Asistir (to attend) conjugation

115 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to assist, assist

Conjugation of asistir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I attend
you attend
he/she/it attends
we attend
you all attend
they attend
Present perfect tense
he asistido
I have attended
has asistido
you have attended
ha asistido
he/she/it has attended
hemos asistido
we have attended
habéis asistido
you all have attended
han asistido
they have attended
Past preterite tense
I attended
you attended
he/she/it attended
we attended
you all attended
they attended
Future tense
I will attend
you will attend
he/she/it will attend
we will attend
you all will attend
they will attend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would attend
you would attend
he/she/it would attend
we would attend
you all would attend
they would attend
Past imperfect tense
I used to attend
you used to attend
he/she/it used to attend
we used to attend
you all used to attend
they used to attend
Past perfect tense
había asistido
I had attended
habías asistido
you had attended
había asistido
he/she/it had attended
habíamos asistido
we had attended
habíais asistido
you all had attended
habían asistido
they had attended
Future perfect tense
habré asistido
I will have attended
habrás asistido
you will have attended
habrá asistido
he/she/it will have attended
habremos asistido
we will have attended
habréis asistido
you all will have attended
habrán asistido
they will have attended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I attend
(if/so that) you attend
(if/so that) he/she/it attend
(if/so that) we attend
(if/so that) you all attend
(if/so that) they attend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya asistido
I have attended
hayas asistido
you have attended
haya asistido
he/she/it has attended
hayamos asistido
we have attended
hayáis asistido
you all have attended
hayan asistido
they have attended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have attended
(if/so that) you have attended
(if/so that) he/she/it have attended
(if/so that) we have attended
(if/so that) you all have attended
(if/so that) they have attended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have attended
(if/so that) you have attended
(if/so that) he/she/it have attended
(if/so that) we have attended
(if/so that) you all have attended
(if/so that) they have attended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera asistido
I had attended
hubieras asistido
you had attended
hubiera asistido
he/she/it had attended
hubiéramos asistido
we had attended
hubierais asistido
you all had attended
hubieran asistido
they had attended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese asistido
I had attended
hubieses asistido
you had attended
hubiese asistido
he/she/it had attended
hubiésemos asistido
we had attended
hubieseis asistido
you all had attended
hubiesen asistido
they had attended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have attended
(if/so that) you will have attended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have attended
(if/so that) we will have attended
(if/so that) you all will have attended
(if/so that) they will have attended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere asistido
I will have attended
hubieres asistido
you will have attended
hubiere asistido
he/she/it will have attended
hubiéremos asistido
we will have attended
hubiereis asistido
you all will have attended
hubieren asistido
they will have attended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's attend!
Imperative negative mood
no asistas
do not attend!
no asista
let him/her/it attend!
no asistamos
let us not attend!
no asistáis
do not attend!
no asistan
do not attend!

Examples of asistir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... para asistir a la boda de su hermano de Rajiv´s"' attend brother Rajiv's wedding.'
"El oficial puede presentar denuncias en los tribunales de menores contra uno de los padres por no enviar al menor a la escuela y/o en contra de la estudiante por no asistir.""The officer may file complaints in juvenile court "against a parent for failure to send the child "to school and/or against the student for failure to attend."
"Están invitados a asistir a la ejecución del Gobernador"You are invited to attend the execution of the Governor at the Castle steps.
"General Kane obligado a asistir a cena en la embajada de Londres con los congresistas."General Kane compelled to attend ambassador's dinner for congressmen, London.
"Has sido seleccionada para asistir a una fiesta privada especial."You have been selected to attend a special private party.
- ... asisto a muchos de los más grandes eventos locales.I attend to many of the greatest local events.
Aún asisto a las reuniones.Still attend the meetings.
Cada media guardia asisto al Señor Summers.Every middle watch I attend with Mr Summers.
Como sabéis, cada vez que asisto a un evento como este mi primer objetivo es elegir a quién voy a llevar a casa para violar en mi cama de agua.You know, whenever I attend an event like this, My first order of business is to choose Whom I'll be taking home to ravish upon my waterbed.
Es muy amable, pero sabe que nunca asisto a tales reuniones.That's very kind, but you know, I never attend such gatherings.
- Y... ¿a qué iglesia asistes?- 23. - And... which church do you attend?
- ¿A que escuela asistes?- Where are you attending school?
Bien, tu asistes a un chocante número de juegos de la WNBA.Well, you do attend a shocking number of wnba games.
Cada evento al que asistes, construimos una buena relación con Flaherty.Every event that we attend, we build favor equity with Flaherty.
Cuando asistes a un matrimonio."When you're attending a marriage."
A cada boda a la que asiste, James insiste en... cantar.Every wedding he attends, James insists on... performing.
Antes de que el Trampero fuera capturado, se enteró que Spider-Man asiste a esta escuela.Before the Trapster was captured, he learned Spider-Man attends this school.
Aparentemente asiste a la universidad.She apparently attends college.
Brady se queda conmigo mientras asiste a la academia Tilson, mi alma máter.Brady's staying with me while he attends the Tilson academy, my alma mater.
Como: "alguien que tiene una fuerte creencia en la biblia y la segunda venida de Cristo, que con frecuencia asiste a estudios bíblicos que tiene un alto nivel de participación financiera que otorga a una causa cristiana que educa a sus hijos en casa, acumula alimentos para su supervivencia tiene una fuerte creencia en la segunda enmienda y desconfía del gobierno."Attorney General, Janet Reno, during an interview on 60 Minutes, she allegedly defined a 'cultist' as "one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the second coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause;
- Tal vez no, teniendo en cuenta en lo que la última que asistimos resultó.- should you want one. - Perhaps not, considering how the last one we attended turned out.
Ahora que... no asistimos a la misma iglesia...Now that... We don't attend the same church.
Bueno, ambos asistimos.We both attended it.
Cada evento que asistimos, construimos equidad favor de Flaherty.Every event we attend, we build favor equity with Flaherty.
Carina comenzó un grupo informal y todos asistimos.Carina started an informal group and we all attended.
"A todos los que asisten a esta noche."To all attending tonight.
"¿Qué tal si asisten a una fiesta de noche?""What about, they attend an all-night party?
- ¿Cuántos niños asisten a la escuela?- How many children attend the school?
241 asisten regularmente.241 attend on a regular basis.
27 estudiantes de nuestro barrio asisten a las clases del señor por la mañana.27 students from our neighbourhood attend Sir's morning class.
- En la reunión a la que asistí anoche me enfrenté a un hombre que creía que estaba espiando.At the meeting I attended last night, I confronted a man I believed to be spying.
Apenas asistí a su dojo.I merely attended his dojo
Asi que asistí a muchas y diferentes escuelas.So I attended a lot of different schools.
Bueno, han pasado muchos años desde que asistí a un baile.Well, it's been many years since I attended a dance.
Bueno, han pasado unos cinco años desde la última vez que asistí a una reunión.Well, I haven't attended a meeting for over five years.
- Concierto al que tú asististe.- A show that you attended.
Bueno, yo no lo veo así, pero puedo decir que los seminarios que asististe mientras te estabas retirando de tu empresa debieron ser muy útiles.Well, I don't see it that way, but I can tell that whatever seminars you attended while on your company retreat have been very useful.
Creo que tiene que ver algo con el funeral al que asististe ayer por la mañana.I'm guessing it has something to do with the funeral you attended yesterday morning.
De acuerdo, entonces asististe a un seminario en el aeropuerto... y compraste 300 acres... de propiedades en una playa de Nicaragua por $300,000 dólares.Okay, so you attended an airport seminar... and purchased 300 acres... of beachfront property in Nicaragua for $300,000.
Goshen catering trabajó en la cena benéfica... a la que tu asististe la noche que Joe murió.Goshen catering worked the charity dinner that you attended the night that joe died.
- - Usted asistió a esa escuela.- You attended that school.
- El mes que el Sr. Brandt asistió...-The entire month Mr. Brandt attended...
- Mi papá asistió a esta Escuela.- My dad attended this school.
- Mi secretaria asistió al funeral.- My secretary attended the funeral.
A la hora del té, compartió vísceras de cordero, y al atardecer asistió a un recital de música de gaitas a través del tiempo."accompanied by family and friend. "At tea, he partook of haggis, "and in the evening, he attended a recital...
"La naturaleza misma asistieron mi boda. ""Nature itself attended my wedding."
- Ambos asistieron a mis clases.You attended my classes together.
- ¿Cuántos asistieron a la exposición de Manchester?How many attended the Manchester exhibition?
1.600 personas asistieron a su funeral en 1998.And as a testament to his character... 1600 people attended his funeral in 1998.
200 personas asistieron al taller la primavera pasada.200 people attended our workshop last spring.
- Diles que asistiré.- Tell them, I will attend.
Aún no he decidido si asistiré.I have not decided yet whether I will attend.
Donde asistiré a la Universidad de Miami durante seis meses para tener mi diploma de graduada en Biología Marina con una concentración en la historia de los Delfines mientras Cleveland cuida de los niños y hace el quehacer doméstico.Where I will attend the University of Miami for six months to get my graduate degree in Marine Biology with a concentration in Dolphin History while Cleveland takes care of you kids and all the housework.
No podrá contar con mi apoyo. Yo asistiré a la toma dejuramento.You cannot count on my support, I will attend the inaugration.
Puede notificar al señor Palmer que asistiré.You can notify Mr. Palmer that I will attend.
Asumiendo que tenemos un acuerdo de que asistirás a todas las fiestas relacionadas con la boda.Assuming we have a deal that you will attend all wedding-related festivities.
Bien, en primer lugar, asistirás a cualquier reunión que haya que asistir.Okay, first of all, you will attend whatever meetings you need to attend.
Esta noche, asistirás al Catfish con las otras chicas.Tonight, you will attend the party at the Catfish with the other girls.
Por supuesto, asistirás.You will attend, of course.
- también asistirá a la ceremonia.- will attend the ceremony as well.
.. Tatya Tope asistirá con su nieto...Tatya Tope will attend with his grandson.
Comisario, asistirá toda la Corte.Commissioner, the entire Court will attend.
El Maestro asistirá oThe Master will attend or
El rey me ha informado que será una ceremonia íntima, sólo asistirá la familia real y algunos nobles cercanos al rey, y vos, marquesa, estaréis entre ellos.The King has informed me that it will be an intimate ceremony,... only the royal family will attend,... along with some nobility close to the King, and you, Marquise, you will be among them.
Mi esposa y yo asistiremos mañana a su funeral.My wife and I will attend his funeral tomorrow.
Quizás esté pensando que yo y otros asistiremos a la boda, ...y lo dejaremos libre para asesinar al Rey.Maybe he's thinking I and others will attend the wedding and leave him free to assassinate the King.
Y mañana asistiréis todos a la cena del aniversario de bodaAnd tomorrow night you will attend the wedding anniversary dinner...
...10. 000 personas asistirán a la inauguración.- 10, 000 people will attend the opening.
Agentes Walker, Bartowski... asistirán a la gala de degustación de vinos en la Château de mañana.Agents Walker, Bartowski... you will attend the wine tasting gala at the château tomorrow.
Condes y duques asistirán.Earls and dukes will attend you.
En dos días habrá una junta para la sucesión... todos los jefes regionales asistirán.There's a succession board meeting in 2 days, all the regional bosses will attend it.
En la mañana, todo el gobierno francés, el general Staff, ciudadanos notables... todos asistirán a una misa ceremonial en honor a los caídos.In the morning, the entire French government, General Staff, leading citizens... everyone will attend a memorial mass to honor their war dead.
Cuando le dije que asistiría, debió haberse preocupado por el presupuesto... antes de que me enviara su respuesta.When I told him I would attend, he would have seen to his budget before he sent me his response.
En cuanto se anunció que Su Majestad... asistiría al estreno de la temporada de ópera, se agotaron las entradas.The moment it was announced that Your Majesty... would attend the opening of the opera in person... the place was completely sold out.
Lo hemos hablado y hemos decidido que Hachibei asistiría a la representación de la brigada voluntaria del fuego y que yo asistiría a la representación de la asociación vecinal.We talked it over and decided that Hachibei would attend representing the volunteer fire brigade and that I would attend representing the neighborhood association.
Tenía información de que el hermano del comandante talibán asistiría...I had information that the Taliban commander's brother would attend the funeral.
me dijiste que asistirías.And you told me you would attend.
Si quisiéramos escucharle, asistiríamos a uno de sus conciertos... en la parada de bus.If we wanted to hear your music, we would attend one of your concerts. In the bus station.
"Estos dos asistirían 3 partes con grandes esperanzas. "'These two would attend Page 3 parties with big hopes.'
"Por favor, asista."Please do attend.
"Yun Peng, esta chica es un talento, deberías entrenarla especialmente y dejar que asista a la reunión nacional deportiva.""Yun Peng, this girl is a talent, you should train her specially and let her attend national sports meet."
- Ahora, quiero que asista al funeral.- Now, I want you to attend the funeral.
- Gracias señor... Estaría muy feliz si usted y bhabhiji asistieran a la boda mañana... Le he pedido a Rahul que asista a la boda, él estará allí.- Thank you sir... l'd be very happy ifyou and bhabhiji could attend the wedding tomorrow... l have asked Rahul to attend the wedding' he will be there.
- ¿Les parecerá extraño que asista?- Would they think it odd for me to attend?
Bueno, el presidente ha pedido que asistas a la cena de Estado con China.Well, the president is asking that you'll attend the China state dinner.
Como Regina emerita, es prerrogativa real ordenarte que asistas a mi evento pop-up esta noche y que seas fan.So as Regina emerita, it is my royal prerogative to command you to attend my pop-up event tonight and be fans.
El generalísimo da una fiesta... esta noche en su rancho. Y quiere que asistas.The General... is having a party... tonight, at his ranch, and he wants you to attend.
El maestro me ha pedido que te diga que mañana no asistas al banquete.The master has asked me to tell you not to attend tomorrow's banquet.
Ella... quiere... que... la... asistasShe... wants you... to attend her.
De vez en cuando llegan invitaciones de organizaciones oficiales o cuasi-oficiales pidiéndonos opinión o que asistamos a una conferencia.And occasionally invitations come in from official or quasi-official organizations asking for opinions or asking us to attend a conference.
El conde espera que asistamos a su festín.The count expects us to attend his feast.
Jarod quiere que asistamos a esta reunión, Sra. Sanders.Jarod is expecting us to attend this reunion, Mrs. Sanders.
Si nos pides que estrenemos una película o que encendamos una cámara... o que asistamos a la función de 100 días, podemos hacerlo.If you ask us to inaugurate a movie or to switch on the camera.. ..or to attend the 100 days function we can do that.
Sr. Elkins, usted depende de que nosotros asistamos y si su hermana habla nosotros escucharemos.You may depend upon our attendance Mr. Elkins, and if your sister speaks, we will listen.
- Venía a pediros que asistáis a la misa en honor de San Gabriel en su festividad, señor.I came to ask you... to attend the Mass in honour of St Gabriel on his feast day, sir.
Debo pediros que no asistáis a este concierto, señor.I must ask you not to attend this concert, sir.
Pero celebraré una audiencia y espero que asistáis.I hope you'll all attend.
Por eso os aconsejo afectuosamente que no asistáis a esta ceremonia.For reasons of affection, I advise you not to attend the ceremony.
"Se espera que asistan a la sede del Consejo."You are expected to attend the seating of the Council.
"Señor, por favor permítame construir una escuela a la que mis nietos asistan.""Sir, please allow me to build a school where my grandchildren could attend."
Además de los amigos, colegas y seres queridos se espera que asistan los jefes de estado de 400 países.In addition to friends, colleagues, and loved ones, Heads of state from over 400 countries Are expected to attend today.
Ahora quiero recordar a aquellos que asistan a nuestro picnic el próximo domingo que los autobuses saldrán de aquí después del servicio.Now I should like, at this time, to remind those of you... attending our church picnic next Sunday... that buses will depart from the front of the church after the service.
Alertar al Consejo que asistan a su conferencia final.Alert the council to attend their final conference.
"Cada parto es asistido por una comadrona.'Every birth is attended by a midwife.
"El Fiscal General Joe Sandilands ha confirmado que es uno de los 14 diputados estatales que ha asistido regularmente al exclusivo burdel Darlinghurst conocido como Club Jules.Attorney-General Joe Sandilands has confirmed that he is one of 14 state MPs who has regularly attended the exclusive Darlinghurst brothel known as Club Jules.
"Estamos muy agradecidos al Washington Post, al NY Times, a Time Magazine y a otras grandes publicaciones cuyos directores han asistido a nuestras reuniones y han respetado su promesa de discreción durante casi 40 años."We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
A la inauguración han asistido altos cargos del Estado y del partido comunista, quienes han saludado a los equipos de obreros y ciudadanos de Olecko.The ceremony was attended by leading members of the government and Party builders and the municipality
A partir de los 4 años, estos niños de preescolar han asistido a talleres de filosofía en una escuela pública.From the age of 4, these kindergarten children attended philosophy workshops in a public school:
, ¿qué habrías conseguido asistiendo al funeral?What would you have achieved by attending?
- Oímos que estas asistiendo a Chilton.- So, we hear you're attending Chilton.
- Si es tu tío está asistiendo a mi procesión de boda aquí?- lf he's your uncle.. he attending my wedding procession here?
...asistiendo a Carnegie Mellon, donde está......attending Carnegie mellon, Where she is--
Acabo de tener una visión de Chad asistiendo a tres conciertos diferentes esta semana en el Bowling Santa Barbara.I just had a vision of Chad attending three very random concerts this week at the Santa Barbara Bowl.
Ambos asistís al mismo programa de paleontología con sólo otros doce estudiantes.You both attend the same college paleontology program with only 12 other students.
Mirad, ahora asistís al McKinley.Look, you attend McKinley now.

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