Take it up the ass (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be, do, be cheated

Conjugation of take it up the ass

you all
Present Simple
take it up the ass
take it up the ass
takes it up the ass
take it up the ass
take it up the ass
take it up the ass
Future Simple
will take it up the ass
will take it up the ass
will take it up the ass
will take it up the ass
will take it up the ass
will take it up the ass
Past Simple
took it up the ass
took it up the ass
took it up the ass
took it up the ass
took it up the ass
took it up the ass
Conditional Simple
would take it up the ass
would take it up the ass
would take it up the ass
would take it up the ass
would take it up the ass
would take it up the ass
you all
Present Progressive
am taking it up the ass
are taking it up the ass
is taking it up the ass
are taking it up the ass
are taking it up the ass
are taking it up the ass
Future Progressive
will be taking it up the ass
will be taking it up the ass
will be taking it up the ass
will be taking it up the ass
will be taking it up the ass
will be taking it up the ass
Past Progressive
was taking it up the ass
were taking it up the ass
was taking it up the ass
were taking it up the ass
were taking it up the ass
were taking it up the ass
Conditional Progressive
would be taking it up the ass
would be taking it up the ass
would be taking it up the ass
would be taking it up the ass
would be taking it up the ass
would be taking it up the ass
you all
Present Perfect
have taken it up the ass
have taken it up the ass
has taken it up the ass
have taken it up the ass
have taken it up the ass
have taken it up the ass
Future Perfect
will have taken it up the ass
will have taken it up the ass
will have taken it up the ass
will have taken it up the ass
will have taken it up the ass
will have taken it up the ass
Past Perfect
had taken it up the ass
had taken it up the ass
had taken it up the ass
had taken it up the ass
had taken it up the ass
had taken it up the ass
Conditional Perfect
would have taken it up the ass
would have taken it up the ass
would have taken it up the ass
would have taken it up the ass
would have taken it up the ass
would have taken it up the ass
Present Perfect Progressive
have been taking it up the ass
have been taking it up the ass
has been taking it up the ass
have been taking it up the ass
have been taking it up the ass
have been taking it up the ass
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been taking it up the ass
will have been taking it up the ass
will have been taking it up the ass
will have been taking it up the ass
will have been taking it up the ass
will have been taking it up the ass
Past Perfect Progressive
had been taking it up the ass
had been taking it up the ass
had been taking it up the ass
had been taking it up the ass
had been taking it up the ass
had been taking it up the ass
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been taking it up the ass
would have been taking it up the ass
would have been taking it up the ass
would have been taking it up the ass
would have been taking it up the ass
would have been taking it up the ass

Examples of take it up the ass

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- Then the bad guys take it up the ass.
- and take it up the ass.
- l choose to take it up the ass. But rape, man...
And the moral of the story is... real men take it up the ass!
But then I'd miss the part where you take it up the ass from a teenage boy.
- Then the bad guys take it up the ass.
- and take it up the ass.
- l choose to take it up the ass. But rape, man...
And the moral of the story is... real men take it up the ass!
But then I'd miss the part where you take it up the ass from a teenage boy.
Tell you how happy I am that my little brother takes it up the ass?
What do you want me to do, put out an APB on the guy 'cause he takes it up the ass, huh?
Yeah? Well, Jason Pelligrini's dad takes it up the ass.
she takes it up the ass and everything.
Tell you how happy I am that my little brother takes it up the ass?
What do you want me to do, put out an APB on the guy 'cause he takes it up the ass, huh?
Yeah? Well, Jason Pelligrini's dad takes it up the ass.
she takes it up the ass and everything.
- At Casitas, you took it up the ass.
I always thought a punk was someone who took it up the ass.
- At Casitas, you took it up the ass.
I always thought a punk was someone who took it up the ass.
I've put in the time, I've put in months of work, I have literally taken it up the ass, and you fucking waltz in here.
No, l've been in this shit hole for over a year, and l ain't ever taken it up the ass.
Don't you think that the little girl is going to be a little bit better off with Kimber and me, rather than some punk who is willing to be filmed taking it up the ass so he can score a little bit more boo-yah?
Him in full slave mode, taking it up the ass by underage boys.
How about an exclusive on how you like taking it up the ass? Would that work?
I think he still blames you for him taking it up the ass. Twice.
I'm gonna watch all of you taking it up the ass for the rest of your lives.
I've put in the time, I've put in months of work, I have literally taken it up the ass, and you fucking waltz in here.
No, l've been in this shit hole for over a year, and l ain't ever taken it up the ass.
Don't you think that the little girl is going to be a little bit better off with Kimber and me, rather than some punk who is willing to be filmed taking it up the ass so he can score a little bit more boo-yah?
Him in full slave mode, taking it up the ass by underage boys.
How about an exclusive on how you like taking it up the ass? Would that work?
I think he still blames you for him taking it up the ass. Twice.
I'm gonna watch all of you taking it up the ass for the rest of your lives.

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take it to the next level
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