Suggerir (to suggest) conjugation

44 examples

Conjugation of suggerir

Present tense
I suggest
you suggest
he/she suggests
we suggest
you all suggest
they suggest
Present perfect tense
he suggerit
I have suggested
has suggerit
you have suggested
ha suggerit
he/she has suggested
hem suggerit
we have suggested
heu suggerit
you all have suggested
han suggerit
they have suggested
Future tense
I will suggest
you will suggest
he/she will suggest
we will suggest
you all will suggest
they will suggest
Conditional mood
I would suggest
you would suggest
he/she would suggest
we would suggest
you all would suggest
they would suggest
Past perfect tense
havia suggerit
I had suggested
havies suggerit
you had suggested
havia suggerit
he/she had suggested
havíem suggerit
we had suggested
havíeu suggerit
you all had suggested
havien suggerit
they had suggested
Past impf. tense
I was suggesting
you were suggesting
he/she was suggesting
we were suggesting
you all were suggesting
they were suggesting
Imperative mood
let him/her suggest!
let's suggest!
let them suggest!
Imperative negative mood
no suggereixis
don't suggest!
no suggereixi
don't let him/her suggest!
no suggerim
let's not suggest!
no suggeriu
don't suggest!
no suggereixin
don't let them suggest!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria suggerit
I would have suggested
hauries suggerit
you would have suggested
hauria suggerit
he/she would have suggested
hauríem suggerit
we would have suggested
hauríeu suggerit
you all would have suggested
haurien suggerit
they would have suggested
Future perfect tense
hauré suggerit
I will have suggested
hauràs suggerit
you will have suggested
haurà suggerit
he/she will have suggested
haurem suggerit
we will have suggested
haureu suggerit
you all will have suggested
hauren suggerit
they will have suggested
Preterite past tense
I suggested
you suggested
he/she suggested
we suggested
you all suggested
they suggested
Past anterior tense
haguí suggerit
I had suggested
hagueres suggerit
you had suggested
hagué suggerit
he/she had suggested
haguérem suggerit
we had suggested
haguéreu suggerit
you all had suggested
haguéren suggerit
they had suggested
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) suggest
(so that you) suggest
(so that he/she) suggests
(so that we) suggest
(so that you all) suggest
(so that they) suggest
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was suggesting
(so that you) were suggesting
(so that he/she) was suggesting
(so that we) were suggesting
(so that you all) were suggesting
(so that they) were suggesting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi suggerit
(so that I) have suggested
hagis suggerit
(so that you) have suggested
hagi suggerit
(so that he/she) has suggested
hàgim suggerit
(so that we) have suggested
hàgiu suggerit
(so that you all) have suggested
hagin suggerit
(so that they) have suggested
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués suggerit
(so that I) had suggested
haguessis suggerit
(so that you) had suggested
hagués suggerit
(so that he/she) had suggested
haguéssim suggerit
(so that we) had suggested
haguéssiu suggerit
(so that you all) had suggested
haguessin suggerit
(so that they) had suggested
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi suggerir
(so that I) suggested
vagis suggerir
(so that you) suggested
vagi suggerir
(so that he/she) suggested
vàgim suggerir
(so that we) suggested
vàgiu suggerir
(so that you all) suggested
vagin suggerir
(so that they) suggested
Periphastic past tense
vaig suggerir
I suggested
vas suggerir
you suggested
va suggerir
he/she suggested
vam suggerir
we suggested
vau suggerir
you all suggested
van suggerir
they suggested
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver suggerit
I had suggested
vas haver suggerit
you had suggested
va haver suggerit
he/she had suggested
vam haver suggerit
we had suggested
vau haver suggerit
you all had suggested
van haver suggerit
they had suggested

Examples of suggerir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Huck no podia suggerir cap cosa.Huck could suggest nothing.
La causa oficial de la mort va ser una infecció no identificada que, segons que s'informa, al final va resultar ser dengue (anomenat també febre vermella), però alguns observadors van suggerir que el seu tractament mèdic podia haver estat per sota a causa de la seva posició política.The official cause of death was an unidentified infection that reportedly turned out to be dengue fever, but some camps suggested that her treatment may have been sub-standard because of her political stance.
Tot va començar quan Mahmoud Salem, també conegut com Sandmonkey , va suggerir el següent:It all started when Mahmoud Salem - aka Sandmonkey - suggested the following:
El primer ministre tailandès s'ha disculpat per suggerir que les turistes que visiten el seu país podrien no estar segures si porten biquinis.Thailand's Prime Minister has apologized for suggesting that tourists visiting his country might not be safe if they wear bikinis.
Bernard Chaussegros, un membre del parlament, va suggerir que el model de negocis actual necessitava una reinvenció: opinava que, en lloc de concedir subsidis a organitzacions i empreses, França havia de promoure la cooperació entre els habitants dels països i els grups francesos.French member of parliament Bernard Chaussegros suggested that the current business model needs rethinking. He opined that instead of subsidizing organizations and businesses, France should promote cooperation between locals and French groups.
Per el bé del nostre país i de la nostra forma de viure... els suggereixo que informin a la resta del centre estratègic de comandament aeri... si no, serem totalment destruïts per un contraatac dels rojos."For our country's sake, I suggest sending the rest of SAC after them." "Otherwise we will be destroyed by Red retaliation."
Us suggereixo que feu servir aquell.I suggest you use that.
Per tant suggereixo a aquests mafiosos que parin tota activitat criminal.Therefore I suggest to those scoundrels to stop their criminal activity.
En el seu estat és molt perillós, li suggereixo que s'abstingui de fer-les servir. De què està parlant? Està embarassada, senyora Pick.ln your state, I suggest you stop using these substances. what are you talking about?
Li suggereixo que torni a la seva cova o cedeixi el comandament dels seus homes.I suggest you go back to your cave... or hand over your men.
- No, però el que el teu suggereixes està en contra de la llei, Nate.No but what you're suggesting is against the law, Nate.
I com suggereixes que ens manegem açò?And how would you suggest we handle this?
D'acord, doncs què suggereixes?Okay, so what do you suggest?
Que suggereixes que facin ara els mes homes?So what do you suggest my men do now?
L’avaluació d’un important programa aplicat pel Govern del Regne Unit (Black and Minority Twinning) suggereix que les principals organitzacionss’han de mostrar proactives a l’hora de trobar voluntaris, que alguns voluntarispotencials poden mostrar una falta de confiança inicial però que cal treure profit del seupotencial per desenvolupar noves habilitats.Ideally developing intercultural competence amongemployees is an ongoing priority rather than a one-time effort.4.Best practices demonstrate that mainstream organisations which work closely withexperts or specialist organisations greatly improve the accessibility of their services toimmigrants.5.Intercultural competence can be introduced as a (European) quality managementstandard which is considered when governments determine their support toorganisations or in public tenders.6.Active citizenship highlights immigrants' skills and suggests ways of making the mostof them both for the immigrants and for society as a whole.7.Religion often plays a positive role in the integration process, which can be enhancedby facilitating a dialogue among immigrant faith communities and between them andmainstream society.
L’informe suggereix que “internet s’ha convertit en un espai on la gent pot denunciar la corrupció dels oficials russos”.The report suggests that “the Internet has become a space in which people can denounce the corruption of Russian officials.”
I suggereix que la regulació dels préstecs per a segones residències portarà, a la llarga, a una inflació contínua del mercat.He suggests regulation of loans for second homes will ultimately lead to the continued inflation of the market.
Quant als polítics, Mohamed Emam suggereix:Moving to politics, Mohamed Emam suggests:
Aquest material havia estat obtingut per un 'país estranger', segons suggereix el reportatge.That material was sourced from a 'foreign country', the report suggests.
Aquest estiu suggerim passejar pel «Jardin des Plantes».This summer, we suggest haging out around the "Jardin des Plantes".
Li suggerim que en seu lloc, la vengui a França.We suggest that you sell to France instead.
També ha suggerit que la Comissió Europea imposi sancions a Croàcia, cosa que els comissaris europeus han acceptat.She, as reported, suggested that the European Commission impose sanctions on Croatia, which European Commissioners accepted.
Algunes persones que han contestat a Gaifullin han suggerit que les compres es facin a subhastes lluny de Fukushima per tal d'evitar qualsevol contaminació potencial.Some people responding to Gaifullin suggested shopping in auctions farther from Fukusima, in order to avoid any potential contamination.
El govern alemany vol que Grècia apliqui més mesures d'austeritat i retorni els seus préstecs, i fins i tot ha suggerit que abandoni l'euro de manera temporal si no ho pot aconseguir d'una altra manera.Germany's government wants Greece to enforce more austerity and repay its loans, and has even suggested a temporary exit of Greece from the Eurozone if it fails to do so.
M'ha dit que el teu marit l'ha interrogat, i que les preguntes li han suggerit un coneixement que no hauria de tenir de la llista.He said your husband interrogated him, and his questions suggested a knowledge he shouldn't have of the list.
No estic del tot segur del que suggeriu.I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting.
No obstant això, els pronòstics suggereixen que totes les assignacions disponibles del Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament per a països ACP quedaran compromeses abans de 2007.However, forecasts suggest that all the available allocations in the European Development Fund for ACP countries will be committed by 2007.
Alguns suggereixen que aquesta deu ser la causa de l'èxit que té al continent.Some suggest this might be the reason for his success in the continent.
L'ELS (extraoficialment) assegura que els segrestats són combatents d'Hesbol·là, però les proves o l'escena no suggereixen això.FSA (non-officially) claims the kidnapped individuals to be Hezbollah fighters, but the evidence or scene don’t suggest that.
Els diaris també afirmen que al poble hi havia gairebé deu matrimonis més entre les castes vanniyar i dalit, i suggereixen que la violència va ser provocada per motius polítics per tal d’evitar que l'increment d’aquest tipus d’incidents es converteixi en atacs sistemàtics i "ben organitzats" .Newspapers have also suggested that there have been nearly ten inter-caste marriages between Vanniyars and Dalits in this village, suggesting that the violence was incited for political purposes to prevent the threat of growing incidents of such cases in a systematic and 'well-organized' attack.
I alguns altres suggereixen que el país hauria de mantenir els elements de la cultura soviètica i russa que caracteritza la nació tadjik moderna.Others suggest that the country should keep the elements of Soviet or Russian culture that characterize the modern Tajik nation.
Aquestes projeccions suggeririen--These projections would suggest--
Al cap de poc, Becky suggerí que podien caminar de bell nou.By-and-by Becky suggested that they move on again.
Alguns informes suggeriren que l'empresa va cedir i va acordar situar un servirdor de BlackBerry al país per tal que els saudites poguessin accedir de manera directa a les dades dels consumidors.Some reports suggested the company had caved in and agreed to put a BlackBerry server in the country so that the Saudis could directly access customer data.
Res que suggereixi que el sergent Brody és el que tu penses que és.Even suggesting that Sergeant Brody's what you think he is.
Res que suggereixi que ella o la Pam sabessin alguna cosa d'en Russell.Nothing to suggest that she or Pam knew anything about Russell.
Que algú suggereixi alguna cosa útil!Someone suggest something useful!
Espero que no suggereixis...I hope you're not suggesting...
I no és just que els suggereixis altra cosa.And it's really unfair of you to suggest anything otherwise.
Molts internautes consideraven que Salimzoda havia anat massa lluny suggerint que polir el cognom de finals "estrangers" era un signe de patriotisme.Most netizens felt that Salimzoda went too far by suggesting that a surname cleansed of an "alien" ending is a sign of patriotism.
A començaments d'aquest mes, el Wall Street Journal va publicar un reportatge suggerint que s'havia fet una transferència de 700 milions de dòlars americans a comptes bancaris del primer ministre a través de la companyia.Early this month, the Wall Street Journal published a report suggesting that 700 million US dollars were transferred to the bank accounts of Prime Minister Najib Razak via the company.
No estic suggerint que l'hi posem fàcil.I'm not suggesting we make it easy.
Estas suggerint que no puc?You suggesting that I can't?
Walter, estàs suggerint - que es tracta de... - T'ho vaig dir.Walter, are you suggesting that these are-- - I told you.

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