Snuff it (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: die

Conjugation of snuff it

you all
Present Simple
snuff it
snuff it
snuffs it
snuff it
snuff it
snuff it
Future Simple
will snuff it
will snuff it
will snuff it
will snuff it
will snuff it
will snuff it
Past Simple
snuffed it
snuffed it
snuffed it
snuffed it
snuffed it
snuffed it
Conditional Simple
would snuff it
would snuff it
would snuff it
would snuff it
would snuff it
would snuff it
you all
Present Progressive
am snuffing it
are snuffing it
is snuffing it
are snuffing it
are snuffing it
are snuffing it
Future Progressive
will be snuffing it
will be snuffing it
will be snuffing it
will be snuffing it
will be snuffing it
will be snuffing it
Past Progressive
was snuffing it
were snuffing it
was snuffing it
were snuffing it
were snuffing it
were snuffing it
Conditional Progressive
would be snuffing it
would be snuffing it
would be snuffing it
would be snuffing it
would be snuffing it
would be snuffing it
you all
Present Perfect
have snuffed it
have snuffed it
has snuffed it
have snuffed it
have snuffed it
have snuffed it
Future Perfect
will have snuffed it
will have snuffed it
will have snuffed it
will have snuffed it
will have snuffed it
will have snuffed it
Past Perfect
had snuffed it
had snuffed it
had snuffed it
had snuffed it
had snuffed it
had snuffed it
Conditional Perfect
would have snuffed it
would have snuffed it
would have snuffed it
would have snuffed it
would have snuffed it
would have snuffed it
Present Perfect Progressive
have been snuffing it
have been snuffing it
has been snuffing it
have been snuffing it
have been snuffing it
have been snuffing it
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been snuffing it
will have been snuffing it
will have been snuffing it
will have been snuffing it
will have been snuffing it
will have been snuffing it
Past Perfect Progressive
had been snuffing it
had been snuffing it
had been snuffing it
had been snuffing it
had been snuffing it
had been snuffing it
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been snuffing it
would have been snuffing it
would have been snuffing it
would have been snuffing it
would have been snuffing it
would have been snuffing it

Examples of snuff it

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
About to snuff it, and still-
An instinct to preserve life rather than snuff it out.
And now you want me to snuff it out just like that?
And the most terrible of all, because to escape, one has to snuff it.
And then all I can think about is, like, trying to snuff it.
About to snuff it, and still-
An instinct to preserve life rather than snuff it out.
And now you want me to snuff it out just like that?
And the most terrible of all, because to escape, one has to snuff it.
And then all I can think about is, like, trying to snuff it.
"Whenever he feels like it, rubs and snuffs it!"
If he snuffs it.
If she snuffs it, I'll stick her in the cold store and turn her into sausages.
Let's hope he can't delete the GJ key before he snuffs it.
One slayer snuffs it, another one rises.
"Whenever he feels like it, rubs and snuffs it!"
If he snuffs it.
If she snuffs it, I'll stick her in the cold store and turn her into sausages.
Let's hope he can't delete the GJ key before he snuffs it.
One slayer snuffs it, another one rises.
"Fangio" snuffed it.
- - Yeah, she snuffed it.
- He's snuffed it.
35 years it took to build this airline's reputation and you almost snuffed it out...
Blimey, he's snuffed it.
I hope you enjoy snuffing it.
Look, even if this guys is the Charles Manson of ghosts, you're taking someone's life in your hands, their energy, and you're snuffing it out forever.
What if this is my last chance at being truly happy and I'm just snuffing it out because it's inconvenient?
not taking it, creating life, not... not snuffing it out,
"Fangio" snuffed it.
- - Yeah, she snuffed it.
- He's snuffed it.
35 years it took to build this airline's reputation and you almost snuffed it out...
Blimey, he's snuffed it.
I hope you enjoy snuffing it.
Look, even if this guys is the Charles Manson of ghosts, you're taking someone's life in your hands, their energy, and you're snuffing it out forever.
What if this is my last chance at being truly happy and I'm just snuffing it out because it's inconvenient?
not taking it, creating life, not... not snuffing it out,

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