Reconocer (to recognize) conjugation

101 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to acknowledge, distinguish, acknowledge, to distinguish

Conjugation of reconocer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I recognize
you recognize
he/she/it does recognize
we recognize
you all recognize
they recognize
Present perfect tense
he reconocido
I have recognizeed
has reconocido
you have recognizeed
ha reconocido
he/she/it has recognizeed
hemos reconocido
we have recognizeed
habéis reconocido
you all have recognizeed
han reconocido
they have recognizeed
Past preterite tense
I recognizeed
you recognizeed
he/she/it recognizeed
we recognizeed
you all recognizeed
they recognizeed
Future tense
I will recognize
you will recognize
he/she/it will recognize
we will recognize
you all will recognize
they will recognize
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would recognize
you would recognize
he/she/it would recognize
we would recognize
you all would recognize
they would recognize
Past imperfect tense
I used to recognize
you used to recognize
he/she/it used to recognize
we used to recognize
you all used to recognize
they used to recognize
Past perfect tense
había reconocido
I had recognizeed
habías reconocido
you had recognizeed
había reconocido
he/she/it had recognizeed
habíamos reconocido
we had recognizeed
habíais reconocido
you all had recognizeed
habían reconocido
they had recognizeed
Future perfect tense
habré reconocido
I will have recognizeed
habrás reconocido
you will have recognizeed
habrá reconocido
he/she/it will have recognizeed
habremos reconocido
we will have recognizeed
habréis reconocido
you all will have recognizeed
habrán reconocido
they will have recognizeed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I recognize
(if/so that) you recognize
(if/so that) he/she/it recognize
(if/so that) we recognize
(if/so that) you all recognize
(if/so that) they recognize
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reconocido
I have recognizeed
hayas reconocido
you have recognizeed
haya reconocido
he/she/it has recognizeed
hayamos reconocido
we have recognizeed
hayáis reconocido
you all have recognizeed
hayan reconocido
they have recognizeed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have recognizeed
(if/so that) you have recognizeed
(if/so that) he/she/it have recognizeed
(if/so that) we have recognizeed
(if/so that) you all have recognizeed
(if/so that) they have recognizeed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have recognizeed
(if/so that) you have recognizeed
(if/so that) he/she/it have recognizeed
(if/so that) we have recognizeed
(if/so that) you all have recognizeed
(if/so that) they have recognizeed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reconocido
I had recognizeed
hubieras reconocido
you had recognizeed
hubiera reconocido
he/she/it had recognizeed
hubiéramos reconocido
we had recognizeed
hubierais reconocido
you all had recognizeed
hubieran reconocido
they had recognizeed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reconocido
I had recognizeed
hubieses reconocido
you had recognizeed
hubiese reconocido
he/she/it had recognizeed
hubiésemos reconocido
we had recognizeed
hubieseis reconocido
you all had recognizeed
hubiesen reconocido
they had recognizeed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have recognizeed
(if/so that) you will have recognizeed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have recognizeed
(if/so that) we will have recognizeed
(if/so that) you all will have recognizeed
(if/so that) they will have recognizeed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reconocido
I will have recognizeed
hubieres reconocido
you will have recognizeed
hubiere reconocido
he/she/it will have recognizeed
hubiéremos reconocido
we will have recognizeed
hubiereis reconocido
you all will have recognizeed
hubieren reconocido
they will have recognizeed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's recognize!
Imperative negative mood
no reconozcas
do not recognize!
no reconozca
let him/her/it recognize!
no reconozcamos
let us not recognize!
no reconozcáis
do not recognize!
no reconozcan
do not recognize!

Examples of reconocer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es más estupidez que valentía eludir reconocer el peligro cuando está justo encima de ti.""It is stupidity rather than courage to refuse to recognize danger when it is close upon you."
"La naturaleza de Uds... caballeros dudosos... que Ia nomenclatura puede ayudar a reconocer"."The nature of you... doubtful gentlemen... nomenclature may help to recognize."
"Llenó el ambiente con palabras, asustado del silencio, como lo hace alguien lo suficientemente inteligente para reconocer sus propios defectos, pero reticente para tomar las medidas necesarias para arreglarlos...".He filled the air with words, terrified of silence, as one often is who is smart enough to recognize his many personal failings but unwilling or unable to take the steps required to fix them.
"Los Estados Unidos de América se enorgullecen de ser la primera nación en reconocer el estado de Israel y dar la bienvenida...""The United States of America... "... is proud to be the first nation to recognize the new State of Israel...
"No podrás reconocer a tu tío... "ni yo a ti.You won't be able to recognize this uncle of yours and I, too, will not be able to recognize you.
"Debo confesar que cuando veo a alguien con una pegatina de Obama, lo reconozco como una amenaza al acervo genético.""I must confess when I see anyone with an Obama bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool."
"Hospital Psiquiátrico Brylin Buffalo, Nueva York" No. No lo reconozco.No, I don't recognize him.
"Lo reconozco debo hablar con usted en privado""I recognize you. must talk to you immediately at once."
"Maestro Satàn, te reconozco como mi dios y prometo servirte mientras viva, y desde ahora renuncio a Jesucristo."My lord and master Satan, I recognize you as my God and promise to serve you. I now renounce Jesus Christ.
"No sé qué es la poesía... pero la reconozco cuando la oigo""I don't know what poetry is, but I recognize it when I hear it. "
"Pero no me reconoces.""But you don't recognize me. "
"¿Me reconoces, viejo amigo, de cuando éstudiábamos juntos?"Do you recognize me, my old school friend?
# Dime, nene, ¿me reconoces?♪ Tell me, baby, do you recognize me? ♪
# Sigues pensando que reconoces esas caras ## You keep thinking you recognize those faces #
# Sigues pensando que reconoces esas oscuras caras ## You keep thinking you recognize dark faces #
El Presidente no ha tomado una decisión, pero él reconoce que necesitamos una ley como ésta.The, uh, president has not committed himself... but he does recognize that we do need something in this area.
Lo que queremos es ese momento en el que él te reconoce.What we want is that moment when he does recognize you.
Los clientes nunca sabrán quién o qué eres... en la vida real, y si algún espectador alguna vez te reconoce, bloqueamos o borramos cualquier intento de difundirlo.Members can never figure out where or who you are in real life, and if some random viewer does recognize you, we block or delete any attempt to broadcast it.
"Cuando reconocemos un genio, aumentamos nuestro propio poder""when we recognize genius, we increase our own power."
"El extranjero es aquel al que no reconocemos... porque no es de aquí, es diferente""The foreigner is the one who do not recognize ... because it is not here, is different "
"Solo en el sufrimiento, reconocemos la belleza""Only in suffering do we recognize beauty. " Yeah.
"Yo, Mohamed III, rey de reyes, soberano de soberanos... y padishah de tantos países que mis ancestros, alabados sean por Alá, conquistaron con la fuerza bruta de sus armas, aquí nosotros os reconocemos, voivoda Mihai,After having killed our cousin Andrew with his own hands, this horrible monster was recognized by the sultan as voivode. He received the pagans inside the holy church. I've never made such a thing.
- A esta altura, me gustaría que quedara registrado... que ni mi cliente ni yo reconocemos la autoridad de esta corte.- I'm going to allow it. - At this point, I'd like it noted... that neither my client nor myself recognize this court's authority.
- ¿Me reconocéis?- Do you recognize me, men?
- ¿No me reconocéis?- You don't recognize me? - Shortstop?
Ahí estáis. ¿ No me reconocéis?Ah, there you are. Do you not recognize me?
Estoy muy feliz, esposo mío, que reconocéis el mérito de tener ese amigo tan fiel, que tiene la virtud de su mujer por tan cierta como vuestra lealtad.Glad you recognize the merits of this true friend, who values the honour of his wife not less than your favour.
FBI. ¿Señoritas reconocéis a este tipo?FBI. You ladies recognize this guy?
"Artículo cinco: Las susodichas naciones indígenas reconocen y admiten las siguientes extensiones de terreno del país, incluidas en los límites y fronteras más adelante designadas..."The aforesaid Indian nations "do hereby recognize and acknowledge the following tracts of country,"
- A ver si ellos reconocen al asesino.See if they recognize the killer.
- Bueno, a veces debemos disfrazarnos cuando estamos en público, por si nos reconocen.- Well... We have to wear a disguise sometimes when we're out in public, in case we're recognized.
- Creo que los solitarios se reconocen.I think the lonely recognize the lonely.
- Es como que ya no te reconocen.- It's like they don't recognize you anymore.
Bueno, lo reconoceré a él.I will recognize him,
Pero le reconoceré bien tras mis años de experiencia en la policía.But I will recognize him using my years of police experience.
Y mi corazón me dice que le reconoceré instantáneamente. Mi pequeño Laxman.And my heart says I will recognize him instantly... my little Lakshman
incluso tu duro armazón no puedo soportar el cambio de clima te reconoceré aún cuando tu cabello se haya puesto blancoEven your sturdy frame cannot endure the changing weather I will recognize you, even when your hair has gone white
- Tú nos reconocerás.- You will recognize us.
Decidí presionar a tu reina, que estoy seguro de que lo reconocerás como la defensa francesa.I chose to pressure your queen pawn, which I am certain that you will recognize as the French defense.
Le reconocerás, es el más guapo.You will recognize him. He is the best looking one.
Lo reconocerás...You will recognize this man...
Me reconocerás como lo más grande de tu vida aunque me lleve a la muerte.You will recognize me as the true greatness in your life if it takes me to my last breath. Sean, please don't let them take me.
"mata a todos", Dios reconocerá quién es de él."Kill them all. God will recognize his own."
#porque mi corazón le reconocerá de inmediato#"...'cos my heart will recognize him instantly."
- Alguien lo reconocerá.- somebody will recognize him.
- Mi madre me reconocerá.- My mother will recognize me.
- Nadie te reconocerá.- No one will recognize you.
- Estás seguro que nos reconoceremos.- You're sure we will recognize ourselves.
¿Crees que yo y Sara Elizabeth nos reconoceremos cuando yo llegue al cielo?You think me and Sarah Elizabeth will recognize each other when I get to heaven?
- Todos me reconocerán.-Everyone will recognize me.
Algunos de ustedes reconocerán a Shaun Manning... pero no es la detención que venimos a anunciar.Some of you will recognize Shaun Manning, but his is not the arrest we are here to announce.
El autor real del tomo donde se dice todo ha sido revelado, y el nombre del autor es uno que todos reconocerán, Pero la cuestión es, ¿Alguien volverá a decir algo una vez se publique el libro?The true author of a tell-all tome has been revealed, and the author's name is one everyone will recognize, but the question is, will anyone want to say it again once the book is out?
Era un sucio trozo de género, y estoy seguro que los padres reconocerán estas cosas.It's a grubby little cloth, and I'm sure parents will recognize this thing.
Hazlo tan brillante como sea posible Así reconocerán el camino de regresoMake it as bright as possible, So that his spirit will recognize the way back from the "Yellow Spring".
"reconocería esa descripción en cualquier parte"."why, I would recognize that description anywhere."
- La reconocería con los ojos vendados.- I would recognize you blindfolded.
- Oh, no... Nadie de ellos reconocería una nueva idea... aunque les mordiera el trasero.No one there would recognize a fresh idea if it bit them on the ass.
Alguien reconocería a la Princesa Voladora de Windemere.Somebody would recognize the "Flying Princess of Windemere."
Analizando la posición de las dos entradas en función del calendario solar... (Le interrumpe) Hasta un becario reconocería las marcas de los Incas.I think, given the position of the two entries... - Even an idiot would recognize... the Incas marks
Entonces, los puntos rojos- buenos, digamos que los reconocerías si hubieras asistido a cenar al teatro recientemente.Then, the red squares-- well, let's just say That you would recognize them If you've been to dinner theater recently.
Es que pensaba que reconocerías la vainilla.I just thought you would recognize vanilla.
La que reconocerías como Morph, y la que me interesaba a mí, ¡la que quería vengar a quien te traicionó!The one you would recognize as Morph, and the one who interested me, the one who wanted revenge on his betrayer !
No reconocerías a una muchacha por tu manera de masturbarse.not a girl you would recognize to the way you masturbate.
Si fueras un poco más inteligente, reconocerías que hay una oportunidad en nuestras circunstancias actuales.If you were a little more clever, you would recognize that there's opportunity in our current circumstances.
10 millones de años atrás, la Tierra entra en metamorfosis para ser lo que todos reconoceríamos.By 10 million years ago, Earth is morphing into a world most of us would recognize.
Escucha, si abordáramos las cosas con sinceridad, reconoceríamos que nunca hemos sido felices desde que estamos casados.Listen, if boarded things with sincerity, would recognize that we have never been happy since we got married.
Solo lo reconoceríamos estando muy atentos.We would recognize it only if we paid close attention.
Jack jamás me confiaría el Índice Blackwell, pero sabía que lo reconocerían como mi jefe en SD-6.But he knew they would recognize him as my chief of operations at SD-6.
La pesca de la tarde siendo descargada, los puestos cocinando comida. Un griego o un romano que estuvieran en este mismo lugar, reconocerían esta escena.A Greek or a Roman standing on this spot now would recognize this scene.
Mi niño, si me aparezco a los vivos de la manera en que me retratan, me reconocerían, y eso no facilitaría nuestra tarea.My boy, if I appeared to the living the way they portray me, they would recognize me, and that wouldn't make our task easy.
No creyó que reconocerían su apellido de soltera.You didn't think people would recognize your maiden name.
No, te reconocerían.No, they would recognize you.
"No" no es una palabra que yo reconozca.- "No" is not a word I recognize.
"Sólo temo una cosa, que en el otro mundo no te reconozca, ni tú a mi...""I'm only afraid that in the other world we'll never recognize each other..."
- Bien, tal vez me reconozca.Well, maybe he'll recognize me.
- Esperemos que te reconozca.- Let's hope he recognizes you.
- Espero que te reconozca.I hope she recognizes you.
"Tal vez no reconozcas mi voz,"Maybe you don't recognize my voice,
- Es increíble que me reconozcas.Amazing that you could recognize me...
- Me alegra que me reconozcas.-I'm glad somebody recognize.
- Qué bueno que la reconozcas...-I'm glad you recognized her.
- ¡No es mío! No te he pedido que lo reconozcas.I didn't ask you to recognize it.
Alguien que reconozcamos... para que volvamos a seguirle la pista.Someone we're sure to recognize... to put us on the trail.
Es para que mi madre y yo nos reconozcamos- It's so my Mom and I will recognize each other.
Está todos los días, y lo llevamos a casa de manera que lo pensemos, que lo reconozcamos.That is, literally, right there every day and bring it home in a way that just makes us think about it, recognize it.
Hermanos, para celebrar dignamente los Santos Misterios... reconozcamos nuestros pecados.My brothers, to celebrate with dignity the Mysterious Saints, let's recognize our sins.
Hizo que reconozcamos tanto la fragilidad como la grandeza en nosotros y en los otros.And it's caused us to recognize both the frailty and the greatness in ourselves and each other.
Algunos puede que me reconozcáis si habéis estado en el Museo de Ciencias los martes por la noche.Some of you might recognize me if you've been down to the Science Museum on Tuesday nights.
Así que nos hemos reunido en este lugar sagrado... para que reconozcáis a los secuaces del pecado cuando aparezcan.So we are met this evening in this hallowed hall so you may recognize sin's henchmen when they call.
No me sorprende que no me reconozcáis.- I'd better go. - I'm really not surprised that you do not recognize me.
Probablemente me reconozcáis por mi programa, Detroit A.M.You probably all recognize me from my show, Detroit A.M.
Puede que nos reconozcáis: soy Bobby.You may recognize us. I'm Bobby.
"Agradece que te reconozcan"."Just be thankful you got recognized."
- Me alegra que lo reconozcan.I'm glad they recognize that.
- Roosevelt insistió en que los grandes capitalistas reconozcan que eran meros capitalistas.- Roosevelt insisted that the big capitalists recognize that they were mere capitalists.
- Ten cuidado de que no reconozcan.- Be careful not to get recognized.
- para que no nos reconozcan.- so we wouldn't be recognized.
Retirad vuestras tropas de una vez... y reconoced a la República de Bretaña o... el General será colgado.Withdraw your troops at once... and recognize The Breton Republic or... the General will be hung!
Ahora, usted reconocé a este hombre, Recuerda haberlo recogido en el aeropuerto?Now, you recognize this man, and you remember picking him up at the airport?
A ver si reconocés a los que están acá.See if you can recognize who it is...
¿Ya no reconocés a tu sobrino favorito?You can't recognize your favorite nephew?

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