Break it down (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: dance

Conjugation of break it down

you all
Present Simple
break it down
break it down
breaks it down
break it down
break it down
break it down
Future Simple
will break it down
will break it down
will break it down
will break it down
will break it down
will break it down
Past Simple
broke it down
broke it down
broke it down
broke it down
broke it down
broke it down
Conditional Simple
would break it down
would break it down
would break it down
would break it down
would break it down
would break it down
you all
Present Progressive
am breaking it down
are breaking it down
is breaking it down
are breaking it down
are breaking it down
are breaking it down
Future Progressive
will be breaking it down
will be breaking it down
will be breaking it down
will be breaking it down
will be breaking it down
will be breaking it down
Past Progressive
was breaking it down
were breaking it down
was breaking it down
were breaking it down
were breaking it down
were breaking it down
Conditional Progressive
would be breaking it down
would be breaking it down
would be breaking it down
would be breaking it down
would be breaking it down
would be breaking it down
you all
Present Perfect
have broke it down
have broke it down
has broke it down
have broke it down
have broke it down
have broke it down
Future Perfect
will have broke it down
will have broke it down
will have broke it down
will have broke it down
will have broke it down
will have broke it down
Past Perfect
had broke it down
had broke it down
had broke it down
had broke it down
had broke it down
had broke it down
Conditional Perfect
would have broke it down
would have broke it down
would have broke it down
would have broke it down
would have broke it down
would have broke it down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been breaking it down
have been breaking it down
has been breaking it down
have been breaking it down
have been breaking it down
have been breaking it down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been breaking it down
will have been breaking it down
will have been breaking it down
will have been breaking it down
will have been breaking it down
will have been breaking it down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been breaking it down
had been breaking it down
had been breaking it down
had been breaking it down
had been breaking it down
had been breaking it down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been breaking it down
would have been breaking it down
would have been breaking it down
would have been breaking it down
would have been breaking it down
would have been breaking it down

Examples of break it down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"else, I'll break it down!
# Cause you see a brother like me # # lm gonna break it down lm gonna break it down #
# Huh, huh, huh, and lm-a break it down # # lm-a break it down #
# Let's break it down Jump-J-J-Jump in the line
# Ooh, ah, I like your style # # Come on with me Let's just break it down #
"else, I'll break it down!
# Cause you see a brother like me # # lm gonna break it down lm gonna break it down #
# Huh, huh, huh, and lm-a break it down # # lm-a break it down #
# Let's break it down Jump-J-J-Jump in the line
# Ooh, ah, I like your style # # Come on with me Let's just break it down #
Alchemy is a science where one understands the structure of matter, breaks it down, then rebuilds it.
But if one breaks it down to its components, its value multiplies.
It just... breaks it down, okay?
Our tentative conclusion is that the substance was succlynocide, large enough to be lethal, difficult to detect because of the way the body breaks it down.
The computer breaks it down into thousands of slices.
Alchemy is a science where one understands the structure of matter, breaks it down, then rebuilds it.
But if one breaks it down to its components, its value multiplies.
It just... breaks it down, okay?
Our tentative conclusion is that the substance was succlynocide, large enough to be lethal, difficult to detect because of the way the body breaks it down.
The computer breaks it down into thousands of slices.
- I'm still breaking it down, but there are a few things in here that could give us clues as to what they're up to.
- Thanks for fucking breaking it down, Chazz.
- We're breaking it down.
All right, if you don't open the door, I'm breaking it down.
By first understanding the power of language, then by deconstructing it, breaking it down to its origins, to its roots, you'll consume it.
(Music) But we jazzed it up and we broke it down (Music)
, i kind of feel like that if you broke it down per day, i was throwing up, i was laying on the ground.
- I broke it down.
- So you never broke it down last night.
- You sure broke it down.
- I'm still breaking it down, but there are a few things in here that could give us clues as to what they're up to.
- Thanks for fucking breaking it down, Chazz.
- We're breaking it down.
All right, if you don't open the door, I'm breaking it down.
By first understanding the power of language, then by deconstructing it, breaking it down to its origins, to its roots, you'll consume it.
(Music) But we jazzed it up and we broke it down (Music)
, i kind of feel like that if you broke it down per day, i was throwing up, i was laying on the ground.
- I broke it down.
- So you never broke it down last night.
- You sure broke it down.

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We have none.

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We have none.


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break loose
break silence
break silence
break the Sabbath
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