Deducir (to deduce) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to infer, to deduct

Conjugation of deducir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I deduce
you deduce
he/she/it deduces
we deduce
you all deduce
they deduce
Present perfect tense
he deducido
I have deduced
has deducido
you have deduced
ha deducido
he/she/it has deduced
hemos deducido
we have deduced
habéis deducido
you all have deduced
han deducido
they have deduced
Past preterite tense
I deduced
you deduced
he/she/it deduced
we deduced
you all deduced
they deduced
Future tense
I will deduce
you will deduce
he/she/it will deduce
we will deduce
you all will deduce
they will deduce
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would deduce
you would deduce
he/she/it would deduce
we would deduce
you all would deduce
they would deduce
Past imperfect tense
I used to deduce
you used to deduce
he/she/it used to deduce
we used to deduce
you all used to deduce
they used to deduce
Past perfect tense
había deducido
I had deduced
habías deducido
you had deduced
había deducido
he/she/it had deduced
habíamos deducido
we had deduced
habíais deducido
you all had deduced
habían deducido
they had deduced
Future perfect tense
habré deducido
I will have deduced
habrás deducido
you will have deduced
habrá deducido
he/she/it will have deduced
habremos deducido
we will have deduced
habréis deducido
you all will have deduced
habrán deducido
they will have deduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I deduce
(if/so that) you deduce
(if/so that) he/she/it deduce
(if/so that) we deduce
(if/so that) you all deduce
(if/so that) they deduce
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya deducido
I have deduced
hayas deducido
you have deduced
haya deducido
he/she/it has deduced
hayamos deducido
we have deduced
hayáis deducido
you all have deduced
hayan deducido
they have deduced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have deduced
(if/so that) you have deduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have deduced
(if/so that) we have deduced
(if/so that) you all have deduced
(if/so that) they have deduced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have deduced
(if/so that) you have deduced
(if/so that) he/she/it have deduced
(if/so that) we have deduced
(if/so that) you all have deduced
(if/so that) they have deduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera deducido
I had deduced
hubieras deducido
you had deduced
hubiera deducido
he/she/it had deduced
hubiéramos deducido
we had deduced
hubierais deducido
you all had deduced
hubieran deducido
they had deduced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese deducido
I had deduced
hubieses deducido
you had deduced
hubiese deducido
he/she/it had deduced
hubiésemos deducido
we had deduced
hubieseis deducido
you all had deduced
hubiesen deducido
they had deduced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have deduced
(if/so that) you will have deduced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have deduced
(if/so that) we will have deduced
(if/so that) you all will have deduced
(if/so that) they will have deduced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere deducido
I will have deduced
hubieres deducido
you will have deduced
hubiere deducido
he/she/it will have deduced
hubiéremos deducido
we will have deduced
hubiereis deducido
you all will have deduced
hubieren deducido
they will have deduced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's deduce!
Imperative negative mood
no deduzcas
do not deduce!
no deduzca
let him/her/it deduce!
no deduzcamos
let us not deduce!
no deduzcáis
do not deduce!
no deduzcan
do not deduce!

Examples of deducir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es nuestro deseo describir la próspera condición del Imperio, y después, desde la muerte de Marco Antonio, deducir las circunstancias más importantes de su declive y caída".(WEGG) "It is our desire to describe the prosperous condition of the Empire, "and afterwards, "from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances
A partir de una pecera... puedo deducir que te gustan las veladas íntimas.logic allows me to deduce that you like being with a woman. Ciao.
Así que visto todo esto, ni siquiera yo puedo fallar al deducir que se ha peleado con nuestra buena casera y ha buscado refugio en la cordura de la barbería.So given all this at once even I cannot fail to deduce that you are have quarreled with our good housekeeper and sought refuge in the sanity of the barbershop.
Cuanto más datos colecte más fácil me será deducir el algoritmo.The more data I collect the easier it'll be for me to deduce that algorithm
De nuestros estudios del antiguo templo, hemos podido deducir que el Stargate es un dispositivo de transporte interplanetario pero no hemos podido determinar cómo hacer la conexión con los muchos planetas descriptos en las escrituras del templo.From our study of the temple we were able to deduce the Stargate was an interplanetary transportation device. We haven't determined how to make a connection with the many worlds described in the writings in the temple.
# Aunque es con facilidad elegante que deduzco de qué manera sopla el viento ## Though it is with a graceful ease I deduce in which way blows the breeze #
- Y también deduzco que solo has empezado hace poco porque tiene irritada la entrepierna.And I further deduce you've only started recently because you've got a bit of chafing.
- Yo deduzco.- I deduce.
Así que deduzco que todos estábamos dormidos incluyendo Ios que fueron sustraídos y también Ia tripulación, querido joven.So I deduce that everyone was asleep, including all those people that were subtracted, along with the flight crew, of course, dear boy.
Bien, deduzco que su Majestad se involucró con esta dama,... le escribió algunas cartas comprometedoras,... y ahora está deseoso de conseguirlas.So, I deduce that your Majesty became entangled with this lady, wrote her some compromising letters, and is now desirous of getting them back.
Casi, 1086. ¿Qué deduces de eso?Close. Ten eighty-six. And what do you deduce from that?
Quiero que huelas algo, y me digas qué deduces.I want you to smell something, tell me what you deduce.
¿Y qué deduces de todo esto, sobrino?And what do you deduce from all of this, Nephew?
¿Y qué deduces?What do you deduce from that?
El señor Shinohara deduce que hubo dos culpables.Mr. Shinohara deduces there were two culprits.
Por lo tanto se deduce que, en épocas anteriores, el distrito estuvo en llamas y tenía cráteres de fuego."So one deduces that, in earlier times, the district was on fire "and had craters of fire."
Así descubrir eso en parte de lo que sabemos, pero sobre todo de lo que deducimos.Well find that out partly from what we know, but mostly from what deduce.
Las manchas de sangre pertenecen al mismo grupo que las de Monica Ranieri de donde deducimos que el asesino los utilizo en el momento de matar.The blood stains are of the same group as Monica Ranieri's from which we deduce the murder was wearing it at the time.
Lo deducimos de lo que hemos encontrado en el guante.We deduced it from the wear on the glove.
Observamos, y luego deducimos.We observe, and then we deduce.
Así que los expertos deducen cuán largo era un codo, a partir de las dimensiones de la gran pirámideSo experts deduced how long the cubit was from the dimensions of the Great Pyramid
Agrega a eso que la altura... a la que fue atada la soga... que deduje de esta fotografía... y puedo calcular... el tamaño del asesino de Jacob, dada la altura promedio... y la envergadura de adultos mayores de la época.You add to that the height at which the rope was tied off, which I deduced from the photograph here, and I was able to calculate the size of Jacob's killer, given the average height and wingspan of adult males living at the time.
Algo que deduje cuando la ayudaba a subir las escaleras.Something l deduced... when l was helping her up the stairs.
Basado en ciclos que sé que son partes del mecanismo, el Ciclo Metónico y el Ciclo de Saros, deduje que los antiguos griegos habían calculado la tasa anual de rotación en 0.112579655 hasta nuevo decimales.Based on cycles I knew were part of the mechanism, the Metonic and Saros cycles, I deduced the ancient Greeks had calculated this annual rate of rotation to be 0.112579655 to nine places of decimals.
Basado en hechos anteriores deduje que Glen Nash no sólo prefiere los blancos más difíciles sino que va por el más difícil.Based on past acts I've deduced that Glen Nash doesn't just prefer hard targets he goes for the hardest.
Dada la dimensión y el peso del paquete y el sonido que produce, creo que deduje exactamente qué es.Based on the dimensions and weight of the package and the sound of what's inside, I think I've deduced exactly what it is.
Esa tintorería a la que me enviaste, tú dedujiste lo que estaban haciendo.Well, I took care of it. That dry cleaner you sent me to, you deduced what they were up to.
¿Recogiste un mensaje para mí y dedujiste que tenía una aventura con Giovanni?You took a message for me... and deduced from that that I was having a smarmy affair with Giovanni?
¿Y dedujiste que ella entró en tu computadora y borró todos tus archivos, es correcto?And you deduced that she went into your computer and erased all your records, am I getting that right?
Averiguó que a Gérard Lalemand no le gustan las mujeres y dedujo que mató a Anita.She found out Gérard Lalemand didn't like women and deduced he killed Anita.
Con esto, dedujo la circunferencia terrestre con gran precisión y un error porcentual ínfimo.With those tools, he correctly deduced the circumference of the Earth to high precision with an error of only a few percent.
Correctamente dedujo que se infiltró en la sala de interrogatorios.You correctly deduced he was infiltrating the interview room.
Cuando tenia 5 anos, mientras observaba a los vecinos, dedujo que los bebes... no los traia la ciguena sino la comadrona--en su bolsa.At the age of five... by carefully observing a neighbor's house... he deduced that babies were brought... not by the stork but by the midwife-- in her satchel.
De hecho, es donde Leonardo dedujo por primera vez gracias a las conchas de mar fosilizadas que encontraron allí que el mundo era mucho más antiguo de lo que se pensaba.As a matter of fact, it's where Leonardo first deduced through the discovery of fossilized seashells that the world was far older than originally thought.
Creo que ya dedujimos eso.I think we deduced that.
Rastreamos sus transacciones financieras y entonces lo dedujimos.We tracked his financial transactions and then deduced.
Creemos que los rusos dedujeron que la vara era fisionable, creyeron controlarla y la usaron en Chernobyl.We believe the Russians deduced that the rod was a fissionable fuel assembly, believed they had it mastered, and tried to harness it at Chernobyl.
De esto, dedujeron que eI problema era recursivo... pero ademas, tuvieron que admitir contra su propia naturaleza... y una vez mas, que no se podía saber la respuesta.From this they deduced that the problem was recursive... but beyond that, found themselves admitting, against their own nature... and once again, that the answer was unknowable.
Los microprocesadores dedujeron que actuabas en contra de tu bienestar.Well, the microprocessor deduced that you were acting contrary to your best interests.
Los médicos dedujeron que fueron abusos de su padre y de su hermano.Doctors deduced she was being abused by her father And her brother.
Pero aquellos agentes del FBI inteligentes y astutos dedujeron mi pequeño plan justo a tiempo.But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time.
Ha sido educada por las damas del Sacré-Coeur que no aceptan más que a jóvenes salidas de la nobleza, de lo que deducirás, querida, que también soy hijo de madre soltera.She was educated by the Sacred Heart nuns, who only accepted girls born of the aristocracy, from which you will deduce that I too am the son of a single mother.
Pronto deducirás que es de día, y que estamos aquí de pie, en una comisaría de policía.Soon you will deduce it is daytime, and we are standing in a police station.
Es más, reflexionando más, deducirá cómo he hecho que...Further, upon deeper reflection, you will deduce, as did l...
Es muy probable que Abby deduzca que la suciedad era del fondo del mar.There's a good chance Abby will deduce the dirt came from the ocean floor.
No puedo decirlo hasta que deduzca su estructura atómica.I can't say until I deduce the atomic structure of this.
Y la segunda condición, que la proposición se deduzca de forma infalible sobre la base de otros axiomas o postulados.Or the second condition, that the proposition is deduced by infallible logic based on other axioms or postulates.
¿No hay posiblidades de que el magistrado deduzca el origen de este mensaje?There's no chance the magistrate Will deduce the source of this message?
¿Se cree capacitado para dar un veredicto justo y sincero... en este caso según se deduzca por las pruebas presentadas?Do you think that you're able to render a just and honest verdict... in this case as deduced by the evidence of the law as laid down by the court?
Una vez que ellos deduzcan que su muerte fue un accidente, que así será, no tendrán necesidad de molestarte más.Once they deduce that her death was an accident, which it most certainly was, they'll have no need to bother you any further.
- Lo he deducido.- I deduced it. - From what?
Afortunadamente, yo ya había deducido que Flecha Roja era un clon.Fortunately, I had already deduced Red Arrow was a clone.
Así que ha deducido que Garak piensa que Dukat miente sobre algo e interrumpió mi conversación para enfrentarse a él sobre algo que no sabe.So you deduced that Garak thinks Dukat is lying about something and you interrupted my conversation to confront him about whatever that might be?
Así que los historiadores han deducido que los pies de Hércules medían 12.6 pulgadas.So historians have deduced that Hercules' feet were actually 12.6 inches long.
Así que pones todas estas cosas juntas, y he deducido que probablemente fue de un ... ¿párroco?So you add those things together, and I've deduced it was probably owned by...a parish priest?
Ahora, en este punto, estoy deduciendo que ellos dijieron o hicieron algo... que cruzó la línea, y usted, con algo de justificación...Now, at this juncture, I'm deducing that they said or did something that... Crossed a line, and you, with some justification...
Se da cuenta de lo que pasa en la vida de la gente observando, escuchando, deduciendo.He figures out what's going on in people's lives by watching, listening, deducing.
Sobre este tema, necesitan saber que entre esa cantidad de ciencias conocidas hoy en día, solamente la aritmética y la geometría estan libres de falsedad e incertidumbres porque consisten totalmente de lógica deduciendo una serie de consecuencias, concernientes a un sujeto puro y simple y su existencia no se basaOn this subject, you need to know that among the sciences known today, only arithmetic and geometry are free from falsity and uncertainties because they consist entirely of logically deducing a series of consequences, concern a pure and simple subject and their existence is not based

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