release
(if/so that) we release
(if/so that) you all release
(if/so that) they release
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya soltado
I have released
hayas soltado
you have released
haya soltado
he/she/it has released
hayamos soltado
we have released
hayáis soltado
you all have released
hayan soltado
they have released
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have released
(if/so that) you have released
(if/so that) he/she/it have released
(if/so that) we have released
(if/so that) you all have released
(if/so that) they have released
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have released
(if/so that) you have released
(if/so that) he/she/it have released
(if/so that) we have released
(if/so that) you all have released
(if/so that) they have released
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera soltado
I had released
hubieras soltado
you had released
hubiera soltado
he/she/it had released
hubiéramos soltado
we had released
hubierais soltado
you all had released
hubieran soltado
they had released
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese soltado
I had released
hubieses soltado
you had released
hubiese soltado
he/she/it had released
hubiésemos soltado
we had released
hubieseis soltado
you all had released
hubiesen soltado
they had released
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have released
(if/so that) you will have released
(if/so that) he/she/it will have released
(if/so that) we will have released
(if/so that) you all will have released
(if/so that) they will have released
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere soltado
I will have released
hubieres soltado
you will have released
hubiere soltado
he/she/it will have released
hubiéremos soltado
we will have released
hubiereis soltado
you all will have released
hubieren soltado
they will have released
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's release!
Imperative negative mood
no sueltes
do not release!
no suelte
let him/her/it release!
no soltemos
let us not release!
no soltéis
do not release!
no suelten
do not release!

Examples of soltar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Es hora de soltar el veneno.- It's time to release the poison.
- Están dispuestos a soltar a los rehenes.- They're ready to release the hostages.
- Hoy vamos a soltar a Buchan.We're going to release Buchan.
- Pensé que querías soltar las tortugas en el océano o algo.- I thought you wanted to release turtles into the ocean or something.
- Y luego tendrán que soltar a mi ma.- And then they'd have to release me ma.
- ¿Con esto suelto cable?- This the tether release?
- ¿Y cuándo lo suelto?- And when I release?
Crees que si suelto a Kasim a los pies del presidente de China la División podría negociar su liberación?You think that if I drop Kasim in the president of China's lap that Division could negotiate his release?
Cuando atrapo, yo no suelto.When I catch, I don't release.
Deepsea Challenger, ahora estás suelto.Deepsea Challenger, you are now released.
A la cuenta de tres, la sueltas.At three you release.
Al enojarte sueltas una enzima... triptofán hidroxilasa... que puede reducir temporalmente la inteligencia.Getting angry releases an enzyme... tryptophan hydroxylase... which can temporarily reduce the I.Q.
Al presionar el embriague, levantas el acelerador, cuando empuje el coche, sueltas el embriague. ¿De acuerdo?Pressing the clutch, raise this accelerator, when l push the car, release the clutch. Okay?
Aprietas el cartón contra el vaso, sin soltarlo. Vas hacia la puerta y sueltas a la araña en la naturaleza.Keeping the card firmly against the glass, you go to the door and release the spider into the wild!
Bien, tomas la banda elastica, lo conectas ahi, tiras de ella con todas tus fuerzas, y entonces... la sueltas!Right, you take the rubber band, hook it up there, pull on it with all your might, and then... release it!
Ah, el plástico no puede ir al microondas, porque suelta los químicos en la comida... Dios mío, ¿lo dices en serio?Also, plastic can't go in the microwave because it releases the chemicals into the food.
Al acercarse uno a la muerte, el cuerpo suelta hormonas que inducen un estado de paz, hasta de éxtasis.At the point near death, the body releases hormones that can induce a state of peace, even bliss.
Así suelta el mentol.. And it releases the menthol.
Bueno el motociclista, pone seguro al freno acelera a toda maquina suelta el embrague realizó un giro en 180 grados.Huh. Well... the rider, he locks up his front brake, goes full throttle... releases the clutch... He did over a 180-degree burner.
El 3 la retiene hasta que 1 pueda llegar, luego la suelta.X-3 holds until X-1 gets there, then releases back.
- El del comedor. - El tipo que soltamos ayer.- The bloke you released yesterday
- Las soltamos, hubo un problema...We just released them, there was an issue...
- Sí, lo soltamos hace una hora.- Yeah, we released him an hour ago.
Ahora soltamos los42 números...release all 42 numbers. We'll start the selection.
Arrestamos a Alfred Fellig y solo lo soltamos.We arrested Alfred Fellig and we just released him.
# Somos una plaga para el planeta. # # ...y lo destruiremos. # ...o soltáis al tipo que quieren.We are a stain on the planet. and we will destroy it. Or release the bloke that they want.
"Sepia", debido a la oscura tinta marrón que sueltan."Sepia" because of the dark brown ink it releases.
- Los pescan y los sueltan.- Catch and release!
- Te sueltan.- You're being released.
A veces los muertos sueltan aire.Dead people can release some air, sometimes.
A veces los tienen una horas, y después por 80 o 100 "lucas" te los sueltan.Sometimes they're held for a few hours and released for 80 or 100,000 pesos.
- Y luego lo solté en la jungla.- And then I released him into the wild.
Creo que la foca del moño amarillo es... la que solté en el mar después de hacerle probar sangre de mamíferos.I think that the seal with the yellow bow tie might be the one that I released into the sea after giving it the taste for mammal blood.
Cuando hice mi pacto con Lucifer, mató a Abel, solté una mancha sobre la tierra, una mancha más profunda y mucho más duradera que la simple precedencia.When I made my bargain with Lucifer, killed Abel, I released a stain upon the earth, a stain deeper and far more lasting than mere precedence.
Cuando solté la bomba, oí que me decían por la radio:As I released the bomb and pulled up, I heard the boys on the radio saying:
Fui yo. Yo los solté.- I released them.
- ¿Lo soltaste?You released him? ! ?
Creo que soltaste la tabla, antes del descenso.I think you released the board before the descent.
Dale, creo que soltaste el cable de frenos.Dale, I think you released the brake cable.
La soltaste frente a la comisaría ¿y fue decisión tuya? Sí.You released her in front of the station and that was your decision?
No es como la vez que le aseguraste a los turistas un verano sin mosquitos, y soltaste cientos de murciélagos en la ciudad.It's not like the time you guaranteed the tourists a mosquito-free summer, and then released hundreds of bats all over town.
- Así que, ¿solo te soltó?So, he just released you?
- El resorte que se soltó del piñón.- The spring was released pinion.
- ¿Lo soltó?- You released him?
- ¿Quién soltó el gas?- Who released the gas?
-De acuerdo a la caja negra, División lo soltó- According to the Black Box, Division released him.
A mí me parece que deberíais poner toda vuestra energía en encontrar el secuestrador al que soltasteis.It seems to me that you should be putting your energy into finding the kidnapper that you released.
lo soltasteis, estáis en un gran problema permíteme ser claros sobre esto, yo no lo he soltado ni yo tampoco... yo tampocoYou've released him, you're in big trouble Let's be clear about this, it's not my business Not my business either...
- Le soltaron hace tres meses.- He was released three months ago.
- Lo soltaron hace un par de horas.Got released a couple of hours ago.
- Lo soltaron por un error.He was released on a technicality.
- Lo soltaron.- He was released.
- Me soltaron esta mañana.They released me this morning.
No te preocupes, comandante. Lo soltaré cuando recuerde quien está al mando.I will release him when he remembers who is in charge.
Si lo haces, te soltaré, ilesa.If you do that, I will release you, unharmed.
Te soltaré cuando llegue el momento.I will release you when the time is right.
Una vez demostrada la culpabilidad de Wolfstein, le soltaré.Having established Wolfstein's guilt to the world, I will release him.
Y si descubro que le has hecho una pregunta sin su abogado, le soltaré yo.And if I find out you even asked him one question without that lawyer there, I will release him myself.
Y soltarás a Chloe y a Lana.And you will release chloe!
- y la policía le soltará.- and the police will release him.
El tercer equipo soltará el virus en el terminal internacional del Aeropuerto de Dulles lo cual maximizará el número de contactos a nivel global infectando a los pasajeros.The third team will release the virus in the international terminal at Dulles Airport at a time that will maximize the number of global crossings by infected passengers.
Estoy segura que Mussolini te soltará pronto.I'm sure Mussolini will release you quite soon.
La gente de Salazar soltará este virus si no lo encontramos nosotros primero.Salazar's people will release this virus if we don't find it first.
La grúa soltará el auto.The crane will release the car.
Los soltaremos.We will release them.
Si infringen cualquiera de estas condiciones, soltaremos el virus.If you violate any one of these conditions we will release the virus.
Estos buenos ciudadanos soltarán pedos horrendos y mortales... ¡La clase de pedo que podría matar el cáncer!These good citizens will release horrendous, deadly farts, the kind of fart that could kill cancer.
Si recuerdan nuestra última confrontación, soltarán a sus prisioneros inmediatamente.If you remember our last confrontation, you will release your prisoners at once.
Usted me soltaría si le confesé!You would release me if I confessed!
Me dijeron que si los ayudaba lo soltarían.They said if I helped them, they would release him.
Me habían dicho que lo soltarían.They told me that they would release him.
No sabía si lo soltarían voluntariamente o qué.I didn't know if they would release him willingly or what.
Pero dijeron que la soltarían cuando verificaran la tecnología.But they said that they would release her once they verified the technology.
"Cuando suelte el árbol retrocederá con fuerza terrorífica - y calculando el arco que la piedra describirá cuando se mueva por el aire -"When I release the tree it will snap back with terrific force - ...and by calculating the curve the rock will describe as it rushes through the air-
- Dile que los suelte.Yes? Tell Uncle to release them.
- Dile que suelte el traje.- Tell him to release the suit.
- Mamá, suelte.- Mom, release.
- No suelte al Dr. Grant.- No, don't release Dr. Grant.
- Esta bien que lo sueltes.- It's okay to release it.
- Quiero que lo sueltes.I want you to release him.
- Te ordeno que no lo sueltes.I'm ordering you not to release him.
- Terry, no me sueltes un comunicado de prensa.Terry, don't press release me.
A menos que sueltes a Christoph ahora.Unless you release Christoph now .
- ¿Qué lo soltemos?We release him? - No.
Cuando soltemos la cápsula se generará mucha energía.When we release the pod, a substantial amount of energy will be generated.
El portero del edificio de la chica pero no lo uses hasta que lo soltemos.The janitor of the girl's building, but you can't use it before general release. He's in questioning.
Estoy pensando que quizás puedan cazar y comer las palomas que soltemos.I'm thinking maybe they could hunt and eat The doves we release.
La abogada de John está aquí y quiere que soltemos su cuerpo.John's attorney is here, and she wants us to release his body.
. ¿Así que van a seguir poniendo bombas a menos que lo soltéis?So they'll go on planting bombs unless you release him?
Haga lo que haga no le soltéis.Whatever he does, don't release him.
Kevin Creed estaba en la Gran Isla cuando Brandon Koruba fue asesinado, así que exijo que lo soltéis ahora mismo.Kevin Creed was on the Big Island when Brandon Koruba was murdered, so I insist you release him right now.
Vuestra prisionera. Os ruego que la soltéis.Your prisoner and I beg you to release her.
¡No la soltéis!Dont release her!
- Adelante. ¿ Qué va a ocurrir cuando suelten a las ballenas?What's going to happen when you release the whales?
- Ahora, suelten a los prisioneros.Now release the prisoners. Come on.
- Cuando lo suelten.- When they release him.
- Diles simplemente que lo suelten.Jut tell them to release him!
- Quiero que suelten a mi hijo.- I want my son released.
Ahora soltad a estos hombres.Now release these men.
Alguaciles, soltad al prisionero.Bailiffs, release the prisoner.
Así que soltad a Aya.So release Aya immediately!
Bien, pero soltad a mi mujer e hijo.Ok, release my wife and son.
Muy bien, soltad a Gabriella, volved a traer a Desmond.Alright well, release Gabriella, bring Desmond back in here.
'Diablo' fue soltado hace una semana.Diablo was just released on parole last week.
- ? Y por qué no Io han soltado?- Why haven't they released him?
- Gancho soltado.- Hook released.
- Han soltado a Harry Holmes.- They've released Harry Holmes.
- Han soltado a los leones.They've released the hunting lions.
- Estamos soltando a Thaulov.- We're releasing Thaulov.
Aparte de hacer una escena, está soltando su propio olor en el agua atrayendo machos de todas partes.As well as making a scene, she's releasing her scent into the water, attracting males from far and wide.
B.R.A.D. está soltando el sistema de supresión de fuego.B.R.A.D.'s releasing the fire-suppression system. Argonite.
Bud lo está soltando ahora.Bud's releasing him now.
C'est Magnifique está soltando a todos los animales de pruebas.C'est Magnifique is releasing all of their test animals.

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