Tear gas (to ) conjugation

20 examples
This verb can also mean the following: use

Conjugation of tear gas

you all
Present Simple
tear gas
tear gas
tear gases
tear gas
tear gas
tear gas
Future Simple
will tear gas
will tear gas
will tear gas
will tear gas
will tear gas
will tear gas
Past Simple
tear gassed
tear gassed
tear gassed
tear gassed
tear gassed
tear gassed
Conditional Simple
would tear gas
would tear gas
would tear gas
would tear gas
would tear gas
would tear gas
you all
Present Progressive
am tear gassing
are tear gassing
is tear gassing
are tear gassing
are tear gassing
are tear gassing
Future Progressive
will be tear gassing
will be tear gassing
will be tear gassing
will be tear gassing
will be tear gassing
will be tear gassing
Past Progressive
was tear gassing
were tear gassing
was tear gassing
were tear gassing
were tear gassing
were tear gassing
Conditional Progressive
would be tear gassing
would be tear gassing
would be tear gassing
would be tear gassing
would be tear gassing
would be tear gassing
you all
Present Perfect
have tear gassed
have tear gassed
has tear gassed
have tear gassed
have tear gassed
have tear gassed
Future Perfect
will have tear gassed
will have tear gassed
will have tear gassed
will have tear gassed
will have tear gassed
will have tear gassed
Past Perfect
had tear gassed
had tear gassed
had tear gassed
had tear gassed
had tear gassed
had tear gassed
Conditional Perfect
would have tear gassed
would have tear gassed
would have tear gassed
would have tear gassed
would have tear gassed
would have tear gassed
Present Perfect Progressive
have been tear gassing
have been tear gassing
has been tear gassing
have been tear gassing
have been tear gassing
have been tear gassing
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been tear gassing
will have been tear gassing
will have been tear gassing
will have been tear gassing
will have been tear gassing
will have been tear gassing
Past Perfect Progressive
had been tear gassing
had been tear gassing
had been tear gassing
had been tear gassing
had been tear gassing
had been tear gassing
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been tear gassing
would have been tear gassing
would have been tear gassing
would have been tear gassing
would have been tear gassing
would have been tear gassing

Examples of tear gas

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"When, why, and will there be tear gas?"
(COUGHS) OK, it's tear gas!
- All that tear gas, I couldn't see a thing.
- And they'll throw tear gas bombs.
- Beta Team, prepare tear gas.
"When, why, and will there be tear gas?"
(COUGHS) OK, it's tear gas!
- All that tear gas, I couldn't see a thing.
- And they'll throw tear gas bombs.
- Beta Team, prepare tear gas.
Anyway, I called in a favour and had it tear gassed.
I got tear gassed at a world trade rally.
If your guys got tear gassed,
I was involved in hundreds of peace marches, and, I mean, peace marches against the war in Vietnam that ended up with the police beating people up and tear gassing people.
They have us out doing really important things like... beating up on college kids and tear gassing niggers.
Anyway, I called in a favour and had it tear gassed.
I got tear gassed at a world trade rally.
If your guys got tear gassed,
I was involved in hundreds of peace marches, and, I mean, peace marches against the war in Vietnam that ended up with the police beating people up and tear gassing people.
They have us out doing really important things like... beating up on college kids and tear gassing niggers.

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Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

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Not found
We have none.


teach school
teach school
teach to the test
teach to the test
team up
team up
tear apart
tear apart
tear away
tear away
tear off
tear off

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