Spell it out (to ) conjugation

34 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be, be explicit, provide, provide a simple and understandable, provide even the obvious details

Conjugation of spell it out

you all
Present Simple
spell it out
spell it out
spells it out
spell it out
spell it out
spell it out
Future Simple
will spell it out
will spell it out
will spell it out
will spell it out
will spell it out
will spell it out
Past Simple
spelled it out
spelled it out
spelled it out
spelled it out
spelled it out
spelled it out
Conditional Simple
would spell it out
would spell it out
would spell it out
would spell it out
would spell it out
would spell it out
you all
Present Progressive
am spelling it out
are spelling it out
is spelling it out
are spelling it out
are spelling it out
are spelling it out
Future Progressive
will be spelling it out
will be spelling it out
will be spelling it out
will be spelling it out
will be spelling it out
will be spelling it out
Past Progressive
was spelling it out
were spelling it out
was spelling it out
were spelling it out
were spelling it out
were spelling it out
Conditional Progressive
would be spelling it out
would be spelling it out
would be spelling it out
would be spelling it out
would be spelling it out
would be spelling it out
you all
Present Perfect
have spelled it out
have spelled it out
has spelled it out
have spelled it out
have spelled it out
have spelled it out
Future Perfect
will have spelled it out
will have spelled it out
will have spelled it out
will have spelled it out
will have spelled it out
will have spelled it out
Past Perfect
had spelled it out
had spelled it out
had spelled it out
had spelled it out
had spelled it out
had spelled it out
Conditional Perfect
would have spelled it out
would have spelled it out
would have spelled it out
would have spelled it out
would have spelled it out
would have spelled it out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been spelling it out
have been spelling it out
has been spelling it out
have been spelling it out
have been spelling it out
have been spelling it out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been spelling it out
will have been spelling it out
will have been spelling it out
will have been spelling it out
will have been spelling it out
will have been spelling it out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been spelling it out
had been spelling it out
had been spelling it out
had been spelling it out
had been spelling it out
had been spelling it out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been spelling it out
would have been spelling it out
would have been spelling it out
would have been spelling it out
would have been spelling it out
would have been spelling it out

Examples of spell it out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Although he'll probably spell it out in spaghetti first."
# Do I have to spell it out?
'I'm sure I don't need to spell it out.
(SIGHS) Fine. You want me to spell it out for you?
- Ah, you're gonna make me spell it out?
"Although he'll probably spell it out in spaghetti first."
# Do I have to spell it out?
'I'm sure I don't need to spell it out.
(SIGHS) Fine. You want me to spell it out for you?
- Ah, you're gonna make me spell it out?
- Then he spells it out...
If he has something important to say he spells it out in salt.
- Then he spells it out...
If he has something important to say he spells it out in salt.
A set of so called "Dictates" spelled it out - 27 very blunt statements of power.
Brad spelled it out for us.
Carlos spelled it out for me.
Come on, Orville, your father spelled it out for me.
Dennison spelled it out in his note.
Am I spelling it out okay?
I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you.
I'm not gonna jeopardize my job by spelling it out to you.
It is like a miracle just spelling it out across the top of your head.
Mary's spelling it out with 2:26 to go...
A set of so called "Dictates" spelled it out - 27 very blunt statements of power.
Brad spelled it out for us.
Carlos spelled it out for me.
Come on, Orville, your father spelled it out for me.
Dennison spelled it out in his note.
Am I spelling it out okay?
I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you.
I'm not gonna jeopardize my job by spelling it out to you.
It is like a miracle just spelling it out across the top of your head.
Mary's spelling it out with 2:26 to go...

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