Jurar (to swear) conjugation

132 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: curse, to take an oath

Conjugation of jurar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I swear
you swear
he/she/it swears
we swear
you all swear
they swear
Present perfect tense
he jurado
I have sworn
has jurado
you have sworn
ha jurado
he/she/it has sworn
hemos jurado
we have sworn
habéis jurado
you all have sworn
han jurado
they have sworn
Past preterite tense
I swore
you swore
he/she/it swore
we swore
you all swore
they swore
Future tense
I will swear
you will swear
he/she/it will swear
we will swear
you all will swear
they will swear
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would swear
you would swear
he/she/it would swear
we would swear
you all would swear
they would swear
Past imperfect tense
I used to swear
you used to swear
he/she/it used to swear
we used to swear
you all used to swear
they used to swear
Past perfect tense
había jurado
I had sworn
habías jurado
you had sworn
había jurado
he/she/it had sworn
habíamos jurado
we had sworn
habíais jurado
you all had sworn
habían jurado
they had sworn
Future perfect tense
habré jurado
I will have sworn
habrás jurado
you will have sworn
habrá jurado
he/she/it will have sworn
habremos jurado
we will have sworn
habréis jurado
you all will have sworn
habrán jurado
they will have sworn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I swear
(if/so that) you swear
(if/so that) he/she/it swear
(if/so that) we swear
(if/so that) you all swear
(if/so that) they swear
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya jurado
I have sworn
hayas jurado
you have sworn
haya jurado
he/she/it has sworn
hayamos jurado
we have sworn
hayáis jurado
you all have sworn
hayan jurado
they have sworn
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have sworn
(if/so that) you have sworn
(if/so that) he/she/it have sworn
(if/so that) we have sworn
(if/so that) you all have sworn
(if/so that) they have sworn
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have sworn
(if/so that) you have sworn
(if/so that) he/she/it have sworn
(if/so that) we have sworn
(if/so that) you all have sworn
(if/so that) they have sworn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera jurado
I had sworn
hubieras jurado
you had sworn
hubiera jurado
he/she/it had sworn
hubiéramos jurado
we had sworn
hubierais jurado
you all had sworn
hubieran jurado
they had sworn
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese jurado
I had sworn
hubieses jurado
you had sworn
hubiese jurado
he/she/it had sworn
hubiésemos jurado
we had sworn
hubieseis jurado
you all had sworn
hubiesen jurado
they had sworn
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have sworn
(if/so that) you will have sworn
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sworn
(if/so that) we will have sworn
(if/so that) you all will have sworn
(if/so that) they will have sworn
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere jurado
I will have sworn
hubieres jurado
you will have sworn
hubiere jurado
he/she/it will have sworn
hubiéremos jurado
we will have sworn
hubiereis jurado
you all will have sworn
hubieren jurado
they will have sworn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's swear!
Imperative negative mood
no jures
do not swear!
no jure
let him/her/it swear!
no juremos
let us not swear!
no juréis
do not swear!
no juren
do not swear!

Examples of jurar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Bueno, creo que si tuviera que jurar que sí o que no... diría que Lazlo no era loco."Well, I guess if I had to swear one way or another, "I'd say Lazlo wasn't insane.
# Podría estar bien, Podría estar mal... # # ...pero estoy perfectamente dispuesto a jurar... # # ...que cuando volteaste y me sonreíste... # # ...un ruiseñor cantó en la plaza Berkeley. #I may be right I may be wrong But I'm perfectly willing to swear That when you turned and smiled at me
- Bueno, los viejos estafadores solían jurar por ella.- Well, the old time grifters used to swear by it.
- Me da miedo jurar.- I'm afraid to swear to it.
- Me hizo jurar que no te vería.I had to swear not to see you.
! - ¡Nada! Lo juro.I swear it.
! Lo juro por Dios!I swear to God I will!
! Lo juro!I swear!
! Me quedaré a cuidar a las ninas, te Io juro!Abby, I'll baby-sit more, I swear!
! No sé de qué estás hablando, lo juro.I don't know what you're talking about, I swear.
"Maldices y juras en hacer que te reconozcan."You curse and you swear to make them recognise you."
"y juras que no has estado al acecho"♪ And you swear that you have not been stalked ♪
"¿Lo juras por la tumba de tu madre?" y yo decía "¡Sí!""You swear on your mother's grave?" I'd say, "Yeah, why not?"
# Aunque juras cambiar #Though you swear To change
- Bueno. ¿Me juras que serás honesta conmigo?Do you swear you're going to be really honest with me? Yes. I have been.
"Ella cree que Ray está liado con la mujer del pastor pero Ray jura que no es nada serio"."She thinks Ray's having an affair with the pastor's wife but Ray swears it's his scrub-up rash. "
"y me dijo, jura que"♪ and he told me he swears ♪
, de que jura decir la verdad?That he swears to tell the truth?
- El cocinero jura que no se olvidará la crema.- Cook swears the cream won't be missed.
- Ella jura que la violaste.She swears you raped her.
"Solemnemente juramos ser los mejores amigos para siempre."We solemnly swear to be best friends forever.
- Lo juramos!- We swear!
- Lo juramos. - Lo juramos.We swear.
- Lo juramos.- We swear it.
- ¿Lo juráis sobre qué?You swear by what?
Así que, ¿por qué no establecéis vuestra duda contra esa certeza y juráis?So, won't you set your doubts against that certainty and swear?
Ciudadanos, si me juráis lealtad ahora no os pasará nada.If, citizens, you swear your allegiance to me now, I will promise your safety.
Los polis juráis que lo sabéis todo, tío.The cops swear you all know everything, man.
No servirá de nada si no subís al estrado y juráis que nunca vendisteis ese ganado.It's no use unless you all get on the witness stand and swear that you never sold these cattle.
"juran guardar silencio...""swear they will keep mum,
"una magnífica tierra, juran"A magnificent land they swear
- Sostiene que su auto fue llevado por uno de los hermanos Crosetti, pero ellos juran que no salieron.- He claims his car was driven home by one of the Crosettis, but they swear they didn't go out.
- ¿Lo juran, ambos?- Do you swear, both of you?
- ¿Tiene idea cuántos asesinos juran por Dios que no lo hicieron?Do you have any idea how many murderers swear to god they didn't do it?
"Así que juré, hice un juramento ""So I swore to myself, I took an oath"
"En prisión, juré vivir por mis amigos que habían muerto"."In prison, I swore to live, for the sake of friends who had died."
"Lo vi y lo juré. Y ahora ella me dice..."I saw it and swore under oath that I had seen it.
"Puesto que juré...""Since I swore..."
"que juré a Abraham, a Isaac, y a Jacob diciéndoles..."I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying...
# "Me juraste, Rosita Encarnada,# "You swore, Rosita Encarnada...
- A mí me juraste lo contrario.- You swore the opposite to me.
- El que juraste cumplir sobre una Biblia.- Which you swore on a Bible to keep.
- Jack le juraste a tu esposa que protegerías a Lindsay.- Jack... you swore to your wife you'd protect lindsey.
- Lo juraste por tu vida.- You swore on your life.
" Que usted nunca juró para parte ""You swore never to part"
"Durante el juicio, la Sra. Hill juró que nunca hubo nada entre ella y el instructor de ski acuático"."At the trial, Madam Hill swore that nothing ever happened between her and the water-ski instructor."
"Entonces, ¿juró que si surgía un medio, le salvaría?"So he swore that if he had the chance, he would save him?
"Sin duda", agregó, "pues me juró una cosa el lunes por la noche, que desmintió el martes por la mañana;"for he swore a thing to me on Monday night, which he forswore on Tuesday morning;
# Billy juró que fue un ocho... #♪ Billy swore that he threw eight... ♪
- En el parque Babelsberg... jurasteis servirme,servir al rey- In the park in Babelsberg... you swore to be my servant, a servant of the king.
Cuando os llevé hace unas semanas a casa, chicos, me jurasteis que me cubriríais la espalda si alguna vez tenía problemas.When I drove you guys home a few weeks ago, you swore to me you'd get my back if I ever was in trouble.
Cuando os lo di jurasteis llevarlo hasta vuestra muerte. ¡Que le enterrarían con vos!You swore to me when I did give it you that you would wear it till your hour of death and that it should lie with you in your grave.
Le jurasteis fidelidad al rey, Señor.You swore the King an oath, my Lord.
Me jurasteis obediencia.You swore to obey me. I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen of the blood of Old Valyria.
*Frankie y Johnny eran unos enamorados* *qué encantadora pareja* *se juraron ser fieles el uno al otro* *fieles como las estrellas en el cielo* *él era su hombre* *pero le hizo daño*¶ Frankie and Johnny were sweethearts ¶ ¶ oh what a couple in love ¶ ¶ swore to be true to each other ¶
- Ellos juraron que estabais medio enferma de amor por mí.- They swore you were sick for me.
- Gracias. Me juraron que valdría.They swore to me it would fit.
- Se olvidaron en qué periódico, pero juraron que Francois se casa con Naomi Campbell.- They forgot which paper, but swore Francois is marrying Naomi Campbell.
- Todos ellos juraron ir conmigo... a la Tierra Santa, para combatir a los infieles, y nadie podrá... retirar un sólo hombre de las filas que morirá feliz por el Santo Sepulcro.- All of them swore to go with me... to the Holy Land, to fight against the infidel, and nobody can... take any man from the lines that wants to die happy for the Saint Sepulcher.
- Deja de hacerme daño... y juraré todo lo que tú quieras que diga.Stop hurting me and I will swear to whatever you want me to say.
Deme una biblia y juraré sobre ella.You give me a Bible, and I will swear on it.
Lo juraré sobre la Biblia ni es necesario.I will swear it on the Bible if necessary.
Lo juraré sobre la Biblia.I will swear on the Bible.
Lo juraré sobre un montón de Biblias.I will swear on a stack of bibles.
# Por los cielos de arriba jurarás # # Que no hay nada más extraordinario #By the heavens above you will swear there's nothing rarer.
Lo jurarás, sumo sacerdote.You will swear it, high priest.
Tú jurarás por tu corona... para garantizarme lo que deseo.You will swear by your true kingship to grant me what I wish.
Y tú jurarás decirle a tu padre que yo no tuve nada que ver con tu mutilación.And you will swear to tell your father that I had nothing to do with your maiming.
- Nuestro detective jurará que te siguió.- Our detective will swear he followed.
- Un testigo jurará la venta.A witness will swear to the sale of 100 muskets.
Alguien que jurará que lo hiciste.Somebody who will swear to it.
Bueno, tengo una montaña de papeles y un veterinario que juraráWell, I got a paper trail about a half-mile long and a veterinarian who will swear
Jaikant Mañana jurará el cargo ..Tomorrow Jaikant will swear-In..
Lo juraremos por el código de silencio.We will swear by the code of silence.
Lo juraremos por por el Tesoro.We will swear on on the precious.
4 hombres jurarán que no hiciste nada cuando Salvaje Bill intentó ahogar a Dean.But four men will swear you stood by while Wild Bill tried to strangle Dean.
4 personas jurarán que jugábamos al póquer.Four people will swear we were playing poker.
Cuatro jurarán que no vieron nada, y voy a estar boca abajo en una barcaza de basura con destino a Carolina del Sur.Four will swear they didn't see anything, and I'll be facedown in a garbage barge bound for South Carolina.
Ellos no jurarán lealtad a nadie más que a Arturo.They will swear allegiance to no-one but Arthur.
Hay 26 testigos que jurarán que estaba en el autobús antes de que ocurriera el asalto.I've got 26 witnesses that will swear I was on that bus before the robbery even went down.
- De no saber que es la Calle Pacífico... juraría que estamos en Nob Hill.- Yeah. - And if I didn't know that we was on Pacific Street... I would swear that we was up on Nob Hill.
Disculpe, señor, pero, señora, si no conociera su historia, juraría que la conocí en el Planeta de Placer Wrigley.Excuse me, sir, but, ma'am, if I didn't know better, I would swear that you were somebody I left behind on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet.
En delantal haciendo galletitas, la mitad del pueblo juraría que era Jill.Put her in an apron baking cookies, half the town would swear it was Jill.
Hasta este día, tu padre juraría que se lastimó porque lo jugué en la posición equivocada.Your father would swear to this day that he got hurt because I played him in the wrong position.
Lo juraría, conociéndola.I would swear on that, knowing her.
El efecto es tan poco realista que juraríamos que los ojos han sido pintados por otra mano"the effect is so unrealistic that we would swear that the eyes have been painted by another hand "
Es cierto que usted no sabía nada pero apuesto a que estos muchachos jurarían que sí sabía.It's true you didn't know anything, but I'm willing to bet these guys would swear that you did.
Por supuesto, soy miope alérgico, xenofóbico y algunos de mis mejores amigos jurarían que soy esquizofrénico.Of course, I am myopic... allergic, xenophobic... and some of my closer friends would swear on a stack... that I'm schizophrenic.
Y si nos hubieran visto, jurarían que éramos una de esas familias perfectas, lo que me lleva a creer que probablemente no existan.And if you had seen us, you would swear we were one of those perfect families, which leads me to believe they probably don't exist.
¿Los dos lo jurarían ante un juez?You both would swear to that in front of a judge?
- No jure aquí, padre.- Don't swear in here, Father.
- Primero jure que-- - Lo juro. La dejaré tranquila.I swear, I'm out of your life.
- ¿Impediréis que jure?Will you not let me swear it?
- ¿Quiere que se lo jure por Alá?... should I swear by Allah?
- ¿Quieres que jure?- Do you want me to swear?
"No jures, o, si lo haces..."" Do not swear at all.
"Oh, no jures por la luna la luna inconstante..." "que cambia mensualmente en su órbita circular..." "No sea que tu amor, como ella se vuelva así de variable"" Oh, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon... that monthly changes in her circled orbit... lest that of thy love prove likewise variable."
"Oh, no jures por la luna, por la inconstante luna"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,
- Ah, no jures por la luna...- O swear not by the moon...
- Bien, no jures... aunque eres mi contento, no me contenta sellar el compromiso esta noche.- Well, do not swear. Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night:
"Los jesuitas esperan de nosotros que aceptemos sus errores o juremos que los aceptamos."Thus, the Jesuits expect us to either embrace their errors or to swear that we embrace them.
# O juremos con gloria morir #Or let us swear in glory to die!
- ¿Que juremos el qué?- We swear, what?
Esta bien, juremos el lazo.OK, then swear on the bond.
Lideres tribales, juremos lealtad a este símbolo de un fuerte poder .Tribal leaders, swear now with me to this image of governing power.
- No juréis en vano, Laire.Don't swear, Laire.
- No juréis en vano.- Don't swear, Laire.
- No juréis por vuestra espada, y tragadla.- Do not swear by it, and eat it.
Así que no juréis, no bebáis, y nunca, jamás lleves esos horribles conjuntos en mi presencia de nuevo.So don't swear, don't drink, and never, ever wear those horrific outfits in my presence again.
Cuando la encontréis, no juréis.When you find her, don't swear.
- ¿Harás que juren?- Would you have them swear an oath?
Aquellos que juren lealtad serán perdonados.Those that swear loyalty will be spared.
Aquellos que me juren lealtad vivirán.Those of you who swear allegiance to me shall live.
Beban, arponeros. Beban y juren.Drink here, harpooneers... drink and swear.
Cualquier promesa que juren sobre estos anillos debe ser honrada y mantenida.Any oath that you swear on these rings Must be honored and kept.
Los otros puede que juraran eso.The others could have sworn that.
- Que nunca hablaréis de lo que habéis visto, jurad por mi espada.Never to speak of this that you have seen, swear by my sword.
Doblad la rodilla y jurad lealtad a mi hijo y permitiremos que viváis el resto de vuestros días en ese desierto gris al que consideráis vuestro hogar.Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son-- and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home.
Si hago esto jurad que no desertaréis.If l do this you got to swear you won't dodge the draft.
Vamos, Bassanio, jurad que conservaréis este anillo.My lord Bassanio, swear to keep this ring.
Vos, que deseáis recibir la orden de caballería, jurad ser siempre leal a nuestro Rey que nos la otorga, jurad ayudar y defender a los débiles y no rechazar cualquier riesgo que salga a vuestro paso.You that desire to receive the order of knighthood swear now always to be loyal to your King who bestows it upon you. Swear also to maintain and defend the weak and to shun no adventure of your person in battle.
" He jurado ante el altar de Dios lucha eterna ante toda forma de tiranía sobre la mente del hombre"." I've sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
"El tribunal sólo da importancia a que el acusado puso en peligro a gente inocente a la que había jurado proteger."The court only attaches importance... "to the accused`s reckless endangerment of innocent people... "that he had sworn to his country to protect.
"Hemos jurado, hemos prometido ..."We have sworn, we have vowed... never to part"
"Me ha hecho su enemigo jurado, malvada mujer""You have made me your sworn enemy, evil woman."
"Pude haber jurado que lo estacioné aquí. ¿Y mi auto?"."I could have sworn I parked it right here. Where is my car?"
# Estoy escupiendo, él está dándole a las notas correctas # # si todos estaban sentados allí oyéndolo # # estarías jurando que no podría ser un chico blanco # # y yo podría presumir #♪ I'm spitting, he's hitting the right notes ♪ ♪ if y'all were sitting there hearing it ♪ ♪ you would be swearing it couldn't be white folks ♪
- ¿Recuerdas estar frente a mí jurando...- Do you remember standing in front of me and swearing...
Ahora estás jurando que un día me destruirás.You're swearing now. That someday you'll destroy me.
Al final del día, cuando colocas tu nombre en una tarjeta de resultados, estás jurando: "Esto fue lo que hice, este es quien soy. "At the end of day, when you put your name on that scorecard, You're swearing, "this is what I did,
Aparecieron recientemente jurando ser hijos de Ronnie Kray.They surfaced recently swearing they are Ronnie Kray's sons.
Así que mejor me jurás que no los dejás ir.So you better swear you won't let them go.

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