Contactar (to contact) conjugation

118 examples

Conjugation of contactar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I contact
you contact
he/she/it contacts
we contact
you all contact
they contact
Present perfect tense
he contactado
I have contacted
has contactado
you have contacted
ha contactado
he/she/it has contacted
hemos contactado
we have contacted
habéis contactado
you all have contacted
han contactado
they have contacted
Past preterite tense
I contacted
you contacted
he/she/it contacted
we contacted
you all contacted
they contacted
Future tense
I will contact
you will contact
he/she/it will contact
we will contact
you all will contact
they will contact
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would contact
you would contact
he/she/it would contact
we would contact
you all would contact
they would contact
Past imperfect tense
I used to contact
you used to contact
he/she/it used to contact
we used to contact
you all used to contact
they used to contact
Past perfect tense
había contactado
I had contacted
habías contactado
you had contacted
había contactado
he/she/it had contacted
habíamos contactado
we had contacted
habíais contactado
you all had contacted
habían contactado
they had contacted
Future perfect tense
habré contactado
I will have contacted
habrás contactado
you will have contacted
habrá contactado
he/she/it will have contacted
habremos contactado
we will have contacted
habréis contactado
you all will have contacted
habrán contactado
they will have contacted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I contact
(if/so that) you contact
(if/so that) he/she/it contact
(if/so that) we contact
(if/so that) you all contact
(if/so that) they contact
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya contactado
I have contacted
hayas contactado
you have contacted
haya contactado
he/she/it has contacted
hayamos contactado
we have contacted
hayáis contactado
you all have contacted
hayan contactado
they have contacted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have contacted
(if/so that) you have contacted
(if/so that) he/she/it have contacted
(if/so that) we have contacted
(if/so that) you all have contacted
(if/so that) they have contacted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have contacted
(if/so that) you have contacted
(if/so that) he/she/it have contacted
(if/so that) we have contacted
(if/so that) you all have contacted
(if/so that) they have contacted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera contactado
I had contacted
hubieras contactado
you had contacted
hubiera contactado
he/she/it had contacted
hubiéramos contactado
we had contacted
hubierais contactado
you all had contacted
hubieran contactado
they had contacted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese contactado
I had contacted
hubieses contactado
you had contacted
hubiese contactado
he/she/it had contacted
hubiésemos contactado
we had contacted
hubieseis contactado
you all had contacted
hubiesen contactado
they had contacted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contacted
(if/so that) you will have contacted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have contacted
(if/so that) we will have contacted
(if/so that) you all will have contacted
(if/so that) they will have contacted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere contactado
I will have contacted
hubieres contactado
you will have contacted
hubiere contactado
he/she/it will have contacted
hubiéremos contactado
we will have contacted
hubiereis contactado
you all will have contacted
hubieren contactado
they will have contacted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's contact!
Imperative negative mood
no contactes
do not contact!
no contacte
let him/her/it contact!
no contactemos
let us not contact!
no contactéis
do not contact!
no contacten
do not contact!

Examples of contactar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Está autorizado para contactar con todos los agentes que te conozcan" ."He is authorized to contact all agents known to you. "
"Quiero ir al espacio y contactar formas de vida compuestas por algo más que carbono y oxígeno"."to contact life forms that exist on chemicals other than carbon and oxygen."
"Tiene prohibido contactar con agentes que conozca usted" ."He is forbidden to contact any agents known to you. "
, una cosa es contactar con los muertos, y otra es entrometerse y usted está se entrometiendo.Listen, it is one thing to contact the dead, it is another to meddle, and you are meddling.
- ...y una forma de contactar a Gibbs.- and a way to contact Gibbs.
! - En contacto.- I mean contact.
! Por qué no mantuvieron el contacto?Why didn't you make a contact?
! ¡Paren el contacto!Steve, you all right? ! Break contact!
! ¿Ya hay contacto?- Did you have contact?
" Cambiar a tu bebé puede ser un reto para los padres primerizos, pero mantener el contacto es parte indispensable para la seguridad del bebe""Changing your baby can be a challenge for new parents, "but maintaining contact is integral to the baby's safety.
"Pagará mucho dinero si contactas con él.""Will pay good money if you contact him."
"Todo lo que contactas es un lugar para practicar la Vía""Everything you contact is a place to practice the Way"
- Hace tanto que no nos contactas.- you've been so long not contacting to me.
- ¿Cómo te contactas con él?- How do you contact him?
Asi que, tú encuentras mensajes en el show, tú contactas con estos verdaderos creyentes a través de esos sitios de fans. y entonces ellos te mandan uno de esos discos...So, what, you find messages in the show, you contact these true believers through these fan sites, and then they send you one of those discs...
- Si le localizamos ¿se pueden controlar sus mensajes por si contacta con él?If we find this clown, any way we can monitor his e-mail traffic in case Griscom contacts him?
- Supongamos que fueras un espía, el FLN te contacta en la cárcel, tú finges estar a favor de la revolución, y los franceses te dejan escapar.- Say you'd been a police spy, the FLN contacts you in prison, you pretend to be for the cause, and the French let you escape.
- Él se contacta conmigo.- He contacts me.
-Si ella lo contacta...- If she contacts you...
A principios de los 60, ve a Dyan Cannon de 23 años, en la televisión y contacta con ella.In the early '60s, Grant sees 23-year-old Dyan Cannon on television and contacts her.
- Es por ello que nos contactamos con Milán. - ¡No quiero ir a Milán!- That's why we contacted Milan. - I don't want to go to Milan !
- Nos contactamos con ellos y...- We have contacted them and ...
- ¿Nos contactamos con los equipos Delta?- What protocols do you want me on? - Shall I contact the Delta teams?
-Nos contactamos con su gobierno oficial.-We contacted government officials.
Si contactáis, hazle saber que le hago esta promesa...If you two do make contact, let him know that I'll make him this promise...
"Si los medios contactan contigo, envíamelos"."If media contacts you about this, refer to me".
- cuantas personas contactan conmigo?- how many people contact me?
- ¿Se contactan?Has your brother contacted you?
A veces contactan me mis compañeros de bandas intentando buscar peleas como gatos en el agua.You know, I sometimes gets contacted by my bands mates tryings to... ride my coats tails like drowning rats.
Algunos creen que ciertos espíritus... permanecen en nuestro plano y contactan con los vivos... con el fin de transmitir determinados mensajes.Some believe that certain spirits remain on our plane and contact the living for the purpose of relaying certain messages.
- Cuando hackeaste mi sistema pensé que estabas aquí para arrestarme, así que contacté a las autoridades y les expresé mi más profundo asombro al encontrar un cultivo de jakk bajo mis narices.- When you hacked my system, I thought you were here to bust me, so I contacted the authorities and expressed my absolute shock at finding a jakk grow-op running under my nose.
- De acuerdo contacté a la compañía holística en California.Okay, um, I contacted the holistic company in California.
- Ya se han emitido los boletines sobre Greta, y contacté con otras comisarias para averiguar quién más la está investigando y para qué.A.P.B.s are out on Greta, and I contacted other precincts to find out who else is investigating her and for what.
-Yo te contacté.- contacted you.
Ahora, busqué un poco más de este tipo y contacté con la junta médica.Now, I dug a little deeper into this guy and contacted the Medical Board.
- Nunca nos contactaste.- You never contacted us.
- ¿Y tú ya la contactaste?And you contacted her?
Asumo que contactaste a los Volm.I assume you've contacted the Volm?
Así que tú la contactaste.So you contacted her.
Cuando me contactaste, No estaba seguro si queria involucrarme en un proyecto de fotografias postumas.When you contacted me, I wasn't sure if I wanted to get involved in a project with posthumous prints.
- American Airlines contactó a Boston.American Airlines contacted Boston Center.
- El señor Purcell me contactó.Señor Purcell, he contacted me.
- Ella nunca se contactó con usted?- She never contacted you?
- Gussain nos contactó.Gussain contacted us. So what?
- Jack, Assad nos acaba de dar el nombre de un General ruso al que Fayed contactó un año atrás sobre las armas nucleares.Jack, Assad just gave us the name of a Russian general Fayed contacted a year ago about the nukes.
"Hace tres años, contactaron a nuestra compañía "para filmar un documental sobre la comunidad vampira de Bélgica.Three years ago, our company was contacted to shoot a documentary on Belgium's vampire community.
"Oh, mira, me contactaron y le dijeron:"Oh, look, they contacted me and said,
- Anoche nos contactaron otra vez.They contacted us again last night. Same invite.
- De cualquier modo ... parece que las chicas desaparecidas contactaron al señor Pendergrass a las 6:58 PM.- Anyhow... it seems the missing ladies contacted Mr. Pendergrass at 6:58 PM.
- Me contactaron... para construir fuera del país en sociedad....contacted me for a partnership to build homes overseas.
- Pero contactaré a Delenn.- But I will contact Delenn.
Cuando el tiempo llegue, te contactaré.When the time comes, I will contact you.
Cuando llegue el momento, contactaré contigo.When the time comes, I will contact you.
Cuando sea libre, contactaré con usted y le daré la información.Once I am free, I will contact you with the information.
Escriban la noticia, yo contactaré a los periódicos en el área de Tampa.Okay, you write the article, and I will contact the newspapers in the Tampa area.
- Alguien se contactará mañana.- Someone will contact us tomorrow.
-Un Oficial de Asistencia de Bajas lo contactará en 4 horas...A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you in four hours--
-Un Oficial de asistencia a las bajas los contactará en breve... para ayudarla en los arreglos para el funeral.A Casualty Assistance Officer will contact you shortly... - to help you arrange for the funeral.
Ahora nuestra velocidad de curvatura es 20... y la otra nave contactará con la nova en un minuto, 58,3 segundos.Our speed is now warp 20 and the other ship will contact the nova in one minute, 58.3 seconds.
Alguien contactará con usted, para ver los detalles de su presentación.Someone will contact you, to view details of your presentation.
"Le contactaremos pronto.""We will contact you soon."
"Nos contactaremos con usted a las 6.00 a.m."."We will contact you at 6.00 a.m."
- Lo contactaremos si es necesario. - Bueno.- We will contact you if necessary.
- Nosotros contactaremos contigo.- We will contact you.
- Te contactaremos para tu declaración.We will contact you about making a statement.
Ahora están siendo cautelosos... pero cuando confíen en nosotros, nos contactaránNow they're being cautious; But when they have trust, they will contact us.
Ellos contactarán con Relaciones Exteriores, quien a su vez... contactará al Departamento de Justicia de España, para que nombre un fiscal, quien a su vez nombrará un juez.They'll contact Foreign Affairs, who will contact Spain's justice department, who will name a prosecutor, who will name a judge.
Ellos la contactarán mañana para que lo retire.They will contact her tomorrow about picking it up.
- Si algo estuviese mal Cody nos contactaría.If something were wrong, Cody would contact us.
Bentley y Layton sabían que si preguntaban al Dr. Foy Ellie contactaría con nosotros y responderíamos rápido y duro.Bentley and Layton knew if they questioned Dr. Foy Ellie would contact us and we'd come knocking hard and fast.
Creo que tenía conocimiento avanzado sobre que Reddington contactaría conmigo.I believe he had advanced knowledge that Reddington would contact me.
Dije que yo te contactaría.I said I would contact you.
Dijo que Kimura nos contactaría.He said Kimura would contact us.
Del hospital me dijeron que se contactarían personalmente con usted por los pagos.The hospital said that they would contact you personally for payment.
Dijeron que contactarían a sus familias para darles la noticia y prometieron que no se detendrán hasta encontrar la forma de llevar al Voyager a casa.They said they would contact your families to tell them the news and promised that they won't stop until they've found a way to get Voyager back home.
Ellos me contactarían con un teléfono de paga.They would contact me by a pay phone.
Sabía que después de eso me contactarían.I knew that after that they would contact me.
"Cualquiera que conozca el paradero de Hallie Gerard por favor contacte... ""Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Hallie Gerard please contact..."
"En caso de una emergencia contacte con..."In case of emergency, please contact...
"En este momento quiero simplemente pedir" "A cualquier persona con cualquier información" "Se contacte con la policía inmediatamente."At this stage, I would simply urge anyone with any information to contact the police immediately.
"Espera a que te contacte el artesano.""Wait until the craftsman contacts you."
"Para mejorar su inversión, contacte a su asesor de inversiones"."To upgrade your investment, contact your investment adviser."
"Por Io tanto, te pido que no me contactes."Therefore, I ask you not to contact me.
- Primero necesito contactes con Londres.- First I need you to contact London.
-Mary, quiero que contactes a las siguientes personas y que lleguen a mi oficina en 10 minutos.Mary, contact the following people and have them in my office in ten minutes.
-No dejaré que contactes con ellos.-I'll not let you contact them.
-Te repito, no nos contactes de nuevo.-I repeat, do not contact us again.
- El protocolo dice que contactemos con Londres, pero eres el único en quien confiamos.- Protocol says that we contact London, but you're the one who has our confidence.
- No sé, contactemos al Lago de los Osos.- I don't know, but let's contact Bear Lake.
- Ya lo sé. - ¿Quiere que lo contactemos?- You want us to contact him?
- ¿Quieres que lo contactemos?- Do you want us to contact him for you?
Así que propongo que contactemos con la Agencia, y compartamos información.So I say we contact the Agency, share our intel.
Ahora, no hagáis ninguna tontería, no contactéis con nadie que conozcáis.Now, don't do anything silly, don't make any contact with any one you knew.
Así que, no importa lo que oigáis, no contactéis conmigo ni enviéis ayuda.So no matter what reports you hear, do not contact me or send help.
Así que, vosotros dos, necesito que contactéis con el distribuidor de la leche, averiguad dónde venden sus productos, y retirarlo todo de las estanterías.So, you two, I need you to contact the milk distributor, find out where they sell their product, and pull everything off the shelves.
No contactéis con Vinnie 'La Cicatriz'.No contacting Vinnie The Scar.
No contactéis con los servicios, si lo hacéis...don't contact the services you do, and I'll know
"No se contacten con la familia, los pone en peligro."You don't contact your family, cos it puts them in danger.
"¡Por favor contacten con el FBI de inmediato!"Please contact the Bureau immediately!"
- Entonces contacten a estas personas.- So contact these people.
- se contacten con la oficina del sheriff.- to contact the sheriff's office.
-que? ...y contacten inmediatamente a los oficiales mas cercanos....and immediately contact law enforcement officials.
No os conocíamos cuando llegamos. Aunque no creo que contactara contigo si pudiera.When I came over you must have been unknown to us, although I'm not sure I would have contacted you even if I could.
Bien, contactad con la otra nave.Okay, contact the other ship.
En cualquier caso, tomad la iniciativa... contactad la coordinación provisional de comités de acción... asistid todos a las reuniones el lunes por la mañana...In any case, take the initiative, contact the temporary coordination of the committees of action. Rendez-vous on the 12th, Monday morning.
Estudiadlos y cuando acabéis, contactad conmigo o con el agente Kirkland para asignaros las misiones.Study them, and when you're done, contact myself or Agent Kirkland for your assignments.
Morgan y Prentiss, contactad con los padres.Morgan and Prentiss, contact the parents.
Si alguien la ve, por favor, contactad con las autoridades inmediatamente.If anyone sees her, please contact the authorities immediately.
"A" no lo ha contactado por correo o por texto.That "A" hasn't contacted him through email or text.
"Hemos contactado al enemigo y tomado prisionero."Have contacted enemy and taken prisoner.
"Madame Cornelia Drechmeyer, la médium más famosa en su época ha contactado a más de mil espíritus en el otro lado"."Madame Cornelia Drechmeyer, the premiere medium of her day, "has contacted more than a thousand spirits on the other side."
"Sé que me acusan de haber contactado con el principal testigo.""I know I am accused "of having contacted a principal witness.
"Tocaron con el dedo" significa que he sido contactado por alguien en YouFace.Finger tagged means I have been contacted by someone else on YouFace.
- General, Wakanda nos está contactando.- General, Wakanda is contacting us.
A partir de este momento, si algún miembro... es descubierto tratando de huir o contactando con instigadores rebeldes... todos aquí morirán.From this moment on, if any member, is discovered trying to flee or contacting rebel instigators, everyone here will die.
Averigua si está contactando con ella. ¿Me oyes?~ Find out is he contacting her or she him. Are you listening?
Bien, mi ex-marido, que es el padre de Amanda, va a estar aquí el viernes, y él está contactando a la embajada americana.Well, my ex-husband, who's Amanda's father, is going to be here on Friday, and he is contacting the American embassy.
Brass está contactando a su agente.Brass is contacting his managers.

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