Forbinde (to connect) conjugation

26 examples
This verb can also mean the following: bandage

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I connect
Past tense
I connected
Future tense
vil forbinde
I will connect
Present perfect tense
har forbundet
I have connected
Past perfect tense
havde forbundet
I had connected
Future perfect tense
vil have forbundet
I will have connected
Conditional perfect tense
ville have forbundet
I would have connected
Imperative mood

Examples of forbinde

Example in DanishTranslation in English
jeg er øverstbefalende i denne lejr. det er lejr 1 6 langs den strålende jernbane der snart skal forbinde Bangkok med Rangoon.I am the commanding officer of this camp which is Camp 16 along the great railroad which will soon connect Bangkok with Rangoon.
Alt, hvad du nu skal gøre, er at fjerne skruerne, der holder de gule og grønne ledninger, og forbinde dem i én blok, så gule og grønne er direkte forbundet hele vejen ned.Now, all you have to do is remove the screws that are anchoring the yellow and green lines and reconnect them on one block, so we get a direct link, green to yellow, all the way down the bank.
Han prøvede vist at dræbe alle... der kunne forbinde ham med Samuel Fennan.Seems he was trying to kill anybody who could connect him with Samuel Fennan.
Nu skal jeg lige... forbinde.Now I just connect.
Hvis vi kan finde hans fingeraftryk på riflen, er jeg sikker på, at vi kan forbinde ham.If we can put his prints on the rifle I am certain that we can connect him.
Du hører en melodi og ser en ring og forbinder det med et avisklip.A waltz runs through your head. You don't like the initials on a ring and connect it up with a newspaper clipping.
Der er ikke fremvist nogen beviser, der forbinder hende med mordet.There's no evidence to connect Mrs. Manion's appearance to this murder.
Jeg forbinder dig videre.I'll connect you.
Generalens underskrift forekommer i papirer, som forbinder de to firmaer.The general's signature appears on several incriminating documents which connect the two companies.
Tænk... hvis det svin... forbinder os med Axis Chemicals.Say this son-of-a-bitch makes a connection with us and with Axis Chemical.
Hvilke omstændigheder forbandt mig med Fennan... før Fennans død.So, what circumstances connected me with Fennan before Fennan's death?
De forbandt De 12 abers hær med virologen og hans søn.You connected the Twelve Monkeys with a famous virologist and his son.
Hvordan var det, de forbandt vores mand til mordet?Cosmo, how did they say they connected our man to this crime?
Den forbandt.It connected.
Den forbandt hende med en anden.More than that. It connected her with someone.
forbind mig med Paris, Frankrig.Please connect me with Paris, France.
- Bare forbind transformatorerne.You could connect the transformers.
Se, en 'forbind prikkerne' med Indiana Jones.Ooh, look, an Indiana Jones connect-the-dots.
Begynd med at hæfte ham for et mord, og forbind så de andre.Start by pinning one murder on him and then connect the others.
Så forbind alle punkterne.So, connect the dots.
Styrken fra eksplosionen udøves af et stempel... og føres gennem en forbindende stang, en krumtapaksel... via en gearkasse, og derpå til baghjulene.The power of the explosion is exerted on a piston... and through connecting rod and crankshaft... through transmission, thence to rear wheels.
Hvis han gjorde, har han måske ikke forbundet det med sin egen gerning.Two: If he did, he may not have connected it with his own acts.
Den røde telefon er forbundet med kommandocentralen og jeg håber...I'm going to pick up this red telephone, which is connected to SAC... and I hope--
Dem skal vi have forbundet.You should we have connected.
Søvn var tæt forbundet med døden.Sleep was closely connected with death.
Den her fyr er forbundet med mere end blot Firmaet.This guy is connected with more than just the Company.

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