Deslenguarse (to speak brashly without education) conjugation


Conjugation of deslenguarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me deslenguo
I speak brashly without education
te deslenguas
you speak brashly without education
se deslengua
he/she/it speaks brashly without education
nos deslenguamos
we speak brashly without education
os deslenguáis
you all speak brashly without education
se deslenguan
they speak brashly without education
Present perfect tense
me he deslenguado
I have spoken brashly without education
te has deslenguado
you have spoken brashly without education
se ha deslenguado
he/she/it has spoken brashly without education
nos hemos deslenguado
we have spoken brashly without education
os habéis deslenguado
you all have spoken brashly without education
se han deslenguado
they have spoken brashly without education
Past preterite tense
me deslengüé
I spoke brashly without education
te deslenguaste
you spoke brashly without education
se deslenguó
he/she/it spoke brashly without education
nos deslenguamos
we spoke brashly without education
os deslenguasteis
you all spoke brashly without education
se deslenguaron
they spoke brashly without education
Future tense
me deslenguaré
I will speak brashly without education
te deslenguarás
you will speak brashly without education
se deslenguará
he/she/it will speak brashly without education
nos deslenguaremos
we will speak brashly without education
os deslenguaréis
you all will speak brashly without education
se deslenguarán
they will speak brashly without education
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me deslenguaría
I would speak brashly without education
te deslenguarías
you would speak brashly without education
se deslenguaría
he/she/it would speak brashly without education
nos deslenguaríamos
we would speak brashly without education
os deslenguaríais
you all would speak brashly without education
se deslenguarían
they would speak brashly without education
Past imperfect tense
me deslenguaba
I used to speak brashly without education
te deslenguabas
you used to speak brashly without education
se deslenguaba
he/she/it used to speak brashly without education
nos deslenguábamos
we used to speak brashly without education
os deslenguabais
you all used to speak brashly without education
se deslenguaban
they used to speak brashly without education
Past perfect tense
me había deslenguado
I had spoken brashly without education
te habías deslenguado
you had spoken brashly without education
se había deslenguado
he/she/it had spoken brashly without education
nos habíamos deslenguado
we had spoken brashly without education
os habíais deslenguado
you all had spoken brashly without education
se habían deslenguado
they had spoken brashly without education
Future perfect tense
me habré deslenguado
I will have spoken brashly without education
te habrás deslenguado
you will have spoken brashly without education
se habrá deslenguado
he/she/it will have spoken brashly without education
nos habremos deslenguado
we will have spoken brashly without education
os habréis deslenguado
you all will have spoken brashly without education
se habrán deslenguado
they will have spoken brashly without education
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me deslengüe
(if/so that) I speak brashly without education
te deslengües
(if/so that) you speak brashly without education
se deslengüe
(if/so that) he/she/it speak brashly without education
nos deslengüemos
(if/so that) we speak brashly without education
os deslengüéis
(if/so that) you all speak brashly without education
se deslengüen
(if/so that) they speak brashly without education
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya deslenguado
I have spoken brashly without education
te hayas deslenguado
you have spoken brashly without education
se haya deslenguado
he/she/it has spoken brashly without education
nos hayamos deslenguado
we have spoken brashly without education
os hayáis deslenguado
you all have spoken brashly without education
se hayan deslenguado
they have spoken brashly without education
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me deslenguara
(if/so that) I have spoken brashly without education
te deslenguaras
(if/so that) you have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguara
(if/so that) he/she/it have spoken brashly without education
nos deslenguáramos
(if/so that) we have spoken brashly without education
os deslenguarais
(if/so that) you all have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguaran
(if/so that) they have spoken brashly without education
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me deslenguase
(if/so that) I have spoken brashly without education
te deslenguases
(if/so that) you have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguase
(if/so that) he/she/it have spoken brashly without education
nos deslenguásemos
(if/so that) we have spoken brashly without education
os deslenguaseis
(if/so that) you all have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguasen
(if/so that) they have spoken brashly without education
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera deslenguado
I had spoken brashly without education
te hubieras deslenguado
you had spoken brashly without education
se hubiera deslenguado
he/she/it had spoken brashly without education
nos hubiéramos deslenguado
we had spoken brashly without education
os hubierais deslenguado
you all had spoken brashly without education
se hubieran deslenguado
they had spoken brashly without education
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese deslenguado
I had spoken brashly without education
te hubieses deslenguado
you had spoken brashly without education
se hubiese deslenguado
he/she/it had spoken brashly without education
nos hubiésemos deslenguado
we had spoken brashly without education
os hubieseis deslenguado
you all had spoken brashly without education
se hubiesen deslenguado
they had spoken brashly without education
Future subjunctive tense
me deslenguare
(if/so that) I will have spoken brashly without education
te deslenguares
(if/so that) you will have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have spoken brashly without education
nos deslenguáremos
(if/so that) we will have spoken brashly without education
os deslenguareis
(if/so that) you all will have spoken brashly without education
se deslenguaren
(if/so that) they will have spoken brashly without education
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere deslenguado
I will have spoken brashly without education
te hubieres deslenguado
you will have spoken brashly without education
se hubiere deslenguado
he/she/it will have spoken brashly without education
nos hubiéremos deslenguado
we will have spoken brashly without education
os hubiereis deslenguado
you all will have spoken brashly without education
se hubieren deslenguado
they will have spoken brashly without education
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
speak brashly without education!
speak brashly without education!
let's speak brashly without education!
speak brashly without education!
speak brashly without education!
Imperative negative mood
no te deslengües
do not speak brashly without education!
no se deslengüe
let him/her/it speak brashly without education!
no nos deslengüemos
let us not speak brashly without education!
no os deslengüéis
do not speak brashly without education!
no se deslengüen
do not speak brashly without education!

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