Kontakte (to contact) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I contact
Past tense
I contacted
Future tense
vil kontakte
I will contact
Present perfect tense
har kontaktet
I have contacted
Past perfect tense
havde kontaktet
I had contacted
Future perfect tense
vil have kontaktet
I will have contacted
Conditional perfect tense
ville have kontaktet
I would have contacted
Imperative mood

Examples of kontakte

Example in DanishTranslation in English
Når De ønsker at kontakte mig, hr., bor jeg på Hotel Belvedere... værelse 635.When you wish to contact me, sir, I'm staying at the Hotel Belvedere Room 635.
"Han må kontakte alle agenter, du har kender. ""He is authorized to contact all agents known to you. "
Må han kontakte alle agenter, du kender til?He's authorized to contact all agents known to you?
- Folk kan kontakte mig der.People with information can contact me there.
Jeg skulle kontakte ham.l have orders to contact him.
Du har kun tre kontakter:You will make three contacts only:
Jeg forstår, du kan hjælpe mig med nogle kontakter.l understand you can help me make certain contacts.
Udover at drive radiostationen udvidede Dietrich sine kontakter til den tyske spionring.Besides operating his radio station Dietrich extended his contacts with the German spy ring.
Dette muliggjorde FBI's vanskelige arbejde med at spore alle deres aktiviteter og kontakter.This facilitated the FBI's difficult job of tracing all of their activities and all of their contacts.
Fortæl os hvordan man kontakter ham?Tell us how to contact him.
Cairo, som De må have formodet, kontaktede mig... efter han kom fra politistationen.Cairo, as you must have surmised, contacted me after he left police headquarters last night or morning.
En del af styrken blev efterladt, da de kontaktede forsyningsflyet.At least a portion of the force was left when they contacted our supply plane.
Vi kontaktede Sarasota. Hendes fly sænkede krydseren og to destroyere.We contacted the Sarasota and her planes got the cruiser and two destroyers.
Jeg kontaktede dr. Gerrard, og vi lagde en plan.So I contacted Dr. Gerrard, and he and I decided what to do.
Da hun kontaktede Kerim Bey, chefen for Station T, Tyrkiet, og fortalte hun ønskede at hoppe af, sagde hun, vi ville fa den overdraget.When she contacted Kerim Bey, head of Station T in Turkey, and told him she wanted to defect, she said she'd turn it over to us.
Det er en psykologisk profil, skabt af min kontakt ved FBI.This is a psychological profile created by my contact at the FBI.
I har ikke kontakt med de indfødte?You don't have contact with the natives?
Hvordan sagde din ven Holt, at vi skulle opnd kontakt?How did your friend Holt say we make contact?
Ingen fjendtlig kontakt.No contact yet with enemy.
Jeg kan kun tale om personlig kontakt, sir.Well, sir, I can, uh, I can only speak of personal contact, sir.
General Hoffman, vi har kontaktet dem.General Hoffman, we have contacted them.
- Har I kontaktet dr. Marvin?You've contacted Dr. Marvin? We spoke to him.
-Vi har kontaktet deres regeringsansvarlige.-We contacted government officials.
De har ikke kontaktet Deres hovedkvarter, siden De bad om en geigertæller.You've not contacted your headquarters since you requested a Geiger counter.
Riley har kontaktet Sarah Cavanaugh og givet hende nogle koordinater.All right. Riley's contacted Sarah Cavanaugh with a coordinate.

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