Redactar (to draft) conjugation

52 examples

Conjugation of redactar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I draft
you draft
he/she/it drafts
we draft
you all draft
they draft
Present perfect tense
he redactado
I have drafted
has redactado
you have drafted
ha redactado
he/she/it has drafted
hemos redactado
we have drafted
habéis redactado
you all have drafted
han redactado
they have drafted
Past preterite tense
I drafted
you drafted
he/she/it drafted
we drafted
you all drafted
they drafted
Future tense
I will draft
you will draft
he/she/it will draft
we will draft
you all will draft
they will draft
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would draft
you would draft
he/she/it would draft
we would draft
you all would draft
they would draft
Past imperfect tense
I used to draft
you used to draft
he/she/it used to draft
we used to draft
you all used to draft
they used to draft
Past perfect tense
había redactado
I had drafted
habías redactado
you had drafted
había redactado
he/she/it had drafted
habíamos redactado
we had drafted
habíais redactado
you all had drafted
habían redactado
they had drafted
Future perfect tense
habré redactado
I will have drafted
habrás redactado
you will have drafted
habrá redactado
he/she/it will have drafted
habremos redactado
we will have drafted
habréis redactado
you all will have drafted
habrán redactado
they will have drafted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I draft
(if/so that) you draft
(if/so that) he/she/it draft
(if/so that) we draft
(if/so that) you all draft
(if/so that) they draft
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya redactado
I have drafted
hayas redactado
you have drafted
haya redactado
he/she/it has drafted
hayamos redactado
we have drafted
hayáis redactado
you all have drafted
hayan redactado
they have drafted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have drafted
(if/so that) you have drafted
(if/so that) he/she/it have drafted
(if/so that) we have drafted
(if/so that) you all have drafted
(if/so that) they have drafted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have drafted
(if/so that) you have drafted
(if/so that) he/she/it have drafted
(if/so that) we have drafted
(if/so that) you all have drafted
(if/so that) they have drafted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera redactado
I had drafted
hubieras redactado
you had drafted
hubiera redactado
he/she/it had drafted
hubiéramos redactado
we had drafted
hubierais redactado
you all had drafted
hubieran redactado
they had drafted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese redactado
I had drafted
hubieses redactado
you had drafted
hubiese redactado
he/she/it had drafted
hubiésemos redactado
we had drafted
hubieseis redactado
you all had drafted
hubiesen redactado
they had drafted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have drafted
(if/so that) you will have drafted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have drafted
(if/so that) we will have drafted
(if/so that) you all will have drafted
(if/so that) they will have drafted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere redactado
I will have drafted
hubieres redactado
you will have drafted
hubiere redactado
he/she/it will have drafted
hubiéremos redactado
we will have drafted
hubiereis redactado
you all will have drafted
hubieren redactado
they will have drafted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's draft!
Imperative negative mood
no redactes
do not draft!
no redacte
let him/her/it draft!
no redactemos
let us not draft!
no redactéis
do not draft!
no redacten
do not draft!

Examples of redactar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Sólo falta redactar el acuerdo pre nupcial.Just the prenup to draft now.
El derecho a redactar leyes que aprueben desde el Presidente del Reich al Canciller.The right to draft laws passes from the Reich's President to Chancellor.
Incluso me ofrecí a redactar uno para él, pero dijo que sólo estaba pensando al respecto en esta etapa.I even offered to draft one for him but he said they were just thinking about it at this stage.
No hacen falta tres horas para redactar un papel.It can't take long to draft an order.
Perdona la falta de estructura, no soy escritor, y tengo que redactar esto con una gran prisa."Forgive the lack of structure; I am not a writer, "and I have to draft this in a great hurry.
Si sólo piensan en preservar la posibilidad de litigar y una licencia médica empiece por convencer a Lori de que no está en absoluto convencido de que el hombre tiene intención de llevar a puerto sus amenazas y tú le redactas una carta al doctorI was thinking about the ex-wife. If it's merely a bar card and a medical license you're looking to preserve, you first opine to Lori that you're not at all convinced the man intends to follow through on his threats, then you draft an opinion letter to the doctor
Mike redacta una ley que permita probar vivienda sostenible más facilmente.Mike drafts a new law to allow for easier testing of sustainable building.
Juntos redactamos un manifiesto... que dice así:Together they drafted a manifesto. Here's how:
Mis abogados lo redactan.My lawyers draft them. Yes or no?
Así que redacté un borrador en el avión.So I drafted out a release on the plane.
La redacté a modo preventivo.I... I drafted it as a precaution.
Mientras salvabas a la humanidad, redacté una orden.While you've been saving mankind, I drafted an affidavit.
Te redacté un memorando respecto al contrato de sociedad.I drafted a memo for you regarding the partnership agreement.
Y, como su abogada, redacté un contrato posmatrimonial que protegía sus intereses tanto personales como materiales.And as her counsel I drafted a postnuptual agreement, which both protected her interests on a personal and a material level.
Podemos olvidarnos del proyecto de ley que redactaste.We can forget about the bill you drafted.
eres una parte interesada, y redactaste la queja original.You're an interested party, and you drafted the original complaint.
- Y cuando este documento se redactó se asumió que usted estaba, entre comillas "con vida".And when this document was drafted, the assumption was you were "alive."
Bueno, eh, nuestro mundo puede estar expandiéndose o contrayéndose, y el tío que redactó la Declaración de Independencia también era propietario de esclavos.Well, uh, our world may be expanding or contracting, and the guy who drafted the Declaration of Independence - was also a slave owner. - Hmm.
Creo que John Gaultner redactó la carta de indagación inicial.I believe John Gaultner drafted the initial inquiry letter.
El Presidente era consciente cuando redactó el tratado de paz que la comunidad internacional no iba a ponerse a saltar como una banda de roedores impacientes.The President was aware when he drafted the peacekeeping agreement that the international community wasn't going to jump in like a pack of eager lemmings.
El abogado redactó el acuerdo a petición de Wainwright.The lawyer drafted the agreement at the request of Wainwright.
Estás perdiendo en los flujos de ingresos valiosos porque estás utilizando formas que se redactaron hace 20 años.You're losing out on valuable revenue streams because you're using forms drafted 20 years ago.
Juntos, redactaron una serie de comunicados en los que argüían... que la Convención de Ginebra no protegía a sospechosos de terrorismo.Together, they drafted a series of reported that argued ... that the Geneva Convention does not protecting suspected terrorists.
Los abogados que redactaron el contrato original del club HUX... al parecer colocaron esa disposición.The... attorneys who drafted the original Hux Club contract apparently left that provision out.
Si nuestros padres fundadores hubieran deseado que prevaleciera la tiranía el presidente y su secretario de Guerra habrían concedido tales poderes indiscriminados pero ellos redactaron una Constitución con leyes en contra de tales poderes.If our founding fathers had desired tyranny to prevail, the president and his War secretary would have been granted such indiscriminate powers, but they drafted a Constitution with laws against such powers.
Escucha, lo presentaremos para que lo ratifique el Supremo y yo mismo lo redactaré.Listen, um, we'll file for cert with the Supreme Court and I will draft it myself.
- Deberíamos-- - ¿Necesitas que redacte tu renuncia?We should- You need him to draft your letter of resignation?
Es muy posible que no sobreviva a la operación... así que necesito que alguien redacte mi testamento... para que mis deseos y mi dignidad sean respetados.Chances are I won't survive the surgery, so need someone to draft a living will, so that my wishes and my dignity are protected.
Haré que mi abogado redacte un acuerdo.I'll have my lawyer draft an agreement.
Haré que mi abogado redacte un contrato.I'll get my lawyers to draft an agreement.
Haz que tu abogado redacte una carta amenazando con demandarnos.Get your lawyer to draft a letter threatening to sue us.
Quiero que lo redactes sin compasión ni sensiblería.I need it drafted without sympathy or sentiment.
Quiero que redactes una declaración.I want you to draft a statement.
Si no estás muy ocupada y puedes entender mi letra, necesito que redactes y formatees este borrador.So if you're not too busy,and you can manage to read my handwriting, I really need this draft typed and formatted.
Te necesito que redactes una disposición que garantice que Prizen acabará desarrollando ese medicamento.I need you to draft a provision that guarantees Pryzen will finish developing that drug.
Ya que tú te vas, voy a necesitar que tú redactes un contrato para la venta de la farmacéutica Sainz.Since you're leaving, I'm going to need you to draft some language for the Sainz pharmaceutical sale.
El alcalde nos ha pedido que redactemos una nota para distribuir a las reclusas, diciéndoles que nos importan, los servicios disponibles, etc.So, the warden has asked us to draft a memo to distribute to the inmates, telling them that we care, the services that are available, etc.
Yo sugiero que redactemos una demanda, que no la presentemos que nos reunamos con él y que hagamos un acuerdo discreto. - Genial.My suggestion is we draft a complaint,don't file it, set up a meeting with the doctor and effect a quiet settlement.
Bien, redacten una orden para la casa de la madrastra.All right, you draft a warrant for the stepmom's home.
Haré que redacten las órdenes lo más rápido posible, para liberarlos.I will see that the letters are drafted in haste, so I may release them.
Que los de RP redacten un comunicado.Oh, and get a hold of PR, have them start drafting a press release.
Quiero que redacten una carta de 500 palabras para el presidente sobre que les gustaría que el gobierno hiciese para salvar nuestro sistema educativoI want you to draft a 500-word letter to the President on what you'd like the government to do in order to save our education system.
- ¿El testamento fue redactado en...?- And this will was drafted in...?
Así que he redactado una renuncia para que firméis en caso de una catástrofe.So I've drafted a waiver for you to sign in the event of a catastrophe.
Da Vinci que ha redactado en el código.Da Vinci has drafted them in code.
En ese caso, mi asesor legal, el Sr. Michael Beattie... le entregará un recurso de habeas corpus... redactado por mi abogado, el Sr. Nicholas Barron.ln that case, my solicitor, Mr. Michael Beattie... will present you with a writ of habeas corpus... drafted by my counselor, Mr. Nicholas Barron.
En una hora, el Gobierno británico había redactado... el ultimátum al Káiser, pidiendo la retirada de las... tropas alemanas de Bélgica, a medianoche.Within the hour, the British government had drafted its ultimatum to the Kaiser demanding the complete withdrawal of all German troops from Belgium by midnight.
- He estado redactando una carta.- I've been drafting a letter.
Acabo de pasarme las últimas 12 horas redactando nuevas peticiones basadas en la idea errónea de que ese tipo está muerto.I just spent the last 12 hours drafting new motions based on the erroneous idea that this guy is dead.
Ellos tienen nuevos abogados redactando quejas por mala práctica.They have their new attorneys drafting malpractice complaints, instead.
En mi despacho están redactando los contratos.In my office are drafting contracts.
Estaba redactando un informe antes de esto.Was drafting a report before this.

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