Firmar (to sign) conjugation

142 examples

Conjugation of firmar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I sign
you sign
he/she/it signs
we sign
you all sign
they sign
Present perfect tense
he firmado
I have signed
has firmado
you have signed
ha firmado
he/she/it has signed
hemos firmado
we have signed
habéis firmado
you all have signed
han firmado
they have signed
Past preterite tense
I signed
you signed
he/she/it signed
we signed
you all signed
they signed
Future tense
I will sign
you will sign
he/she/it will sign
we will sign
you all will sign
they will sign
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would sign
you would sign
he/she/it would sign
we would sign
you all would sign
they would sign
Past imperfect tense
I used to sign
you used to sign
he/she/it used to sign
we used to sign
you all used to sign
they used to sign
Past perfect tense
había firmado
I had signed
habías firmado
you had signed
había firmado
he/she/it had signed
habíamos firmado
we had signed
habíais firmado
you all had signed
habían firmado
they had signed
Future perfect tense
habré firmado
I will have signed
habrás firmado
you will have signed
habrá firmado
he/she/it will have signed
habremos firmado
we will have signed
habréis firmado
you all will have signed
habrán firmado
they will have signed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sign
(if/so that) you sign
(if/so that) he/she/it sign
(if/so that) we sign
(if/so that) you all sign
(if/so that) they sign
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya firmado
I have signed
hayas firmado
you have signed
haya firmado
he/she/it has signed
hayamos firmado
we have signed
hayáis firmado
you all have signed
hayan firmado
they have signed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have signed
(if/so that) you have signed
(if/so that) he/she/it have signed
(if/so that) we have signed
(if/so that) you all have signed
(if/so that) they have signed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have signed
(if/so that) you have signed
(if/so that) he/she/it have signed
(if/so that) we have signed
(if/so that) you all have signed
(if/so that) they have signed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera firmado
I had signed
hubieras firmado
you had signed
hubiera firmado
he/she/it had signed
hubiéramos firmado
we had signed
hubierais firmado
you all had signed
hubieran firmado
they had signed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese firmado
I had signed
hubieses firmado
you had signed
hubiese firmado
he/she/it had signed
hubiésemos firmado
we had signed
hubieseis firmado
you all had signed
hubiesen firmado
they had signed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have signed
(if/so that) you will have signed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have signed
(if/so that) we will have signed
(if/so that) you all will have signed
(if/so that) they will have signed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere firmado
I will have signed
hubieres firmado
you will have signed
hubiere firmado
he/she/it will have signed
hubiéremos firmado
we will have signed
hubiereis firmado
you all will have signed
hubieren firmado
they will have signed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's sign!
Imperative negative mood
no firmes
do not sign!
no firme
let him/her/it sign!
no firmemos
let us not sign!
no firméis
do not sign!
no firmen
do not sign!

Examples of firmar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Bueno, no necesitamos a firmar nada."Well, we don't need to sign anything.
"Es bueno firmar papel de india blanca."Good to sign white squaw's paper.
"Hasta que Bartlet decida firmar la segunda carta y poner en la calle a Walken"."Till Bartlet decides to sign the second letter and boot Walken out of our White House. "
"Hemos devuelto la piedra a la Iglesia de Escocia ... ', en la ruinas de la Abadía de Arbroath, "donde los Estados de Escocia se reunieron para firmar su Declaración de Independencia ".'We returned the Stone to the Church of Scotland 'at the ruined Abbey of Arbroath, 'where the Estates of Scotland met to sign their Declaration of Independence. '
"Intenta" firmar en el lugar correcto.Try to sign on the right line.
"Si firmo el contrato, definitivamente voy a ser una de las top models""If I sign the contract, I'll definitely be one of the top models"
"Yo, Vespasiano, lo firmo.""I, Vespasian, have signed this."
- A ti, te lo firmo con sangre.[Barry] Don't forget to sign the receipt this time.
- Cor, la firmo para los dos.- Cor, he signed it to both of us.
- De acuerdo, firmo.- All right, I'll sign.
"Antes de casarnos, por que no firmas este contrato prenupcial.""Before we get married, why don't you sign this prenuptial agreement."
"Generalmente no firmas así"."You don't normally sign it that way,"
"Los Nuevos Demócratas tienen 20.000 firmas válidas... y pueden participar en las elecciones".'The New Democrats have 20,000 valid signatures... and can run in the elections.
"Los hinchas están reuniendo firmas y además amenazan""The fans are gathering signatures and are"
"No saldrás de aquí si no firmas".Listen, you won't make it out of this place unless you sign the declaration.
"El Gobierno de Defensa Nacional firma un armisticio, contra la voluntad de los parisinos.The Government signs an armistice, against the will of the Parisians.
, pero se trata sobre quién firma los cheques.It's about whoever signs the paychecks.
- Cavour firma los decretos!- Cavour signs the decrees!
- Entra en su oficina un día dice ser Wagner y firma un recibo.- I walks into your office today he says he's Wagner and signs a receipt.
- Nadie firma para ser el segundo.- No one signs up to come in second.
"El contrato que firmamos con el sello, es 100% bueno para nosotros, Porque podemos evitar todos los problemas que los artistas tenían antes."The contract we signed with the major, is 100% good for us because we can avoid all the problems that artists had before with the majors
"Escuela y Fútbol", de León Maranhão y Rita Almendros. - Los dos firmamos."School and Soccer" by León Maranhão and Ritinha Almendos signed by both of us.
$ 5,000,000 y firmamos el contrato en 10 diasFive million dollars and signing contract in 10 days.
- Diane, firmamos el alquiler.- Diane, we signed the lease.
- Don, todos firmamos muchas cosas.Don, we all sign a lot of things.
- Si firmáis este papel, podréis hacerlo.- If you sign this paper, you can.
Así que, ¿por qué no firmáis el juramento?So, why don't you sign the oath?
Cada vez que escribís una carta, la firmáis "Mike, Frankie, Axl, Sue... y Brick"I am too! Whenever you write a card, you sign it "Mike, Frankie, Axl, Sue... and Brick.
Cuidado con lo que firmáis.Be careful what you sign.
Lo que firmáis hoy es un símbolo del amor mutuo y profundo del corazón.What you're signing today is a symbol of your deep-hearted love for each other.
"Los representantes de los EE.UU. y de la nación cheyenne... firman este juramento solemne de buena fe y concordia".Representatives of the United States here and of the Cheyenne Nation sign below as a solemn pledge of faith and agreement.
*Nuncame firman Este divorcio de papel, nunca.*Heneversignme This paper divorce, never.
- Aquí no se firman exenciones.- We don't sign waivers around here.
- Aquí sólo firman papeles.- Well, they only sign slips here.
- Eso. - ¿Por qué no firman, maldición?- Look. - Why aren't they signing? For Pete's sake!
"Es lo que dije cuando firmé el contrato."I said that when we signed the contract.
"Es para lo que firmé.""It's what I signed up for."
"Voy a contratar un abogado... para librarme del contrato que firmé en la secundaria.""I'm gonna hire a lawyer to get out of my contract I signed in high school."
- Cuando firmé el contrato.- OK, when I signed on, I...
- Daniel escribió una carta en Goa'uld y yo la firmé.- Daniel typed a formal letter in Goa'uld... ..and I signed it.
- ...este trato que firmaste-- - ¿Dónde está el Sr. Stroh?- this deal that you signed... - Where's Mr. Stroh?
- Bueno, lo firmaste con- Uh, well, you signed it in
- Dijeron que firmaste esa confesión.- They said you signed a confession.
- El recibo que le firmaste a Sardeti... cuando te pagó.- The receipt you signed for Sardeti... when he paid you.
- Entonces lo firmaste?- When have you signed.
"Ejecutados por la palabra de Dios", dijo en la confesión que firmó."Executed for the word of God" is what he said in his signed confession.
"Es puro amor, si el Massey firmó. "Only love is in mind if the Massey is signed.
"Hoy se firmó un pacto de no agresión"This afternoon a non-aggression pact was signed
"Primera artista firmó con la etiqueta Cisne Negro "."...first recording artist signed to the Black Swan label."."
"Visité la sala donde se firmó el tratado de cesión de Taiwán a Japón"."I visited the hall where the treaty ceding Taiwan to Japan was signed"
- Tengo entendido que firmasteis una declaración acusándome de ser el espía detrás de la emboscada.- I understand you signed the statement naming me as the spy behind that ambush.
- ¿Así que Rose y tú firmasteis los papeles?- So, you and Rose signed the papers?
Cuando os registrasteis en la Colosseum, firmasteis un documento diciendo que no demandaríais a la universidad.When you registered at Colosseum, you signed a document saying you wouldn't sue the school.
El acuerdo de inscripción que firmasteis.The enrollment agreement you signed.
Ese contrato que firmasteis dice que le cortaré un dedo a la primera persona que se raje.That contract you signed says I get to cut off a finger of the first person who cracks.
"El gobierno de la República y las Juventudes Comunistas firmaron un acuerdo, en presencia de Ferenc Havasi, miembro del Comité Central, el Secretario del Primer Ministro, el Dr. László Maróthy, miembro del Comité Político, y el Primer Secretario,The government of the Hungarian Peoples Republic... and the Central Committee of the Young Communist League... have signed an agreement in the presence of... Ferenc Havasi, Central Commitee member of POSH... and deputy prime minister, and Laszlo Marothy, member of the politburo, and first secretary of the Young Communist League.
"En el año 2000, casi todos los países firmaron..."In the year 2000, almost every country signed up...
- Ellos firmaron?- Are they signed?
- Es el mismo contrato que firmaron los "Bee Gees".- It's the same contract the Bee Gees signed.
- Qué importa eso ahora, ya lo firmaron.- What d0es it matter n0w, they've signed.
! y firmaré los papeles mañanaAnd i will sign the papers tomorrow.
- A continuación, dejarás a los demás en libertad y firmaré una declaración diciendo lo que quieras.- Then let the others go free and I will sign a statement saying anything you want.
- CD, firmaré.- CD, I will sign.
- La firmaré.- I will sign it.
- Lo firmaré más tarde.Sign here. - l will sign for it later.
- Tengo los documentos y los firmarás.I have the documents, and you will sign.
A cambio de mi testimonio, querido firmarás y me entregarás el molino y las propiedades Ghostwood.In exchange for my testimony, dear, you will sign the mill and Ghostwood Estates back over to me.
Esta la firmarás tú.You will sign this one.
Mañana llegarás temprano, y firmarás por mi es solo una firmaTomorrow you will have to go early then I will sign. There is sign.
Primero firmarás, luego presenciarás la boda.You will sign first and then witness the marriage.
"Charles San Denis, nuestro ilustre vecino, firmará su libro... "."Charles Saint-Denis, our local claim to fame, will sign his new book..."
- El señor Palmer lo firmará.Mr. Palmer will sign it.
- Porque firmará un contrato conmigo.- Because he will sign a contract with me.
- ¡La firmará!- You will sign it!
-Ningún doctor firmará eso-No doctor will sign that.
-Lo firmaremos muy pronto.- We will sign it soon.
La Reina y yo firmaremos un tratado que legitimará nuestra ocupación.The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here.
Quizás pueda ayudar. Yuri Suvarov y yo firmaremos un tratado de comprensión que promete un nuevo nivel de cooperación entre nosotros y nuestros amigos rusos en la guerra contra el terror.Yuri Suvarov and I will sign a treaty that promises a new level of cooperation between us and our Russian friends.
Solo ofrézcanos una visita guiada y firmaremos esta cosaSo just give us the 25-cent tour, and we will sign off on this thing
Si la amáis, firmaréis.If you have any love for it, you will sign.
- Ya te lo firmarán los americanos.-The Americans will sign it.
120.000, y mañana por la mañana firmarán un contrato a las 8 en punto.120000, and tomorrow morning you will sign a contract at eight o'clock.
A petición de Farmacéutica Joa... los dos directores firmarán el acuerdo.Upon request of Joa Pharmaceutical, the two CEOs will sign the agreement.
Ahora cuando sean elegidos para un caso, firmarán una declaración jurada bajo la regla de práctica estudiantil, que les permitirá trabajar como abogados auténticos-- bajo mi supervisión por supuesto.Now when you're selected for a case, You will sign an affidavit under the student practice rule, Which will allow you to work like bona fide attorneys--
Ellos firmarán algo en Oslo probablemente en unos meses.They will sign something in Oslo probably in a few months.
- Bueno, ahora que wee mejores amigos, me preguntaba si ustedes firmaría mis libros de teléfono y luego romper 'em en medio de mí.- hey, now that wee best friends, i was wondering if you guys would sign my phone books and then rip 'em in half for me.
- Y quería saber si firmaría mi DVD.I think that was the most brilliant performance ever in the history of everything, and I wanted to see if you would sign my DVD.
Alicia Florrick, me pidió que fuera a su oficina y me dijo que si cambiaba este informe y exoneraba a su marido, que ella lo firmaría también.Alicia Florrick, asked me into her office and told me if I changed this report and exonerated her husband, that she would sign it, too.
Como firmaría un autógrafo... un caballo.Like how a horse would s... would sign an autograph.
Cuando veas la ocasión con mucha delicadeza pregúntale si me Io firmaría.When you have the chance... with extreme tact... ask him if he would sign it for me.
Porque firmarías esta declaración diciendo que Ronald Smythe amenazó la vida de Jonas y lo obligó a robar a los Silverman apuntándole con un arma.Because you would sign this testimony which states that Ronald Smythe threatened Jonas' life and forced him to rob the Silvermans at gunpoint.
Y si la vieras y aún así dijera que no, ¿firmarías?And if you saw her and she still said no. Then you would sign?
¿Después de que me dieras tu palabra de que firmarías el contrato de donante, y entonces decidieses de repente que no podías?After you gave me your word you would sign the donor contract, and then suddenly decided that you couldn't?
¿En qué mundo crees firmaríamos esto?In what world would you think we would sign that?
No reconocieron hasta hace poco que había una lista de espera y lo intentaron justificar diciendo que a la hora de aclararles las limitaciones del coche, sólo 50 firmarían.Only recently did they finally admit there actually was a waiting list and tried to explain it in the way of; "By the time we explained all the limitations of the car to them only 50 would sign up."
Sí tus cabezas de nada clientes productores osaran mostrar un poco de cerebro firmarían por mi trasero en un tour y estaría dando la vuelta al mundo.If your big gulp-head producer clients would dare to show a little brains,... ..they would sign my ass up on that tour and I'd be touring the world.
"Buenas tardes, el notario Di Tullio, firme por el ático..."Good afternoon, I'm Di Tullio, sign here for the penthouse".
"Diciendome que firme un contrato para demostrar que te amo?"Telling me to sign a contract to show that I love you?
"He hecho firme su dinastía para siempre."I did sign your dynasty forever.
"Laboratorios Lyndon" Si está de acuerdo con todo, firme las 8 copias donde está marcado.If everything is satisfactory, please sign all copies where tagged.
"Por favor, firme y envíe el boleto ganador y la forma a Papá Noel, Polo Norte"."Please sign and mail your winning ticket and claim form to Santa Claus, North Pole."
"nunca firmes algo sin tener algo a cambio"."never sign something without getting something in return."
$20,000 cuando firmes, y luego hablaremos del resto.$20,000 to sign, and then we'll talk about the rest.
- ..para que firmes el GMD y....and take your signature on the GMD and..
- Ay, Sofía, conocí a otra persona y necesito que firmes estos papeles de divorcio.- Oh, Sofía, I've met someone else and I need you to sign these divorce papers.
- Charlie, necesito que firmes algo.- charlie, I need you to sign something. - Not now, ted.
"Bueno, pues firmemos un cheque". ¡Y lo hicieron!So, "Hey, let's sign a check." And they did!
- Entonces firmemos,- Let's just sign,
- Noel quiere que firmemos con Higway65.- Noel wants us to sign with Highway 65.
- Pero te aseguro, que una vez que firmemos los papeles estaré impaciente por trabajar con vosotros para asegurarnos de que nuestro bebé esté sano y sea engendrado.- But I assure you, Once we've signed the papers I will look forward To working very close with you to make sure
- Podemos preparar una estrategia pero, Leo, nada más hasta que firmemos un acuerdo.What else? -We can put together a strategy but, Leo, there isn't anything else until we sign a deal.
Ahora necesito que toméis estos formularios, que vienen a expresar la experiencia compartida que hemos tenido hoy, y quiero que los examinéis y los firméis, como una especie de compromiso de grupo.Now I need you to take these forms. This kind of expresses the joint experience we had today. And I want you to look them over and sign them, as a kind of a group pledge.
Así que he redactado una renuncia para que firméis en caso de una catástrofe.So I've drafted a waiver for you to sign in the event of a catastrophe.
Claro, lo que no dicen es que, una vez firméis, os cortarán las pelotas con una navaja de afeitar y os pondréis gordos como un gato domésticoSure, but what they don't tell you is after you sign, they take your balls with a straight razor and fatten you up like a housecat.
Comprendido, razón por lo que, con riesgo a incitar al Sr. Guerrero, necesito que firméis estos documentos.Understood, which is why, at the risk of inciting Mr. Guerrero here, I need you to sign these documents.
César, el Senado os envía estos documentos para que los firméis.Caesar? The Senate sends these documents for your signature.
"Sólo firmen este pequeño pedazo de papel, Sr. Akagi""Just sign this little piece of paper, Mr. Akagi. "
, firmen la hoja de inscripción que se esta pasando.OK, so the sign-up sheet is being passed around.
- Chicas, firmen aquí.- Ladies, sign up right here.
- En cuanto todos los propietarios firmen.- As long as all the owners of the land sign off.
- Genial. Bien, firmen este acuerdo de confidencialidad y zarparemos.Great.Just sign thisnon-disclosure agreement and we'll head out.
Es posible que así firmara su condena a muerte.I might as well have signed her death warrant.
Puede que firmara por las razones equivocadas ... pero soy mayor ahora, y he aprendido mucho.I may have signed up for the wrong reasons... But I'm older now, and I've learned a lot.
Tony, el problema de un estudio como este es que puede que Simón firmase aceptando que le siguieran pero eso significa que todo el mundo al que conoce quiera ser filmado.Tony, the problem with a study like this is, Simon may have signed up to be followed, but that doesn't mean everyone he met wanted to be filmed.
Así que por favor, firmad.So please sign up.
Bien, firmad la sentencia donde corresponde, y vuestro divorcio será definitivo.All right, sign the decrees where indicated, and your divorce will be final.
Bien. Ahora firmad los contratos y marchaos de aquí.Now sign the contracts and get out of here.
Donde veáis una etiqueta roja, firmad.Everywhere you see a red tag, sign your name.
Firmad uno, firmad los dos, tenéis que decidir cómo termina la historia.You sign one, you sign both, you guys get to decide how the story ends.
" El primer ministro ha firmado hoy el histórico Acuerdo de Paz ..'Prime Minister signed the historical Peace Accord..
"$ 100.000 a la banda en Cheers, Malcolm Kramer firmado.""$100,000 to the gang at Cheers, signed Malcolm Kramer. "
"Dejad de mataros hasta que nos pongamos al día, firmado... la policía"."Stop killing each other till we catch up, signed... the police."
"Ellos ignoran por completo el hecho de que existe algo llamado "Global Warming Petition" que está firmado por más de 19.000 profesionales y científicos que no están de acuerdo, con la idea que se nos está inculcando sobre el cambio climático."They completely ignore the fact that there's this thing called the Oregon Petition that was signed by 19,000 professionals and scientists, who don't agree, with the idea that we are causing climate change.
"Es nuestro deber informarle que el Codicilo suyo ha sido completado y firmado y se hará efectivo a partir del 4 de noviembre de 2002.""This is to inform you the codicil to your will has been completed and signed and is effective as of November 4, 2002."
"Lo está firmando. Lo está firmando. No lo puedo creer."And down here in small print it says "He's signing it, he's signing it, I can't believe it."
"No estoy firmando las notas para hacer una broma perversa."I'm not signing the notes on the bottom line "for a sick joke.
"mientras tú, Linc, estás firmando con Cissy,"while you, Linc, are signing Cissy,
- Alguien estuvo firmando un 1077.- Something worth signing a 1077 for.
- Dime que no está firmando autógrafos.- Tell me he's not signing autographs?
Ahora firmá acá y terminamos.You sign here and finish.
-"Suscripto' sos vos. el que firmás.That's you. The person who signs.
Si no firmás este informe nos rajan a las dos.If you don't sign, we'll both get laid off.

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