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Engrasar (to grease) conjugation

60 examples

Conjugation of engrasar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I grease
you grease
he/she/it greases
we grease
you all grease
they grease
Present perfect tense
he engrasado
I have greased
has engrasado
you have greased
ha engrasado
he/she/it has greased
hemos engrasado
we have greased
habéis engrasado
you all have greased
han engrasado
they have greased
Past preterite tense
I greased
you greased
he/she/it greased
we greased
you all greased
they greased
Future tense
I will grease
you will grease
he/she/it will grease
we will grease
you all will grease
they will grease
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would grease
you would grease
he/she/it would grease
we would grease
you all would grease
they would grease
Past imperfect tense
I used to grease
you used to grease
he/she/it used to grease
we used to grease
you all used to grease
they used to grease
Past perfect tense
había engrasado
I had greased
habías engrasado
you had greased
había engrasado
he/she/it had greased
habíamos engrasado
we had greased
habíais engrasado
you all had greased
habían engrasado
they had greased
Future perfect tense
habré engrasado
I will have greased
habrás engrasado
you will have greased
habrá engrasado
he/she/it will have greased
habremos engrasado
we will have greased
habréis engrasado
you all will have greased
habrán engrasado
they will have greased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I grease
(if/so that) you grease
(if/so that) he/she/it grease
(if/so that) we grease
(if/so that) you all grease
(if/so that) they grease
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya engrasado
I have greased
hayas engrasado
you have greased
haya engrasado
he/she/it has greased
hayamos engrasado
we have greased
hayáis engrasado
you all have greased
hayan engrasado
they have greased
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have greased
(if/so that) you have greased
(if/so that) he/she/it have greased
(if/so that) we have greased
(if/so that) you all have greased
(if/so that) they have greased
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have greased
(if/so that) you have greased
(if/so that) he/she/it have greased
(if/so that) we have greased
(if/so that) you all have greased
(if/so that) they have greased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera engrasado
I had greased
hubieras engrasado
you had greased
hubiera engrasado
he/she/it had greased
hubiéramos engrasado
we had greased
hubierais engrasado
you all had greased
hubieran engrasado
they had greased
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese engrasado
I had greased
hubieses engrasado
you had greased
hubiese engrasado
he/she/it had greased
hubiésemos engrasado
we had greased
hubieseis engrasado
you all had greased
hubiesen engrasado
they had greased
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have greased
(if/so that) you will have greased
(if/so that) he/she/it will have greased
(if/so that) we will have greased
(if/so that) you all will have greased
(if/so that) they will have greased
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere engrasado
I will have greased
hubieres engrasado
you will have greased
hubiere engrasado
he/she/it will have greased
hubiéremos engrasado
we will have greased
hubiereis engrasado
you all will have greased
hubieren engrasado
they will have greased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's grease!
Imperative negative mood
no engrases
do not grease!
no engrase
let him/her/it grease!
no engrasemos
let us not grease!
no engraséis
do not grease!
no engrasen
do not grease!

Examples of engrasar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Hay que engrasar las ruedas.- We got to grease these wheels.
- Hay una línea muy fina, lo Cómo podemos proteger al trabajador, sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, seguir para engrasar la ruedas para el capitalismo?- There's a fine line, how do we protect the worker, yet, at the same time, continue to grease the wheels for capitalism?
-Hay que engrasar las ruedas.-We got to grease these wheels.
Así que quizás mientras estoy intentando engrasar las ruedas para ti allí en la oficina de planificación de la ciudad, ¿podrías contarme algo del problema que tu y tus compañeros estabais teniendo con Del Merrick?So maybe while I'm trying to grease the wheels for you over there at the city planner's office, maybe you can tell me about the trouble you and your pals were having with Del Merrick?
Bastante tenedores... no queremos engrasar a las tropas.Lots of fork foods... don't want to grease up the troops.
Si engraso algunas ruedas Hutchinson se calmará.If I grease some wheels, Hutchinson will calm down.
Tú patrullas las calles... yo engraso las ruedas.You patrol the streets... I grease the wheels.
Voy a una reunión de mi fraternidad y todavía no me engraso.I have a pledge meeting to go to and haven't greased myself up.
Además, investigué un poco, y oí que si engrasas la palma del comisionario de zona de Stars Hollow, un hombre llamado Taylor Doose, puedes cambiar los deslindes de la propiedad, y darte una dirección en Stars Hollow si es muy importante para ti.Plus I did a little nosing around, and I heard that if you grease the palm of the Stars Hollow zoning commissioner, a man named Taylor Doose, you can get him to change property lines, so we can give you a Stars Hollow address if it's really important to you.
Por qué no te pones en cuatro y te engrasas como cerdo, voy por leña.Now, why don't you get on all fours and grease yourself up like a pig. I'm gonna go get some firewood.
Porque a veces cuando engrasas la mano, los dedos se ponen resbalosos.Because sometimes, when you grease the palm, it makes the fingers slippery.
Si algo sale mal arreglas un soborno y engrasas algunas manos.If something goes wrong you give out bribes and grease some hands.
Así que se engrasa el cuerpo como una nadadora de competición... se zambulle, pasa entre algunos tiburones... tiene que superar problemas ahí, pasa a través de los guardacostas... a través de campos minados y luego, está en la costa.So, she greases her body like a channel swimmer. She dives in. She has heavy trouble with sharks, she goes through the Coast Guard, minefields and then she's on shore.
Mi padre engrasa el interior de la funda.My papa greases the inside of his holster.
Él dice que sudar ... engrasa las ruedas en la vía rápida para las confesiones.He says sweat... greases the wheels on the fast track to confessions.
- ¿Y si engrasamos los neumáticos?What if we grease the tires?
Hoy tomamos un cerdo, lo engrasamos, y ganará el primero que lo atrape.Today, we've taken a pig, greased it up, and the first one who catches it, wins.
Nos engrasamos y aparecemos.We grease up, we pull in.
Y no podemos probarlo porque engrasamos las malditas cámaras.And we can't prove it because we greased out the bloody cameras.
La construcción siempre fue una bolsa de sorpresas donde las manos se engrasan.Building's always been a grab bag where palms get greased.
Las brujas van a sus convenciones elevándose por los aires... se engrasan con la médula y el cebo de las víctimas inocentes... mezcladas con la sangre fresca proveniente de los corazones de las vírgenes.Witches fly to their meetings and to rise into the air, they grease themselves with marrow and the fat of murdered innocents mixed with fresh blood from under the hearts of virgins.
Y para que la policía cierre los ojos... les engrasan la mano con un fajo de billetes.And for the police to shut its eyes They grease them with a bundle or two
Agrandé un poco las ventanas. La engrasé bien. Le puse ruedas nuevas.I cut the windows a little bigger, greased it real good, set some new spokes and fellows.
No entiendo, la engrasé con mucho cuidado.I don't understand it. I was particularly careful when I greased it.
Soy Pauline Allen, y quisiera confesar... que engrasé el escalón de la escalera donde Ed resbaló a destiempo.I'm Pauline Allen, and I would like to confess that I greased the very top step on which Ed untimely slipped.
- Sí. - Pregúntale si fue ella quién engrasó los frenos.- Ask her if she greased the breaks.
Alguien engrasó el muro.Someone greased the wall.
Alguien le engrasó los patines a este tío.Someone greased the skids on this guy.
Carter engrasó la barandilla de la escalera entre el primer y segundo piso y el Sr. Brister se dio un buen porrazo.Carter greased the railing on the stairway between the first and the second floor and Mr. Brister took quite a nasty tumble.
Lori se engrasó antes de la gran confrontación.Lori greased up before the big face-off.
Recuerda que te engrasaron el eje muchas veces.May I remind you that you got your axle greased a fair amount in the process?
¡Los malditos vagos engrasaron las vías!They greased the rails, the goddamn tramps!
A la próxima que recoja un vagón vacío, no dejaré que se incendie... ¡porque un maldito encargado olvidó aceitar la caja de engrase!Next time I pick up an empty, I'm not gonna have it burned... 'cause some damned yardlet forgot to grease the journal box!
Dile a Daniel que te engrase las bisagras, seguro que eso ayuda.Get Daniel to grease your hinges, that'll speed things up.
Estoy de acuerdo, Congresista Pero los republicanos no autorizaran la fuerza de Paz sin algo que engrase los motores.I agree, Congressman, but the leadership isn't gonna authorize peacekeeping without something to grease the skids.
No querrás que se engrase.You don't want to get any grease spots on it.
Pe-Pero hasta entonces, quizá esto engrase las ruedas un poco, ¿eh? Mira, son 300 Dolares.But-but until then, maybe this will grease the wheels a bit, huh? Oh. Hey.
Creo que quiere que le engrases los engranajes.I think she wants you to grease the wheels.
Esta vela con aroma a playa de CVS garantiza que engrases la carne o te devuelven el dinero.This beach-scented candle from CVS is guaranteed to grease the beef or your money back.
Estoy pidiendote que engrases mi pecho.I'm asking you to grease my chest.
Necesitamos que engrases las manos de tus políticos para que pase la legislación que estamos encabezando.We need you to grease the palms of your politicians in order to get legislation we're spearheading passed.
No engrases las cartas.Don't get grease on the cards.
Muy bien, engrasemos la maquina registradora.All right, grease up the cash register.
¿Veis? No quiere que los engrasemos, ¿sabéis?See, he doesn't want us to grease them, you know?
Ahora, si me disculpáis, tengo que ir a que me engrasen mis verdaderos amigos para mi deslizador de fiesta.Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go get greased up by my real friends for my party slide.
Ahora, usted sabe y yo sé que nada se mueve en esta ciudad sin que los rieles se engrasen.Now, you know and I know that nothing moves in this city without the rails getting greased.
Grey, Williams, engrasen el jeep antes de irse.Grey, williams, you get that jeep greased before you knock off.
Si se averió un tractor, diles que lo engrasen con aceite de ricino.And if anybody's tractor's broke down... tell them to grease it with castor oil.
¿Quiere que le engrasen el coche para mañana?Should I grease your carriage for tomorrow morning, madam?
"¡Cargad las bayonetas y engrasad perfectamente el fusil!"Bayonets fixed, and all guns perfectly greased!
"Atrapen al sordo engrasado."Catch the greased-up deaf guy.
- ¿Has engrasado los moldes de pasteles?Have you greased the cake tins?
Ahora, la frontera es conocida por ser porosa, pero estos sujetos han engrasado cada rueda.Now, the border's known to be porous, but these guys have greased every wheel.
Aquí está, lavado, engrasado y cambiado el aceite.Washed, greased and With an oil change!
Asegúrate de que esté bien engrasado.Make sure it's well-greased.
- Elena y yo sólo estamos engrasando la rueda.Elena and I are just greasing the wheels a little. - Greasin'the wheels.
Clark, créeme, puedo tomarlo en calma engrasando la máquina del tractor en el granero o sentado en el sofá.Clark, believe me. I can take it just as easy greasing the bearings on the tractor out in the barn as I can sitting on that couch.
Cuando me encontré a nuestro hijo engrasando su arma, fui castigada.When I walked in on our son greasing his gun, I was being punished.
De todos modos, pasó esa mañana del viernes rallando queso engrasando un molde y colocó dentro los macarrones porque su hija mayor estaba enferma. Y Stella ya no podía sentarse sin hacer nada.Still,she spent that friday morning grating cheese... and greasing a pan... and laying in macaroni because her eldest daughter was sick, and stella could no longer sit by and do nothing.
En el otro extremo, están engrasando a Mike Tyson que boxea con un contrincante imaginario y suda.At the other end, they're greasing up Mike Tyson. He's shadowboxing and starting to sweat.

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