Estimular (to stimulate) conjugation

71 examples

Conjugation of estimular

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I stimulate
you stimulate
he/she/it stimulates
we stimulate
you all stimulate
they stimulate
Present perfect tense
he estimulado
I have stimulated
has estimulado
you have stimulated
ha estimulado
he/she/it has stimulated
hemos estimulado
we have stimulated
habéis estimulado
you all have stimulated
han estimulado
they have stimulated
Past preterite tense
I stimulated
you stimulated
he/she/it stimulated
we stimulated
you all stimulated
they stimulated
Future tense
I will stimulate
you will stimulate
he/she/it will stimulate
we will stimulate
you all will stimulate
they will stimulate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would stimulate
you would stimulate
he/she/it would stimulate
we would stimulate
you all would stimulate
they would stimulate
Past imperfect tense
I used to stimulate
you used to stimulate
he/she/it used to stimulate
we used to stimulate
you all used to stimulate
they used to stimulate
Past perfect tense
había estimulado
I had stimulated
habías estimulado
you had stimulated
había estimulado
he/she/it had stimulated
habíamos estimulado
we had stimulated
habíais estimulado
you all had stimulated
habían estimulado
they had stimulated
Future perfect tense
habré estimulado
I will have stimulated
habrás estimulado
you will have stimulated
habrá estimulado
he/she/it will have stimulated
habremos estimulado
we will have stimulated
habréis estimulado
you all will have stimulated
habrán estimulado
they will have stimulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I stimulate
(if/so that) you stimulate
(if/so that) he/she/it stimulate
(if/so that) we stimulate
(if/so that) you all stimulate
(if/so that) they stimulate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya estimulado
I have stimulated
hayas estimulado
you have stimulated
haya estimulado
he/she/it has stimulated
hayamos estimulado
we have stimulated
hayáis estimulado
you all have stimulated
hayan estimulado
they have stimulated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have stimulated
(if/so that) you have stimulated
(if/so that) he/she/it have stimulated
(if/so that) we have stimulated
(if/so that) you all have stimulated
(if/so that) they have stimulated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have stimulated
(if/so that) you have stimulated
(if/so that) he/she/it have stimulated
(if/so that) we have stimulated
(if/so that) you all have stimulated
(if/so that) they have stimulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera estimulado
I had stimulated
hubieras estimulado
you had stimulated
hubiera estimulado
he/she/it had stimulated
hubiéramos estimulado
we had stimulated
hubierais estimulado
you all had stimulated
hubieran estimulado
they had stimulated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese estimulado
I had stimulated
hubieses estimulado
you had stimulated
hubiese estimulado
he/she/it had stimulated
hubiésemos estimulado
we had stimulated
hubieseis estimulado
you all had stimulated
hubiesen estimulado
they had stimulated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have stimulated
(if/so that) you will have stimulated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have stimulated
(if/so that) we will have stimulated
(if/so that) you all will have stimulated
(if/so that) they will have stimulated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere estimulado
I will have stimulated
hubieres estimulado
you will have stimulated
hubiere estimulado
he/she/it will have stimulated
hubiéremos estimulado
we will have stimulated
hubiereis estimulado
you all will have stimulated
hubieren estimulado
they will have stimulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's stimulate!
Imperative negative mood
no estimules
do not stimulate!
no estimule
let him/her/it stimulate!
no estimulemos
let us not stimulate!
no estimuléis
do not stimulate!
no estimulen
do not stimulate!

Examples of estimular

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El mercado ha caído por culpa del anuncio para estimular las inversiones.""The market declined due to the lack of signs to stimulate investments."
- Como para estimular tu interés.- Just to stimulate your interest.
- Mantenemos el respirador en marcha. Hemos intentado estimular el corazón, pero si no fuera por eso, nada.We've kept the respirator going, we've tried to stimulate the heart, ...but if it weren't for that, nothing.
- Tenemos que estimular el sistema nervioso central, y podemos hacerlo oralmente, o con pomadas, o... de la forma más efectiva, subcutáneamente.- We have to stimulate the central nervous system, and we can do that orally, or with ointments, or... ah... the most efficacious way, subcutaneous.
- Vino para estimular los sentidos.Wines to stimulate your senses.
Ahora. Lo que pensarias es que si estimulas el dedo meñique... toma un periodo de tiempo finito para llegar al lado opuesto de la corteza... asi que el paciente lo reportaria una fracción de segundo después del estimulo.Now, what you would think, would be that if you stimulate the little finger... it takes a finite period of time to get to the opposite side of the cortex... so the patient would report it a fraction of a second later after the stimulus.
Asi que, por ejemplo, lo que él hizo fue... estimular el dedo meñique del paciente... y mirar la parte de la corteza sensorial en el lado opuesto... que estaba relacionado con eso. Grabar de ello eléctricamente... y preguntar al paciente cuándo él o ella sentia el estimulo en el meñique.So, for example, what he did was... he would stimulate their little finger... and look at the part of the sensory cortex on the opposite side... that was related to that, record from it electrically... and ask the patient when he or she felt the stimulus on the little finger.
Doy a mis clientes el producto que necesitan, estimulo esa necesidad para incrementar el mercado y poco a poco me voy haciendo imprescindible.Provide your customers with products they need, and encourage that need a little bit to stimulate your market and soon your customers will depend on you. I mean really need you.
Me estimulo mirándole. ¡Dale voz!Oh, I'm stimulated watching him.
Me estimulo mirándole.Oh, I'm stimulated watching him.
- Ya no me estimulas.- You don't stimulate me.
Ahora. Lo que pensarias es que si estimulas el dedo meñique... toma un periodo de tiempo finito para llegar al lado opuesto de la corteza... asi que el paciente lo reportaria una fracción de segundo después del estimulo.Now, what you would think, would be that if you stimulate the little finger... it takes a finite period of time to get to the opposite side of the cortex... so the patient would report it a fraction of a second later after the stimulus.
Y cuando lo estimulas directamente. El paciente lo reportaria inmediatamente.And when you stimulate it directly, the patient would report it immediately.
"La combinación única de amor y terror" "aparentemente estimula una reacción cortical.""The unique combination of love and terror there apparently stimulates a cortical reaction."
"Nada me estimula".Nothing stimulates me."
"Veremos como la comedia estimula el ridículo gusto...""We'll now discuss how comedy stimulates the liking ridicule..."
"porque la situación de ducharme estimula la imaginación""'Cause the shower situation stimulates imagination
# Hubo un fallo de comunicación, # # y te dimos una dosis errónea de algo llamado neurotransmisor, # # ...que estimula el cuerpo. #There was a breakdown in communication and you were given the wrong dose of a neurotransmitter which stimulates the body.
- Ese chulo que estimulamos y dejamos ir.That pimp that we stimulated and let roam.
Esta representación automática del cuerpo, cuando la estimulamos en esta región del paciente, no puede fusionar las sensaciones de dónde ve el cuerpo y dónde lo siente.This automatized body representation, when we stimulate it in this region in this one patient, could not fuse where you see your body and where you feel your body.
Sabes lo que pasa si estimulamos la glandula de la prostata con una picana?- Do you know what happens if we stimulate your prostate gland with a cattle prod?
Si estimulamos el área premotora podemos restaurar unos patrones limitados del habla.If we stimulate the pre-motor cortex... we can... we can definitely restore some limited speech patterns.
Si estimulamos esas neuronas con una sonda eléctrica, podemos hacer que el cerebro de su hijo alucine.If we stimulate those neurons with an electric probe, we can trick your son's brain into hallucinating.
Al momento de evaluar una obra, los concursantes estimulan de alguna forma al jurado...When you evaluate a piece of art, do the contestants stimulate the judge's decision insome way?
Algunas personas se estimulan entre sí de maneras extrañas.Some people stimulate each other in weird ways.
Así medimos la actividad eléctrica o se estimulan sensaciones o pensamientos con electricidad.You can measure electrical activity, or, with a minute amount of current, you can stimulate a feeling or... or a thought.
Caminar y andar en bicicleta estimulan mi creatividad.Walking and cycling stimulate my creativity.
Ciertos químicos cerebrales que estimulan esa felicidad absoluta.nsuti, not only can you increase your level of dopamine or other substances which stimulates ecstasy.
Realmente sentí Me sobre estimulé a mí mismo a los seis años, como, cansado de cualquier otra cosa que había ocurrido.I really feel like I overstimulated myself at six years old because it, like, jaded me for every other thing that's ever happened.
Te sobre estimulaste.You became overstimulated.
A partir de entonces, en todos los estados e imperios se empezó a acuñar la moneda y el nuevo dinero, verdaderamente estimuló el comercio.After that point, in any state or empire that had a mint making coins, the new money really stimulated trade.
Admito que en todo esto que manejó... hay algo que siempre me estimuló.I admit that, in this whole story... one thing has always stimulated me:
Algo sobre estimuló su glándula ecrina también.Something over-stimulated his eccrine gland as well.
Cuando mordió el limón, estimuló la saliva que presionó a la piedra.When you bit on the lemon it stimulated your saliva gland which pressed on the stone.
Eso estimuló al máximo tus endorfinas.It stimulated the hell out of your endorphins.
Entonces Ian Wallace fue atado, le estimularon las tetillas recibió quemaduras leves en la lengua y fue asfixiado.So, Ian Wallace was restrained, his nipples were stimulated, he had minor burns on his tongue, and he was asphyxiated.
Se estimularon nuestras glándulas pineales.The pineal gland was stimulated.
"Una política que fomente la creación estimulará el progreso nacional y favorecerá el desarrollo de las relaciones humanas. ""Encouraging creativity in all sectors will stimulate the nation's progress and pave the way for improved personalities and human relations."
El pasto de trigo y la pasta de ojo de pez japones estimulará tu producción de leche.(man inhales and exhales) The wheat grass and the Japanese fish-eye paste will stimulate your milk production.
Es un tratamiento hormonal que estimulará tus ovarios, que han estado inactivos tras tus años de píldora.It's a hormonal treatment which will stimulate your ovaries which have become inactive after your years on the pill.
Eso estimulará la producción de tus óvulos, y si lo toleras bien, nos permitirá cosechar tus óvulos y crear embriones viables.That will stimulate your egg production, and if you tolerate it well, will allow us to harvest your eggs and create viable embryos.
Esto estimulará su respiración.This will stimulate his breathing.
Eres joven, sabes, y tus vibraciones estimularán los bulbosYou are young, you see, and your vibrations will stimulate the corms.
Esas células, cree él, estimularán en Dominica una sensación de que alguien o algo está presente.Those cells, he believes, will stimulate in Dominica a sense that someone or something is present.
Sé que se supone que debo decir que mis recortes impositivos estimularán la economía y entonces creará puestos de trabajo.I know I'm supposed to tell you that my tax cuts will stimulate the economy and therefore create jobs.
El amigo Ben dijo que esta fuente feng shui estimularía la riqueza.Your friend Ben said this feng shui fountain would stimulate wealth.
Estoy intentando desesperadamente romper el hielo. Un sí o ¿sí? , o un cállese estimularía la conversación.Now that I'm trying desperately to strike a more genial note a "yes" or "is that so?" or even a "shut up" would stimulate the conversation considerably.
Gente que te estimularía intelectualmente... y muchachas fantásticas, según supe.People who would stimulate you intellectually, and I, you know- - I hear really, really kinda great chicks.
Si me torturaran alguna vez estimularía los centros de placer de mi cerebro para que produjeran grandes cantidades de endorfinas naturales.If l was ever tortured, it would stimulate the pleasure centres of my brain to trigger the production of vast amounts of natural endorphins.
Si sacaran una serie completamente nueva, eso estimularía las ventas.Now, if you came out with an entirely new series, it would stimulate sales.
Tenía la esperanza de que ustedes estimularían a nuestros Thralls.It was hoped that such new blood would stimulate our stock of thralls.
Bueno, no es raro que una mujer se estimule con la lectura.Well, it's not unusual for a woman to be stimulated by reading.
Christine se merece una programación estructurada que estimule su crecimiento intelectual.Christine deserves a clearly structured program that will stimulate her intellectual growth.
Cuando se sienta nervioso, quiero que estimule este punto de presión neurológico.The next time you feel nervous, you stimulate a neural pressure point, like this.
Deberías dejar que te estimule el punto del tercer ojo.You should let me stimulate yourthird eye point.
Los niños necesitan que se les estimule.Babies need to be stimulated.
Al principio, hay un pequeño cosquilleo por debajo de los electrodos en el cuero cabelludo, durante unos 30 segundos o algo así, pero después de eso no lo siento más, ya sea que me estimulen o no.In the beginning, there's a slight tingling underneath the electrodes at the scalp for about 30 seconds or so, but afterwards I can't really feel it anymore, whether I'm being stimulated or not.
Ciertamente no hay nada gay en que le estimulen a uno la próstata.There's certainly nothing gay about having one's prostate stimulated.
Los investigadores le han dado vueltas a este requisito en los apretados confinamientos del lejano espacio usando los diodos emisores de luz fríos o LEDs, con los colores del espectro que estimulen el crecimiento de las plantas.Researchers have gotten around this requirement... in the tight confines of a space far away... by using the cool light-emitting diodes... or LEDs, shaded to the colors of the spectrum... that stimulate plant growth.
No, espera un minuto, estos tratamientos tal vez estimulen la actividad cerebral pero aún sigue en silla de ruedas.Wait, these treatments might stimulate brain activity, but he's in a wheelchair.
Quizás porque necesitemos que nos estimulen.That's because we need to be stimulated.
- "Ya estoy estimulado".-I go, "I'm stimulated enough now. "
- Procuramos mantenerte estimulado tal y como el Dr. Huxtable nos ha sugerido.We're keeping you stimulated, like Dr Huxtable suggested.
- Y pasan allí donde usted será estimulado.- And spend it there where you will be stimulated.
A lo largo de la historia, la tecnología de la época... ha estimulado nuevas formas de mirar el mundo.Throughout history, the technology of the age has stimulated new ways of looking at the world.
Al coger la novela "Dogura Magura" algo ha estimulado tu memoria más profunda.Picking up the Dogra Magra novel. Something's stimulated your deepest memories.
- No lo sé, pero algo está estimulando las vías neurales de nuestro sistema límbico.- I don't know, but something is stimulating the pathways in our lembic system.
Acariciando el perineo o estimulando la próstata si le gusta, puede también puede ponerlo todo en su sitio en un tiempo record.Stroking the perineum or stimulating the prostate gland if he's into that, can also bring things back on track in record time.
Al presionar sobre ellos y estimulando un área del cerebro central, se hace sentir amenazada a la rata.By pressing above them and stimulating one area of the midbrain, the rat is made to feel threatened.
Algo la está estimulando.Something is stimulating it.
De acuerdo, bien, por lo menos, está estimulando la economía local.All right, well, at the very least, he's stimulating the local economy.

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