Draw a line in the sand (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: sam mckinney, page 185, sail with vancouver a modern sea dog, steve bickerstaff, page 75, page 8, indicate, page 42, create a real, lay down a challenge, create a boundary and imply, do, antique charts and a voyage through time, will provoke a response, create, lay, indicate the threshold, page 306, page 95, level above which something will become unacceptable, page 103, declare that its crossing will provoke a, north korea the rising peril

Conjugation of draw a line in the sand

you all
Present Simple
draw a line in the sand
draw a line in the sand
draws a line in the sand
draw a line in the sand
draw a line in the sand
draw a line in the sand
Future Simple
will draw a line in the sand
will draw a line in the sand
will draw a line in the sand
will draw a line in the sand
will draw a line in the sand
will draw a line in the sand
Past Simple
drew a line in the sand
drew a line in the sand
drew a line in the sand
drew a line in the sand
drew a line in the sand
drew a line in the sand
Conditional Simple
would draw a line in the sand
would draw a line in the sand
would draw a line in the sand
would draw a line in the sand
would draw a line in the sand
would draw a line in the sand
you all
Present Progressive
am drawing a line in the sand
are drawing a line in the sand
is drawing a line in the sand
are drawing a line in the sand
are drawing a line in the sand
are drawing a line in the sand
Future Progressive
will be drawing a line in the sand
will be drawing a line in the sand
will be drawing a line in the sand
will be drawing a line in the sand
will be drawing a line in the sand
will be drawing a line in the sand
Past Progressive
was drawing a line in the sand
were drawing a line in the sand
was drawing a line in the sand
were drawing a line in the sand
were drawing a line in the sand
were drawing a line in the sand
Conditional Progressive
would be drawing a line in the sand
would be drawing a line in the sand
would be drawing a line in the sand
would be drawing a line in the sand
would be drawing a line in the sand
would be drawing a line in the sand
you all
Present Perfect
have drew a line in the sand
have drew a line in the sand
has drew a line in the sand
have drew a line in the sand
have drew a line in the sand
have drew a line in the sand
Future Perfect
will have drew a line in the sand
will have drew a line in the sand
will have drew a line in the sand
will have drew a line in the sand
will have drew a line in the sand
will have drew a line in the sand
Past Perfect
had drew a line in the sand
had drew a line in the sand
had drew a line in the sand
had drew a line in the sand
had drew a line in the sand
had drew a line in the sand
Conditional Perfect
would have drew a line in the sand
would have drew a line in the sand
would have drew a line in the sand
would have drew a line in the sand
would have drew a line in the sand
would have drew a line in the sand
Present Perfect Progressive
have been drawing a line in the sand
have been drawing a line in the sand
has been drawing a line in the sand
have been drawing a line in the sand
have been drawing a line in the sand
have been drawing a line in the sand
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been drawing a line in the sand
will have been drawing a line in the sand
will have been drawing a line in the sand
will have been drawing a line in the sand
will have been drawing a line in the sand
will have been drawing a line in the sand
Past Perfect Progressive
had been drawing a line in the sand
had been drawing a line in the sand
had been drawing a line in the sand
had been drawing a line in the sand
had been drawing a line in the sand
had been drawing a line in the sand
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been drawing a line in the sand
would have been drawing a line in the sand
would have been drawing a line in the sand
would have been drawing a line in the sand
would have been drawing a line in the sand
would have been drawing a line in the sand

Examples of draw a line in the sand

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- I'm just saying, draw a line in the sand and don't cross it.
Every time, I draw a line in the sand, and then I move it.
I decided to draw a line in the sand.
If we don't draw a line in the sand with Harris and the White House now...
It's time to draw a line in the sand.
- I'm just saying, draw a line in the sand and don't cross it.
Every time, I draw a line in the sand, and then I move it.
I decided to draw a line in the sand.
If we don't draw a line in the sand with Harris and the White House now...
It's time to draw a line in the sand.
A guy like that draws a line in the sand.
A guy like that draws a line in the sand.
By drawing a line in the sand.
Either accept what you did because it'll get you what you want, or go in there tomorrow and tell them you're drawing a line in the sand.
I am drawing a line in the sand, and the sand is that chair!
I'm drawing a line in the sand.
I'm drawing a line in the sand.
Assistant commissioners, chief supers, supers, chief inspectors, the odd inspector... they put their heads together and drew a line in the sand.
I drew a line in the sand Because I needed to.
I drew a line in the sand, and I won.
In 1935 they picked up a pen and drew a line in the sand.
It's about time one of us drew a line in the sand.
By drawing a line in the sand.
Either accept what you did because it'll get you what you want, or go in there tomorrow and tell them you're drawing a line in the sand.
I am drawing a line in the sand, and the sand is that chair!
I'm drawing a line in the sand.
I'm drawing a line in the sand.
Assistant commissioners, chief supers, supers, chief inspectors, the odd inspector... they put their heads together and drew a line in the sand.
I drew a line in the sand Because I needed to.
I drew a line in the sand, and I won.
In 1935 they picked up a pen and drew a line in the sand.
It's about time one of us drew a line in the sand.

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