Speak in tongues (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: speak in a language unknown, do, speak

Conjugation of speak in tongues

you all
Present Simple
speak in tongues
speak in tongues
speaks in tongues
speak in tongues
speak in tongues
speak in tongues
Future Simple
will speak in tongues
will speak in tongues
will speak in tongues
will speak in tongues
will speak in tongues
will speak in tongues
Past Simple
spoke in tongues
spoke in tongues
spoke in tongues
spoke in tongues
spoke in tongues
spoke in tongues
Conditional Simple
would speak in tongues
would speak in tongues
would speak in tongues
would speak in tongues
would speak in tongues
would speak in tongues
you all
Present Progressive
am speaking in tongues
are speaking in tongues
is speaking in tongues
are speaking in tongues
are speaking in tongues
are speaking in tongues
Future Progressive
will be speaking in tongues
will be speaking in tongues
will be speaking in tongues
will be speaking in tongues
will be speaking in tongues
will be speaking in tongues
Past Progressive
was speaking in tongues
were speaking in tongues
was speaking in tongues
were speaking in tongues
were speaking in tongues
were speaking in tongues
Conditional Progressive
would be speaking in tongues
would be speaking in tongues
would be speaking in tongues
would be speaking in tongues
would be speaking in tongues
would be speaking in tongues
you all
Present Perfect
have spoken in tongues
have spoken in tongues
has spoken in tongues
have spoken in tongues
have spoken in tongues
have spoken in tongues
Future Perfect
will have spoken in tongues
will have spoken in tongues
will have spoken in tongues
will have spoken in tongues
will have spoken in tongues
will have spoken in tongues
Past Perfect
had spoken in tongues
had spoken in tongues
had spoken in tongues
had spoken in tongues
had spoken in tongues
had spoken in tongues
Conditional Perfect
would have spoken in tongues
would have spoken in tongues
would have spoken in tongues
would have spoken in tongues
would have spoken in tongues
would have spoken in tongues
Present Perfect Progressive
have been speaking in tongues
have been speaking in tongues
has been speaking in tongues
have been speaking in tongues
have been speaking in tongues
have been speaking in tongues
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been speaking in tongues
will have been speaking in tongues
will have been speaking in tongues
will have been speaking in tongues
will have been speaking in tongues
will have been speaking in tongues
Past Perfect Progressive
had been speaking in tongues
had been speaking in tongues
had been speaking in tongues
had been speaking in tongues
had been speaking in tongues
had been speaking in tongues
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been speaking in tongues
would have been speaking in tongues
would have been speaking in tongues
would have been speaking in tongues
would have been speaking in tongues
would have been speaking in tongues

Examples of speak in tongues

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"If therefore the whole church become together in one place and speak in tongues and there come in those that are unlearned and unbelievers, will ye not say that ye are mad?"
"Oh, in my name they will cast out demons, speak in tongues, pick up snakes."
An imposter could never lay on hands and speak in tongues like Bishop Dutson.
And you speak in tongues?
Did she attend a Pentecostal church where they speak in tongues?
"If therefore the whole church become together in one place and speak in tongues and there come in those that are unlearned and unbelievers, will ye not say that ye are mad?"
"Oh, in my name they will cast out demons, speak in tongues, pick up snakes."
An imposter could never lay on hands and speak in tongues like Bishop Dutson.
And you speak in tongues?
Did she attend a Pentecostal church where they speak in tongues?
- She speaks in tongues, Your Grace.
And he speaks in tongues.
He speaks in tongues, just as the beloved said he would on his return.
I'm taking theology from him, and that man speaks in tongues.
It should be me. ( speaks in tongues ) She's not the one.
- She speaks in tongues, Your Grace.
And he speaks in tongues.
He speaks in tongues, just as the beloved said he would on his return.
I'm taking theology from him, and that man speaks in tongues.
It should be me. ( speaks in tongues ) She's not the one.
The Apostles spoke in tongues.
The Apostles spoke in tongues.
"He just went off the deep end," "started speaking in tongues."
"alarmist tendencies. " like this one time I was convinced my mom was struck by the holy spirit And speaking in tongues, when really she was
(speaking in tongues and convulsions)
- He's speaking in tongues.
- I'm sorry. Are you speaking in tongues?
The disciples are said to have spoken in tongues, an unknown but sacred language which all present could understand.
You could have spoken in tongues.
"He just went off the deep end," "started speaking in tongues."
"alarmist tendencies. " like this one time I was convinced my mom was struck by the holy spirit And speaking in tongues, when really she was
(speaking in tongues and convulsions)
- He's speaking in tongues.
- I'm sorry. Are you speaking in tongues?
The disciples are said to have spoken in tongues, an unknown but sacred language which all present could understand.
You could have spoken in tongues.

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