Viatjar (to travel) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: voyage

Conjugation of viatjar

Present tense
I travel
you travel
he/she travels
we travel
you all travel
they travel
Present perfect tense
he viatjat
I have travelled
has viatjat
you have travelled
ha viatjat
he/she has travelled
hem viatjat
we have travelled
heu viatjat
you all have travelled
han viatjat
they have travelled
Future tense
I will travel
you will travel
he/she will travel
we will travel
you all will travel
they will travel
Conditional mood
I would travel
you would travel
he/she would travel
we would travel
you all would travel
they would travel
Past perfect tense
havia viatjat
I had travelled
havies viatjat
you had travelled
havia viatjat
he/she had travelled
havíem viatjat
we had travelled
havíeu viatjat
you all had travelled
havien viatjat
they had travelled
Past impf. tense
I was travelling
you were travelling
he/she was travelling
we were travelling
you all were travelling
they were travelling
Imperative mood
let him/her travel!
let's travel!
let them travel!
Imperative negative mood
no viatgis
don't travel!
no viatgi
don't let him/her travel!
no viatgem
let's not travel!
no viatgeu
don't travel!
no viatgin
don't let them travel!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria viatjat
I would have travelled
hauries viatjat
you would have travelled
hauria viatjat
he/she would have travelled
hauríem viatjat
we would have travelled
hauríeu viatjat
you all would have travelled
haurien viatjat
they would have travelled
Future perfect tense
hauré viatjat
I will have travelled
hauràs viatjat
you will have travelled
haurà viatjat
he/she will have travelled
haurem viatjat
we will have travelled
haureu viatjat
you all will have travelled
hauren viatjat
they will have travelled
Preterite past tense
I travelled
you travelled
he/she travelled
we travelled
you all travelled
they travelled
Past anterior tense
haguí viatjat
I had travelled
hagueres viatjat
you had travelled
hagué viatjat
he/she had travelled
haguérem viatjat
we had travelled
haguéreu viatjat
you all had travelled
haguéren viatjat
they had travelled
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) travel
(so that you) travel
(so that he/she) travels
(so that we) travel
(so that you all) travel
(so that they) travel
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was travelling
(so that you) were travelling
(so that he/she) was travelling
(so that we) were travelling
(so that you all) were travelling
(so that they) were travelling
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi viatjat
(so that I) have travelled
hagis viatjat
(so that you) have travelled
hagi viatjat
(so that he/she) has travelled
hàgim viatjat
(so that we) have travelled
hàgiu viatjat
(so that you all) have travelled
hagin viatjat
(so that they) have travelled
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués viatjat
(so that I) had travelled
haguessis viatjat
(so that you) had travelled
hagués viatjat
(so that he/she) had travelled
haguéssim viatjat
(so that we) had travelled
haguéssiu viatjat
(so that you all) had travelled
haguessin viatjat
(so that they) had travelled
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi viatjar
(so that I) travelled
vagis viatjar
(so that you) travelled
vagi viatjar
(so that he/she) travelled
vàgim viatjar
(so that we) travelled
vàgiu viatjar
(so that you all) travelled
vagin viatjar
(so that they) travelled
Periphastic past tense
vaig viatjar
I travelled
vas viatjar
you travelled
va viatjar
he/she travelled
vam viatjar
we travelled
vau viatjar
you all travelled
van viatjar
they travelled
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver viatjat
I had travelled
vas haver viatjat
you had travelled
va haver viatjat
he/she had travelled
vam haver viatjat
we had travelled
vau haver viatjat
you all had travelled
van haver viatjat
they had travelled

Examples of viatjar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La bestiola probablement tingué un esclat de gratitud que equivalia a una acció de gracies, també, en aquell moment; pero era prematura, perque, quan comença tota reconeguda a viatjar cap enfora, Tom la va capgirar amb una agulla i li va fer pendre una nova direcció.The creature probably glowed with a gratitude that amounted to prayer, too, at this moment, but it was premature: for when he started thankfully to travel off, Tom turned him aside with a pin and made him take a new direction.
La ciutadania de la UE també dónadret a viatjar lliurement per la Unió(a condició que es dugui passaport oun document nacional d’identitat) i aestablir-se on es vulgui dintre delterritori de la UE.EU citizenship also gives you the rightto travel freely within the Union (provided you carry a passport or identitycard) and to settle anywhere within the Union’s territory.
En l’Espai Schengen, els residents iels visitants de l’exterior de la UE sónlliures de viatjar com vulguin, sensecontrols sistemàtics de passaports.Això no obstant, encara es pot demanar als individus que acreditin laseva identitat i els Estats membressegueixen tenint dret a fer controlsfronterers durant un període limitat ien circumstàncies excepcionals.Within the Schengen area, EU residentsand visitors from outside are free totravel as they wish without systematicpassport checks. However, individualscan still be asked to prove their identity and member states retain the rightto reintroduce border controls for a limited period in exceptional circumstances.
• Gràcies a la Unió Europea, els ciutadans dels Estats membres poden viatjar, viure i treballar en qualsevol país de la Unió.• Thanks to the European Union, citizens of member countries can travel, live and work anywhere in Europe.
• La supressió de les duanes internes entre els Estats membres de la UE és un avantatge molt clar per a les persones, ja que ara poden viatjar sense haver d’aturar-se en els controls fronterers.• The opening of internal borders between EU member states is a very tangible benefit for ordinary people, allowing them to travel freely without being subject to border controls.
Mai no viatjo sense el meu diari, sempre s’ha de portar alguna cosa sensacional per llegir al tren.I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Mai no viatjo sense el meu diari, sempre s'ha de portar alguna cosa sensacional per llegir al tren.I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Tal com explica el cronista de viatges Aaron Gekoski en la revista de viatges en línia Go World Travel :As travel writer Aaron Gekoski explains in the online travel magazine Go World Travel
Hem vist blogs de viatges planificats, però nosaltres escrivíem principalment als avis, perquè poguessin veure que Hanna estava sana i contenta.We have known all these travel bloggers who had business plans, but for us it was basically writing for the grandparents, so that they could see Hanna safe and smiling.
GV: Quin és el vostre record preferit d'aquests viatges?GV: What is your favorite memory when you look back at your travels?
GV: Dieu que els vostres viatges tracten sobre les persones i les seves històries.GV: You say that your travels were about people and their stories.
Avaaz planeja inserir anuncis en revistes de viatges per tal de pressionar el govern de les Maldives i que abolisca així la flagel·lació com a forma de càstig.Avaaz is planning to run ads on travel magazines to pressure the government of Maldives to abolish flogging as a form of punishment.
Un exemple d'aquestes bromes seria: «el metro de Txeliàbinsk és tan dur que viatja per sota terra sense túnels».One example of these jokes would be: "the Chelyabinsk subway is so tough, it travels underground without tunnels."
Les reserves de Samsònova sobre els "injustificables actes" de Bobrovski, així com dels seus qüestionables textos, repeteixen els pensaments que va airejar en el seu encontre televisiu el maig de 2012, quan els dos van discutir sobre la pàgina d'opinió de KermlinRussia en la columna de, en la qual Bobrovski argumenta amb certa regularitat que tota la riquesa de Rússia (gran i petita) viatja per "senderes ímprobes".Samsonova’s reservations about Bobrovsky’s “unjustifiable acts” and questionable texts echo the thoughts she aired in their televised May 2012 encounter, when both individuals sparred about KermlinRussia’s op-ed column for, where Bobrovsky regularly argues that all Russian wealth (small and large) travels “dishonest paths.”
És que en Phil juga a la Minor League de beisbol i viatja molt. La mare es quedava a casa amb mi, però com que sabia que estava trista, vaig decidir venir a viure amb el pare.Well, Phil's a minor league baseball player, and he travels a lot, and my mom stayed home with me, but I knew it made her unhappy, so I figured I'd stay with my dad for a while.
Jo només vull el nen, i l'home que viatja amb ell.Then I take the boy. And the man who travels with him.
Es evident que no viatja sovint.Doesn't look like she travels much at all.
Mira, és que no viatgem mai...You see, we never travel anywhere, and, so, when the church gave us this chance.
I si podem anar a qualsevol lloc de l'espai i el temps, per què viatgem al matí? Amb quina finalitat?So if we can travel anywhere in time and space, why did we travel to the morning?
Cada nou anys, viatgem al temple d'Uppsala, per a donar gràcies als déus i per a oferir-los sacrificis per tot el que fan per nosaltres.Every nine years, we travel to the temple at Uppsala to give thanks to the gods and to offer them sacrifices for all they do for...
Que si viatgem cap a l'oest, d'alguna manera arribarem a una terra rica i abundant.That if we travel west, that we will somehow reach a land that is rich and plentiful.
Era de Constantinoble, a dotze milles de distancia; així és que havia viatjat i vist el món: els ulls que hom tenia al davant havien vist la Casa del Tribunal del Comtat, que hom deia que tenia una teulada de llauna.He was from Constantinople, twelve miles away--so he had travelled, and seen the world--these very eyes had looked upon the county court-house--which was said to have a tin roof.
Dimecres a primera hora, el jutge Shemsu Sirgaga va donar la raó a la part acusadora després de rebatre el principal argument de la defensa, segons la qual Schibbye i Persson havien viatjat al país per informar sobre el conflicte entre les forces rebels i l’exèrcit etíop des de totes dues parts.Early on Wednesday morning, Judge Shemsu Sirgaga denied the defense's main argument, which held that Schibbye and Persson travelled professionally and had a journalistic duty to report on the conflict from the side of the rebel forces as well as that of Ethiopia's military, and sided with the prosecution.
Penso que seria tràgic si els serveis de seguretat del Tadjikistan tancaren la porta als amics del país ―persones com John Heathershaw que, durant la passada dècada, ha viatjat per més ports de muntanya i ha travessat més valls del Tadjikistan que molts dels habitants natius en la seva vida―, amics que tracten de fer que aquest preciós i interessant país sigui més conegut en el món sencer.I think it would be tragic if the security services of Tajikistan closed the door on the country's friends - people like John Heathershaw, who in the past decade or so has travelled through over more mountain passes and through more valleys in Tajikistan than even most Tajikistanis ever will - that are trying to make this beautiful and interesting country better-known to the wider world.
He viatjat molt, em resulta dificil, jutjar la gent, i a la gent li resulta dificil no jutjar-me i acusar-me.I've travelled a lot. It's hard for me to judge people and it's hard for them... not to judge me. Easier to blame me.
He viatjat molt, em resulta dificil, jutjar la gent, i a la gent li resulta dificilI've travelled a lot. It's hard for me to judge people and it's hard for them... not to judge me.
No viatgeu sinó és del tot necessari.Do not travel unless you absolutely have to.
Una cançó de salsa i un vídeo pujats a YouTube donen fe de les insofribles condicions en què viatgen els usuaris del sistema d’autobusos TransMilenio a Bogotà (Colòmbia).A salsa song and video documents the suffering that travelling in the Transmilenio public transportation system of Bogota represents for its users.
Aquesta generació de joves europeus que estudien a l'estranger, viatgen i troben la seva parella a un altre país creuen que si tenen fills s'acabarà tot.There is this generation of young Europeans who are studying abroad, travelling, making international couples and they think that if they have kids it will be all over.
Tipus 1 : Aquests individus solen presentar un historial psiquiàtric problemàtic i viatgen potser a París per qüestions idiosincràtiques «estranyes» o il·lusòries.Type 1 : These individuals typically have a problematic psychiatric history and may travel to Paris for idiosyncratic “strange” or delusional reasons.
Els rumors viatgen mig món abans que la veritat el lligue les sabates. -I què?Rumors travel halfway around the world before truth can tie its shoes.
Senyor, les notícies dolentes viatgen molt més a poc a poc que les bones.My lord, bad news travels a great deal slower Than good news. (worried murmurs)
En aquest treball guanyaràs grans quantitats de diners tant si vas a les sessions com si estas a la granja atenent al bestiar, viatjaràs a l'estranger amb bones dietes, pots quedar-te en silenci a les sessions del Parlament, jugar al solitari amb el teu iPad o fer una becaina que ningú et responsabilitzarà.In this job, you will be paid huge amounts of money every month regardless of whether you attend sessions or your are in your farm tending to your cattle, you will travel abroad with fine Per Diem, you can keep quiet in parliamentary sessions , play solitaire on your iPad or take a good afternoon nap – relax no one will hold you accountable.
Si vols que viatgi amb tu, molt bé.If you want me to travel with you, that's fine.
Tot i tothom que viatgi en tren, de l'est, oest, nord, sud, passarà per aquí.Everyone and everything that travels by rail, east, west, north, south, will pass through here.
Doctor, no viatgis sol.Doctor - don't travel alone.
Després de parlar amb ells, es van sorprendre; però no pel fet que havíem estat tot aquell temps viatjant, sinó perquè havíem estat sense televisió durant tant de temps.After we talked to them, they were surprised, but not by the fact that we were travelling for so long - but that we could live without a TV for so long.
El que està viatjant amb ell, el de la barba vermella, va liderar l'atac al meu poble.The one he's travelling with, the one with the red beard, he led the raid on my village.

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