Flag down (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: get, do, use a flag

Conjugation of flag down

you all
Present Simple
flag down
flag down
flags down
flag down
flag down
flag down
Future Simple
will flag down
will flag down
will flag down
will flag down
will flag down
will flag down
Past Simple
flagged down
flagged down
flagged down
flagged down
flagged down
flagged down
Conditional Simple
would flag down
would flag down
would flag down
would flag down
would flag down
would flag down
you all
Present Progressive
am flagging down
are flagging down
is flagging down
are flagging down
are flagging down
are flagging down
Future Progressive
will be flagging down
will be flagging down
will be flagging down
will be flagging down
will be flagging down
will be flagging down
Past Progressive
was flagging down
were flagging down
was flagging down
were flagging down
were flagging down
were flagging down
Conditional Progressive
would be flagging down
would be flagging down
would be flagging down
would be flagging down
would be flagging down
would be flagging down
you all
Present Perfect
have flagged down
have flagged down
has flagged down
have flagged down
have flagged down
have flagged down
Future Perfect
will have flagged down
will have flagged down
will have flagged down
will have flagged down
will have flagged down
will have flagged down
Past Perfect
had flagged down
had flagged down
had flagged down
had flagged down
had flagged down
had flagged down
Conditional Perfect
would have flagged down
would have flagged down
would have flagged down
would have flagged down
would have flagged down
would have flagged down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been flagging down
have been flagging down
has been flagging down
have been flagging down
have been flagging down
have been flagging down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been flagging down
will have been flagging down
will have been flagging down
will have been flagging down
will have been flagging down
will have been flagging down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been flagging down
had been flagging down
had been flagging down
had been flagging down
had been flagging down
had been flagging down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been flagging down
would have been flagging down
would have been flagging down
would have been flagging down
would have been flagging down
would have been flagging down

Examples of flag down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- And there's a flag down on the play.
- Twenty seconds to P flag down.
A female on the side of the road, even one with a perpetual scowl can flag down a car better than a guy.
A flag down at 4581 Prospect Street.
A36, show us on a citizen flag down.
- And there's a flag down on the play.
- Twenty seconds to P flag down.
A female on the side of the road, even one with a perpetual scowl can flag down a car better than a guy.
A flag down at 4581 Prospect Street.
A36, show us on a citizen flag down.
If he goes one more time, I'm going to cut all the flags down, take them with me so I don't have to run back again.
If he goes one more time, I'm going to cut all the flags down, take them with me so I don't have to run back again.
After discovering the body, they flagged down Petty Officer Cluxton, who was passing by on patrol.
After the shooting, three people saw him... running west towards the park here, and on 19th, here, he flagged down a taxi.
But you were unexpectedly flagged down.
Guy in the robe flagged down an officer.
He flagged down a patrol car and he brought them back here.
I was flagging down this van.
Mind flagging down that waiter?
The hostile's flagging down a car.
You getting respect from me is about as easy as flagging down a cab on 46th and broadway at 8:00 on new year's eve... in the rain. Never mind- drink up, pal.
You try flagging down help dressed like this.
After discovering the body, they flagged down Petty Officer Cluxton, who was passing by on patrol.
After the shooting, three people saw him... running west towards the park here, and on 19th, here, he flagged down a taxi.
But you were unexpectedly flagged down.
Guy in the robe flagged down an officer.
He flagged down a patrol car and he brought them back here.
I was flagging down this van.
Mind flagging down that waiter?
The hostile's flagging down a car.
You getting respect from me is about as easy as flagging down a cab on 46th and broadway at 8:00 on new year's eve... in the rain. Never mind- drink up, pal.
You try flagging down help dressed like this.

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