Carcajearse (to laugh heartily or heavily) conjugation

This verb can also have the following meanings: laugh, to bust up or be in stitches, to cackle

Conjugation of carcajearse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me carcajeo
I laugh heartily or heavily
te carcajeas
you laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajea
he/she/it laughs heartily or heavily
nos carcajeamos
we laugh heartily or heavily
os carcajeáis
you all laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajean
they laugh heartily or heavily
Present perfect tense
me he carcajeado
I have laughed heartily or heavily
te has carcajeado
you have laughed heartily or heavily
se ha carcajeado
he/she/it has laughed heartily or heavily
nos hemos carcajeado
we have laughed heartily or heavily
os habéis carcajeado
you all have laughed heartily or heavily
se han carcajeado
they have laughed heartily or heavily
Past preterite tense
me carcajeé
I laughed heartily or heavily
te carcajeaste
you laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajeó
he/she/it laughed heartily or heavily
nos carcajeamos
we laughed heartily or heavily
os carcajeasteis
you all laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajearon
they laughed heartily or heavily
Future tense
me carcajearé
I will laugh heartily or heavily
te carcajearás
you will laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajeará
he/she/it will laugh heartily or heavily
nos carcajearemos
we will laugh heartily or heavily
os carcajearéis
you all will laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajearán
they will laugh heartily or heavily
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me carcajearía
I would laugh heartily or heavily
te carcajearías
you would laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajearía
he/she/it would laugh heartily or heavily
nos carcajearíamos
we would laugh heartily or heavily
os carcajearíais
you all would laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajearían
they would laugh heartily or heavily
Past imperfect tense
me carcajeaba
I used to laugh heartily or heavily
te carcajeabas
you used to laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajeaba
he/she/it used to laugh heartily or heavily
nos carcajeábamos
we used to laugh heartily or heavily
os carcajeabais
you all used to laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajeaban
they used to laugh heartily or heavily
Past perfect tense
me había carcajeado
I had laughed heartily or heavily
te habías carcajeado
you had laughed heartily or heavily
se había carcajeado
he/she/it had laughed heartily or heavily
nos habíamos carcajeado
we had laughed heartily or heavily
os habíais carcajeado
you all had laughed heartily or heavily
se habían carcajeado
they had laughed heartily or heavily
Future perfect tense
me habré carcajeado
I will have laughed heartily or heavily
te habrás carcajeado
you will have laughed heartily or heavily
se habrá carcajeado
he/she/it will have laughed heartily or heavily
nos habremos carcajeado
we will have laughed heartily or heavily
os habréis carcajeado
you all will have laughed heartily or heavily
se habrán carcajeado
they will have laughed heartily or heavily
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me carcajee
(if/so that) I laugh heartily or heavily
te carcajees
(if/so that) you laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajee
(if/so that) he/she/it laugh heartily or heavily
nos carcajeemos
(if/so that) we laugh heartily or heavily
os carcajeéis
(if/so that) you all laugh heartily or heavily
se carcajeen
(if/so that) they laugh heartily or heavily
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya carcajeado
I have laughed heartily or heavily
te hayas carcajeado
you have laughed heartily or heavily
se haya carcajeado
he/she/it has laughed heartily or heavily
nos hayamos carcajeado
we have laughed heartily or heavily
os hayáis carcajeado
you all have laughed heartily or heavily
se hayan carcajeado
they have laughed heartily or heavily
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me carcajeara
(if/so that) I have laughed heartily or heavily
te carcajearas
(if/so that) you have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajeara
(if/so that) he/she/it have laughed heartily or heavily
nos carcajeáramos
(if/so that) we have laughed heartily or heavily
os carcajearais
(if/so that) you all have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajearan
(if/so that) they have laughed heartily or heavily
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me carcajease
(if/so that) I have laughed heartily or heavily
te carcajeases
(if/so that) you have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajease
(if/so that) he/she/it have laughed heartily or heavily
nos carcajeásemos
(if/so that) we have laughed heartily or heavily
os carcajeaseis
(if/so that) you all have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajeasen
(if/so that) they have laughed heartily or heavily
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera carcajeado
I had laughed heartily or heavily
te hubieras carcajeado
you had laughed heartily or heavily
se hubiera carcajeado
he/she/it had laughed heartily or heavily
nos hubiéramos carcajeado
we had laughed heartily or heavily
os hubierais carcajeado
you all had laughed heartily or heavily
se hubieran carcajeado
they had laughed heartily or heavily
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese carcajeado
I had laughed heartily or heavily
te hubieses carcajeado
you had laughed heartily or heavily
se hubiese carcajeado
he/she/it had laughed heartily or heavily
nos hubiésemos carcajeado
we had laughed heartily or heavily
os hubieseis carcajeado
you all had laughed heartily or heavily
se hubiesen carcajeado
they had laughed heartily or heavily
Future subjunctive tense
me carcajeare
(if/so that) I will have laughed heartily or heavily
te carcajeares
(if/so that) you will have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajeare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have laughed heartily or heavily
nos carcajeáremos
(if/so that) we will have laughed heartily or heavily
os carcajeareis
(if/so that) you all will have laughed heartily or heavily
se carcajearen
(if/so that) they will have laughed heartily or heavily
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere carcajeado
I will have laughed heartily or heavily
te hubieres carcajeado
you will have laughed heartily or heavily
se hubiere carcajeado
he/she/it will have laughed heartily or heavily
nos hubiéremos carcajeado
we will have laughed heartily or heavily
os hubiereis carcajeado
you all will have laughed heartily or heavily
se hubieren carcajeado
they will have laughed heartily or heavily
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
laugh heartily or heavily!
laugh heartily or heavily!
let's laugh heartily or heavily!
laugh heartily or heavily!
laugh heartily or heavily!
Imperative negative mood
no te carcajees
do not laugh heartily or heavily!
no se carcajee
let him/her/it laugh heartily or heavily!
no nos carcajeemos
let us not laugh heartily or heavily!
no os carcajeéis
do not laugh heartily or heavily!
no se carcajeen
do not laugh heartily or heavily!

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