Adaptar (to adapt) conjugation

91 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: tailor, to tailor, adjust

Conjugation of adaptar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I adapt
you adapt
he/she/it adapts
we adapt
you all adapt
they adapt
Present perfect tense
he adaptado
I have adapted
has adaptado
you have adapted
ha adaptado
he/she/it has adapted
hemos adaptado
we have adapted
habéis adaptado
you all have adapted
han adaptado
they have adapted
Past preterite tense
I adapted
you adapted
he/she/it adapted
we adapted
you all adapted
they adapted
Future tense
I will adapt
you will adapt
he/she/it will adapt
we will adapt
you all will adapt
they will adapt
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would adapt
you would adapt
he/she/it would adapt
we would adapt
you all would adapt
they would adapt
Past imperfect tense
I used to adapt
you used to adapt
he/she/it used to adapt
we used to adapt
you all used to adapt
they used to adapt
Past perfect tense
había adaptado
I had adapted
habías adaptado
you had adapted
había adaptado
he/she/it had adapted
habíamos adaptado
we had adapted
habíais adaptado
you all had adapted
habían adaptado
they had adapted
Future perfect tense
habré adaptado
I will have adapted
habrás adaptado
you will have adapted
habrá adaptado
he/she/it will have adapted
habremos adaptado
we will have adapted
habréis adaptado
you all will have adapted
habrán adaptado
they will have adapted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I adapt
(if/so that) you adapt
(if/so that) he/she/it adapt
(if/so that) we adapt
(if/so that) you all adapt
(if/so that) they adapt
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya adaptado
I have adapted
hayas adaptado
you have adapted
haya adaptado
he/she/it has adapted
hayamos adaptado
we have adapted
hayáis adaptado
you all have adapted
hayan adaptado
they have adapted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have adapted
(if/so that) you have adapted
(if/so that) he/she/it have adapted
(if/so that) we have adapted
(if/so that) you all have adapted
(if/so that) they have adapted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have adapted
(if/so that) you have adapted
(if/so that) he/she/it have adapted
(if/so that) we have adapted
(if/so that) you all have adapted
(if/so that) they have adapted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera adaptado
I had adapted
hubieras adaptado
you had adapted
hubiera adaptado
he/she/it had adapted
hubiéramos adaptado
we had adapted
hubierais adaptado
you all had adapted
hubieran adaptado
they had adapted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese adaptado
I had adapted
hubieses adaptado
you had adapted
hubiese adaptado
he/she/it had adapted
hubiésemos adaptado
we had adapted
hubieseis adaptado
you all had adapted
hubiesen adaptado
they had adapted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have adapted
(if/so that) you will have adapted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have adapted
(if/so that) we will have adapted
(if/so that) you all will have adapted
(if/so that) they will have adapted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere adaptado
I will have adapted
hubieres adaptado
you will have adapted
hubiere adaptado
he/she/it will have adapted
hubiéremos adaptado
we will have adapted
hubiereis adaptado
you all will have adapted
hubieren adaptado
they will have adapted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's adapt!
Imperative negative mood
no adaptes
do not adapt!
no adapte
let him/her/it adapt!
no adaptemos
let us not adapt!
no adaptéis
do not adapt!
no adapten
do not adapt!

Examples of adaptar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Es un acontecimiento desafortunado al que nos tenemos que adaptar y rápido.- It's an unfortunate development that we have to adapt, and quickly.
- Pero podríamos adaptar...We might be able to adapt it to... Shut up.
-No, me voy a adaptar.-No, I'm going to adapt.
Ahora Lange y los otros nazis usaron su propia iniciativa para adaptar este método de matanza para asesinar judíos.Now Lange and other Nazis used their own initiative to adapt this killing method to murder Jews.
Cambiaron las condiciones, te tienes que adaptar.Things change in the field, you've just got to adapt.
"adapto mi sello y lo voy a vender en China "."I adapt my label and I will sell in China."
- Me adapto.-I adapt.
-Me adapto.- I'm adaptable.
Ahora la tecnología de arca se adapto, manteniendo la conexión a través de una señal de espectro extendida.Now the arktech adapted itself, keeping the connection going through a spread-spectrum signal.
Avon adapto el transportador con su usual habilidad... probablemente lo ha estropeado.Avon adapted the teleport with his usual skill, probably ruined it.
Así que evolucionas, te adaptas.So you evolve, you adapt.
Como ocurre con todas las cosas en el entorno natural, primero te adaptas y después mutas.As with all things in the natural world, you'll adapt now and mutate later.
Descubres cómo es y te adaptas.Find out what he's like and adapt.
Es un asco, pero te adaptas.It's a shock, but you adapt.
Es verdad que te adaptas al terreno.It's true that you adapt to the terrain.
- La gente razonable se adapta al mundo.- The reasonable man adapts to the world.
- Se adapta.- It adapts.
- Si mandamos un antivirus se adapta y acelera.- Can we stop it? - Every time we try an antivirus, it adapts and speeds up. It's like it's not a virus anymore.
- Uno se adapta.- One adapts.
- Él siempre se adapta.-He always adapts.
- Los adaptamos nosotros.- We adapt them ourselves.
Amita y yo adaptamos la matriz de amenazas de Seguridad Nacional para examinar estos ocho robos por objetivo, hora, lugar y seguridad.So Amita and I adapted Homeland Security's threat matrix to examine these eight robberies by target, time, location, and security.
Así nos instalamos en la villa y nos adaptamos al entorno, cada uno a su manera.So we were installed in the villa, and we each settled down and adapted ourselves to our surroundings, in our respective ways.
Así que adaptamos el algoritmo para evitar eso.So we adapt the algorithm to avoid that.
Bien, y apos; adaptamos ll.Okay, we'll adapt.
Esta temporada va a poner a prueba vuestra habilidad para dibujar distintas lineas de Fuerza, Inteligencia y Belleza mientras os adaptáis en el juego momento a momento, empezando ahora mismo.This season will test your putting skills To draw different lines Strength, Intelligence and Beauty adaptáis while you in the game time a time, starting now .
Os adaptáis a las situaciones, pero no os gusta ataros ni a las cosas ni a las personas.I adaptáis to situations, but do not like to bind them or to things or people.
Os adaptáis.You adapt.
- Aquí dice que "se adaptan bien a la cautividad".- It says here they adapt well to captivity.
- No permitiremos a nadie aqui, si no se adaptan a nuestras formas pacíficas...Do not let men anywhere, only if they adapt.
- Puede ser... pero los helenos aún no se adaptan, y hasta no hacerlo...- That may be... but the Hellenics have yet to adapt, and until they do...
Afortunadamente, todavía no se adaptan.Fortunately, they haven't been able to adapt yet.
Algunas personas se adaptan naturalmente.Some people adapt naturally.
- Creo que me adapté muy bien. - Por favor, ayúdeme.I think I've adapted very well.
- Los adapté.- l've had them adapted.
Cuando desconectó implantes en el pasado, siempre me adapté.When you've disconnected implants in the past, I've always adapted.
Cuando el Padre me ha entregado a ti ... que organizó todo de acuerdo a sus gustos ... y me adapté los mismos gustos.When Father handed me over to you... you arranged everything according to your tastes... and I adapted the same tastes.
El protocolo de la Flota Estelar que adapté.A Starfleet protocol l adapted.
- ¿A qué te refieres con que lo adaptaste?What do you mean, you, you adapted it?
Sí, y te adaptaste.Yes, and you adapted.
Te adaptaste, ¿verdad?You have adapted, haven't you?
- Se adaptó bien.- He's adapted well.
Además, mi empresa adaptó su código, pero no se originó con Decima.Besides, my company adapted its code, but it didn't originate with Decima.
Al estudiar ésta y otras especies, aumentamos nuestro conocimiento sobre cómo la vida se adaptó a este mundo.By studying these and other species, we add to our knowledge of how life evolved, how it adapted itself to this world.
Así que por eso le adaptó el proyecto Pharos.So that's why you adapted the Pharos Project.
Bueno, entonces es obvio que el niño estuvo atrapado en un ambiente con bajo oxígeno por tanto tiempo que su cuerpo se adaptó a eso.Well, then it's obvious that the child was trapped in a low-oxygen environment for so long that his body adapted to it.
- La tribu de los albinos subsaharianos, con una deficiencia congénita común, que se adaptaron durante generaciones.- A lost tribe, a clan of sub-Saharan albinos linked by a common congenital deficit, who've adapted over generations by...
...pero los más fuertes sobrevivieron. Se adaptaron perfectamente, hicieron sus propias leyes. Su propia sociedad, su propios Dios....but the strong survived, perfectly adapted, with their own laws, their own society, their own gods, chief among which was Justin Kenyon.
Ahora queremos presentarles a los artístas de teatro que resíden este verano en El Mónaco, Ios Actores de la Luz Terrestre. Quíenes adaptaron el clásíco de Anton Chejov:Now we would like to introduce to you the resident theater artists, here at the El Monaco this summer, the Earthlight Players, who have adapted Anton Chekhov's classic, Three Sisters, to a contemporary, happening interpretation,
Al igual que oleadas de otros a través de los años estos se adaptaron a Alaska y ahí permanecieron.Like waves of others across the ages they adapted to Alaska and stayed on.
Algunas plantas se adaptaron al desafío del clima cambiante.Some plants have adapted magnificently to the challenge of the changing climate.
Te adaptaré una de las alcobas En la Bahía de Carga a tu tecnología.I will adapt one of the alcoves to your technology.
Para que te adaptaras y te adaptarás a New York.So you adapted and you will adapt in New York.
Tú también te adaptarás, y Raghu te entenderá."You too will adapt, and Raghu will get to understand you"
* La casa de la felicidad * * ocio-sabio estamos seguros de que se adaptará ** The home of happiness * * Leisure-wise we're sure you will adapt *
- "Se adaptará a tus tácticas".- Adapt to your tactics. - He will adapt to your tactics.
- Esta es una pelea distinta para tu hombre. Me pregunto si se adaptará.l wonder if he will adapt.
Así que dependiendo cómo muevas tu espada, el robot se adaptará a tu movimiento y a tu comportamiento.So, depending on how you move your sword, the robot will adapt to your motion and to your behavior.
Creo que nuestra gente se adaptará a él.I think our people will adapt theirselves to it.
Nos adaptaremos fácilmente.We will adapt easily.
Nos adaptaremos y sobreviviremos.We will adapt and we will survive.
Nos adaptaremos.We will adapt.
Los bancos de fáseres están en modulación rotativa. - Pero los borg se adaptarán rápido.I have reprogrammed the phaser banks to a rotating modulation, but I suspect the Borg will adapt quickly.
Los borg se adaptarán rápidamente.The Borg will adapt quickly.
Se adaptarán gradualmenteThey will adapt gradually
Su nave y su tripulación se adaptarán para servirnos.Your ship and its crew will adapt to service us.
Sus hijas se adaptarán.Your daughters will adapt.
El anticuerpo se adaptaría con el fin de alterar el código genético del virus.The antibody would adapt itself to alter the genetic code of the virus.
Debo confesar que... nunca pensé que tú y Bobby os adaptaríais al mundo con tanta fluidez.I must confess, I... I never imagined that you and Bobby would adapt to the world quite so smoothly.
- ¿ Y qué pasa si no quiero que se adapte?What if... I don't want it to adapt right now?
Aquel que se adapte primero gana.Whoever adapts first... Wins.
Aquí estamos usando métodos de inteligencia artificial, como métodos de aprendizaje para que el robot se adapte al entorno, pero todavía no estamos en la etapa donde el robot está pensando de verdad.So here we are using artificial-intelligence methods, like learning methods, to adapt to the environment of the robot, but we are still not at a stage where the robot is really thinking.
Clouzot quiere que adapte una obra de Nerval que Aurenche rechazó.Clouzot offered me a job. Aurenche gave up adapting a Nerval story.
Creemos, que fue diseñado para permitir que usted se adapte a sus nuevas capacidades.We believe it was designed to gradually allow you to adapt to your new abilities.
Quizá nos adaptemos.Maybe we'll learn to adapt to it.
¿Cómo propones que nos adaptemos?How do you propose we adapt?
Así que os aconsejo que os adaptéis y venzáis.So I suggest you adapt and overcome.
Así que, me disculpará si prefiero que todos ustedes se adapten a la manera que hacemos nosotros las cosas.So you'll excuse me If I prefer that you all adapt To the way we do things.
Aunque decidiéramos intercambiarlos, nada garantiza que los niños se adapten.Even if we'll decide to swap them, there's nothing that guarantees the children will adapt.
Bueno, la definición científica más amplia podría ser que la vida es lo que permite que plantas y animales consuman alimento, lo conviertan en energía, crezcan, se adapten a su entorno y se reproduzcan.Well, the broadest scientific definition might be that life is what enables plants and animals to consume food, derive energy from it, grow, adapt to surroundings and reproduce.
Cuando se adapten, recuperarán la velocidadOnce they adapt, they'll pick up speed
De acuerdo a mi investigación, hay un 86.9 por ciento de probabilidad de que los implantes de Siete se adapten a mi nodo.According to my research, there's an 86.9 percent chance that Seven's implants will adapt to my node.
(RÍE) Parece mentira que en un mes nos hayamos adaptado tan rápido al carácter alemán.In just one month, we've adapted to the German character...
- Después de 400 años en el bosque, ¿no cree que se habrían adaptado al medio ambiente de manera perfecta?After 400 years in the woods, Don't you think they might have adapted perfectly to their environment?
- EL se ha adaptado a los Vengadores, pero no conoce tus poderes.(SCREAMING) Why? He's adapted to the Avengers, but he doesn't know your powers.
- Se han adaptado.-They adapted.
"¿Te encuentras adaptando a tu nuevo entorno?""Do you find yourself adapting to your new surroundings?"
- Parece que te estás adaptando.- It seems like you're adapting.
- Se están adaptando.They're adapting.
- Te estás adaptando. - Es lo que hacemos.- You are adapting.
- ¿Nos estamos adaptando?- Are we adapting?

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