Levere (to supply) conjugation

23 examples
This verb can also mean the following: contribute, provide, furnish, produce, deliver

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I supply
Past tense
I supplied
Future tense
vil levere
I will supply
Present perfect tense
har leveret
I have supplied
Past perfect tense
havde leveret
I had supplied
Future perfect tense
vil have leveret
I will have supplied
Conditional perfect tense
ville have leveret
I would have supplied
Imperative mood

Examples of levere

Example in DanishTranslation in English
Hvad med en kontrakt på at levere Deres koks for næste år?Then how about a contract to furnish your next year's supply of coke?
Lige meget hvad han siger, hvis du kan levere alle de ting... så spiller vi den kamp.No matter what he says, if you could supply us with all that stuff you'll have a game of football.
Hvis du giver oplysninger om flere Stinger-missiler, I vil levere, kan det være en uvej for os begge.If you supply to me worth information about most stinger missiles you're planning to deliver, it could provide a way out of this further post.
Nogle fyre er i færd med at levere sengetøj uden for din dør.Some linen supply guys are making a delivery right outside your door.
Nogle fyre er i færd med at levere sengetøj.Some linen supply guys, they're making a delivery.
De leverer blækket.You supply the ink.
Soldaterne leverer blodet.The soldiers supply the blood.
Vi leverer filmen.We'll supply the film.
Der er mange mennesker, som er afhængige af, at vi leverer stoffer.There's a lot of people who depend on us for their supply of drugs.
Jeg leverer våben og udstyr til dem, der er villige til at betale.I supply arms and equipment to anyone who will pay the price.
Jeg leverede til alle hære, undtagen frelsens hær.I supplied every army but the Salvation Army.
Og med lidt spartansk hjælp, leverede jeres spejdere mørtlen.And with a little Spartan help your Persian scouts supplied the mortar.
Du leverede disse politisager, gjorde du ikke?You supplied these police files, didn't you?
Og DeHavlen leverede stålet til Hedsten, som de brugte i lejlighedsbygningen.And DeHavlen supplied Hedsten with the steel they used in that apartment building.
Jeg leverede det, men jeg vidste ikke, at det var beregnet til dig.I supplied it, I confess. But I did not know it was intended for you.
Imens udførte den onde Nexusls efter ordre fra den ækle Kriminalis sin mission med at afbryde lever ingen af sten ved at bestikke den afskyelige transportør:In the mean time, the ruthless Nexusis sent by Artifis, was completing his mission. Cut off the supply of stones by bribing the foul convoy supervisor.
- Godt. Så ved du, at vi har folk her, der lever i papkasser, som stadig kan betale for deres dyre misbrugsvaner.Well, then, you know that we got people in this country that are living out of cardboard boxes who still manage to supply their grand-a-week drug habits.
Men han lever stadig.I cut off its food supply, but it didn't die.
"En kunde får leveret 5000 kroner aktier -""A customer-supplied shares in 5000 dollars "
I vil bemærke, at vi har leveret til både oprørerne og regeringsstyrker ligeligt.You will note that we have supplied both rebels and government forces on an equal basis.
De glemmer Deres mange såkaldte befrielseskrige. jeg har leveret til gennem general Koskov.You forget your many so-called wars of liberation that I have supplied through General Koskov.
Mr. Tilghman ejer godt nok baren, men den sprut, han sælger, bliver leveret af Brad Wesley.Mr. Tilghman may own this bar, but the liquor he serves is supplied to him by Brad Wesley.
Han har leveret champagnen.He supplied the champagne, assholes.

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