Morir (to die) conjugation

96 examples

Conjugation of morir

Present tense
I die
you die
he/she dies
we die
you all die
they die
Present perfect tense
he mort
I have died
has mort
you have died
ha mort
he/she has died
hem mort
we have died
heu mort
you all have died
han mort
they have died
Future tense
I will die
you will die
he/she will die
we will die
you all will die
they will die
Conditional mood
I would die
you would die
he/she would die
we would die
you all would die
they would die
Past perfect tense
havia mort
I had died
havies mort
you had died
havia mort
he/she had died
havíem mort
we had died
havíeu mort
you all had died
havien mort
they had died
Past impf. tense
I was dying
you were dying
he/she was dying
we were dying
you all were dying
they were dying
Imperative mood
let him/her die!
let's die!
let them die!
Imperative negative mood
no moris
don't die!
no mori
don't let him/her die!
no morim
let's not die!
no moriu
don't die!
no morin
don't let them die!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria mort
I would have died
hauries mort
you would have died
hauria mort
he/she would have died
hauríem mort
we would have died
hauríeu mort
you all would have died
haurien mort
they would have died
Future perfect tense
hauré mort
I will have died
hauràs mort
you will have died
haurà mort
he/she will have died
haurem mort
we will have died
haureu mort
you all will have died
hauren mort
they will have died
Preterite past tense
I died
you died
he/she died
we died
you all died
they died
Past anterior tense
haguí mort
I had died
hagueres mort
you had died
hagué mort
he/she had died
haguérem mort
we had died
haguéreu mort
you all had died
haguéren mort
they had died
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) die
(so that you) die
(so that he/she) dies
(so that we) die
(so that you all) die
(so that they) die
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was dying
(so that you) were dying
(so that he/she) was dying
(so that we) were dying
(so that you all) were dying
(so that they) were dying
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi mort
(so that I) have died
hagis mort
(so that you) have died
hagi mort
(so that he/she) has died
hàgim mort
(so that we) have died
hàgiu mort
(so that you all) have died
hagin mort
(so that they) have died
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués mort
(so that I) had died
haguessis mort
(so that you) had died
hagués mort
(so that he/she) had died
haguéssim mort
(so that we) had died
haguéssiu mort
(so that you all) had died
haguessin mort
(so that they) had died
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi morir
(so that I) died
vagis morir
(so that you) died
vagi morir
(so that he/she) died
vàgim morir
(so that we) died
vàgiu morir
(so that you all) died
vagin morir
(so that they) died
Periphastic past tense
vaig morir
I died
vas morir
you died
va morir
he/she died
vam morir
we died
vau morir
you all died
van morir
they died
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver mort
I had died
vas haver mort
you had died
va haver mort
he/she had died
vam haver mort
we had died
vau haver mort
you all had died
van haver mort
they had died

Examples of morir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
I així hauria volgut morir: a la serena, en la fredor del món, sense aixopluc damunt sa testa, mancada de fogar, sense que una ma amistosa eixugués la suor mortal de son front ni cap rostre amorós es decantés compassivament al damunt seu quan vingués la gran agonia.And thus he would die--out in the cold world, with no shelter over his homeless head, no friendly hand to wipe the death-damps from his brow, no loving face to bend pityingly over him when the great agony came.
Si ell hagués pogut morir temporalment!Ah, if he could only die _temporarily_!
-Alla on caura aquesta sageta, enterreu-hi el pobre Robin Hood sota el bosc que treu ufana. En acabat dispara la seva sageta, i caigué, i hauria hagut de morir; pero es posa damunt una ortiga, i salta amb massa embranzida perque fos un cos mort.Then he shot the arrow and fell back and would have died, but he lit on a nettle and sprang up too gaily for a corpse.
Es deixa caure en terra, i esclata en un plor tan frenetic, que a Tom l'astora la idea que Becky pogués morir o perdre el seny.She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.
Digué com es féu enrera en cerca de Becky i li comunica la bona nova, i ella li digué que no la impacientés amb aquelles poca-soltes, perque estava atuida, i sabia que estava per morir, i li venia de grat.He told how he went back for Becky and broke the good news and she told him not to fret her with such stuff, for she was tired, and knew she was going to die, and wanted to.
De poc que no em moro en veure aquell follet.I nearly died when you produced that china dwarf.
Abans em moro.I'd sooner die.
- Si no parlo, em moro, Dr O no, noies?- If I don't talk, I die, Doc. Right, girls?
"No passa res si em moro". el que estas pensant?It's alright if I die. that what you're thinking?
Vaig a morir si l'home ha de dolç em passen, si em moro On estarà?Gonna die if sweet man should pass me by, if I die where'll he be?
«L'anglès està per tot arreu, des que et lleves fins que mors», diu Kristinsson.“English is everywhere now, from the moment we wake up until we die,” says Kristinsson.
Si et maten a Matrix... mors aquí?If you're killed in the Matrix... die here?
És veritat... Si et mors, tindrem un bon embolic.It's true...if you die, we'll be in a mess.
M'agrada com mors, noi.I like the way you die, boy.
I si ho fan... mors.And if they do... you die.
- Si no es mor de gana al mig del camp.Unless he faints with hunger or dies in the fields.
"Tothom mor."Everyone dies.
Així és com mor la llibertat.So this is how liberty dies.
Si viu, si mor. El que sigui.He lives, he dies whatever
Mentre el món es mor lentament.As the world slowly dies.
Sense sostre quan morim.Homeless when we die.
Si demà morim tots, Ambrosí, què passarà, amb la profecia?If all die Ambrosinus tomorrow, what had with the prophecy happened?
Si morim, Serà per la glòria, no per l'or.If we die, it'll be for glory, not for gold.
Així ens quedem quan morim.That's how we look when we die.
-Alla on caura aquesta sageta, enterreu-hi el pobre Robin Hood sota el bosc que treu ufana. En acabat dispara la seva sageta, i caigué, i hauria hagut de morir; pero es posa damunt una ortiga, i salta amb massa embranzida perque fos un cos mort.Then he shot the arrow and fell back and would have died, but he lit on a nettle and sprang up too gaily for a corpse.
Bé, havia de parlar amb tanta gentilesa que no tenia consol: no tenia més remei que pujar a la golfa i renegar una mica cada dia per dar-me gustet a la boca, o bé hauria mort.Well, I'd got to talk so nice it wasn't no comfort--I'd got to go up in the attic and rip out awhile, every day, to git a taste in my mouth, or I'd a died, Tom.
Per als polonesos que avui han mort prop d’Smoleńsk.for Poles who died today near Smoleńsk.
I també una part d'aquesta selva és tacada de sang dels brasilers que han lluitat per conservar-la sense cap suport de l'estat i han mort per defensar-la havent dit (en vídeo) que moririen.And part of it is stained by the blood of Brazilians who have fought for it without any support of the State and have died for it having said – on video – that they were going to die.
En el seu missatge de condol per la mort del líder veneçolà , publicat al seu lloc web oficial, el president iranià Mahmud Ahmadinejad va fer referència a Hugo Chávez dient que era un "màrtir al servei dels veneçolans, que va morir en circumstàncies sospitoses".President Ahmadinejad, in his message of condolences for Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, published on his official website, referred to President Chavez as a "Martyr of service to the people of Venezuela, who died as a result of a suspicious death."
Per què m'hauria d'importar com moriu?Why should I care how you die?
Ell us diu: "Sortiu i moriu".He tells you, "Go out and die."
Si em perdona, és molt més fàcil dir "Sortiu i moriu", que no pas fer-ho.Oh, but if you'll pardon me, it's easier to say "Go out and die" than it is to do it.
Com viviu, com moriu... no depèn de mi.How you live, how you die... it isn't up to me.
No vull que moriu.I don't want you to die.
-No: s'ho pensen, que hi tornaran; pero generalment obliden les marques, o bé moren."No, they think they will, but they generally forget the marks, or else they die.
Entre 7.000 i 8.000 persones moren cada any a causa de les drogues il·legals.Between 7 000 and 8 000 people die every year from illegal drugs.
Contra el decret de mort i d'extermini s'alça la determinació obstinada dels pobles que viuen i moren conjuntament, segons les seues creences, esperances o desesperació.In face of the decree of death and extermination arises the obstinate determination of the peoples to live or die collectively, according to their beliefs, hopes or despair.
Però podem conèixer aquells que van morir, que moren i que moriran per les nostres accions – o inaccions.But we can meet those who died, who die and who will die by our actions - or inactions.
A més a més, cada cinc minuts sis persones són diagnosticades de càncer i cinc persones moren per aquesta mateixa afecció a la Xina.Moreover, six people are diagnosed with cancer and five people die from cancer every five minutes in China.
Allà és on vaig néixer, i on, i si Déu vol, moriré.(chuckling) That's where I was born, and, uh, where, God willing, I will die.
Si tu ens caces per els carrers... ..moriràs de la manera que has viscut.If you hunt us on the street, you will die the way you lived.
O... moriràs en l'intent.Or... you will die trying. Madison?
Has de menjar o moriràs.You should eat, otherwise you will die.
Grendel morirà!Grendel will die. - Grendel?
Per cada dia que ens deixeu sense menjar, un dels vostres homes morirà!Every day we go without food, one of your men will die!
La noia morirà i no en sentiré a parlar mai més.The girl will die and I'll hear no more of it.
Per desgracia, doctor, la investigació de la Comissió de Valors morirà amb vosté.Unfortunately, Doctor, the SEC investigation will die with you. Oh-ho.
Demà a l'alba, si el sol no s'atura aquesta nit, morirem.Tomorrow, unless the sun don't rise, one will die.
I jo els explic que tots morirem.And I explain to them that all of us will die.
Si no ens deixeu entrar, morirem.If you do not let us in, all of us will die.
Lluitarem i potser, qui ho sap, morirem plegats.We will fight and perhaps, who knows, we will die together.
Si no podem ser una família, llavors, morirem tots plegats.if we can't be together, then we will die together.
Vós morireu!You will die!
O tu, els teus fills i els teus néts morireu en la pobresa.Or you, your kids, and your grandchildren will die in poverty.
Però podem conèixer aquells que van morir, que moren i que moriran per les nostres accions – o inaccions.But we can meet those who died, who die and who will die by our actions - or inactions.
Demà moriran, esquarterats.Tomorrow they will die cut up living persons.
Tres moriran més ... i no pot fer gens per a guardar-lo.Three more will die... ...and there is nothing you can do to save them.
La meitat dels nois que acabes de veure entrenant, moriran al nord del Mur.Half the boys you've seen training will die north of the Wall.
Els teus amics moriran si no ho fas tu.Your friends will die if you don't.
Em moriria.I would die.
Matar-te només faria que ell t'estimés més, i el matrimoni i el reialme finalment s'enfonsaria, però morís a mans d'un assassí, moriria com un màrtir.Killing you would just make him love you more, and the marriage and the kingdom would ultimately crumble, but if he were to die at an assassin's hand, he would die a martyr.
Sabeu que moriria per vós.You know I would die for you.
I moriria per tu, gustosament, mil vegades abans de trair-te.And I would die for you, gladly, a thousand times before I would ever betray you.
Crec que em moriria de terror.I think I would die of fright.
Solies explicar-nos com moriries per ella.( crying ) You used to tell us how you would die for her.
Però moriries i la Lily també moriria.But you'd die, and Lily would die, too.
Em van dir que et moriries.I was told you would die.
Sense oxigen moriríem en quatre minuts.Without oxygen, we would die in four minutes.
Els vaig prometre que els seus enemics moririen entre crits.Promised them their enemies would die screaming.
Només l'he pogut abraçar aquest cop mentre es moria.I only held him that once as he was dying.
En Keats va escriure-la quan es moria, sabia que s'anava a morir, la qual cosa afegeix una mica de morbositat, no creus?Keats was dying when he wrote them, and he knew he was dying, which adds to the piquancy, don't you think?
Pero la conversa, al cap de poca estona, s'arrossega penosament, i després morí.But the talk soon began to drag, and then died.
Hi hagué un feble proposit d'aplaudiment, pero morí totduna.There was a weak attempt at applause, but it died early.
Descrigué com havia maldat amb ella i l'havia convençuda, i com Becky gairebé morí de joia en haver anat a les palpentes fins a l'indret on veié, talment, la blava taqueta de la llum del dia, i com ell, d'una embranzida, eixí del forat, i després l'ajuda a ella a fer-ho; com segueren allí i cridaren d'alegria; com uns homes passaren en una barca, i Tom els crida i els digué llur situació i llur famolenc estat; com els homes no cregueren, a la primeria, la brofega historia, «perque», digueren, «us trobeu cinc milles més avall d'on és la cova», i després els pujaren a la barca, remaren cap a una casa, els donaren sopar, els feren reposar fins a dues o tres hores després de caure la nit, i en acabat els portaren al poble.He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn't believe the wild tale at first, "because," said they, "you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in"--then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home.
La meva mare morí durant el part en néixer jo.My mother died giving birth to me.
Per això quan na Lavinia morí, va fer un nou testament amb una llista de tres hereus, dels quals sóc el tercer. Per què no va heretar el primer?So when Lavinia died, he made a new will with a list of three heirs, of which I was the third.
Tots van moriren.They all died.
Que em mori aquest mateix minut, si ho sabia.I wish I may die this minute if I did.
Ja és prou lamentable que un ciutadà australià mori tot sol al seu país però és molt pitjor que ho faci a l’estranger oblidat fins i tot pel seu propi govern.It is bad enough when an Australian dies alone in his own country. It is worse when he or she dies alone in a foreign country, forgotten even by his own government.
Tothom està d'acord en la desgràcia que suposa que tanta gent mori cada any. Però frases com “Tenim les mans lligades” o “No podem fer-hi res” sovint apareixen en aquest context.Everyone agrees that it's terrible that so many people die each year, but the phrases "Our hands are tied" or "What can we do about it" often come up in this context.
Perquè a Al·là li agrada més que un creient s'aixequi, lluiti contra l'opressió i mori en el procés, que no pas que es quedi assegut i simplement accepti l'opressió per por a la mort.For it is more pleasing to ALLAH for a believer to stand up and fight against oppression and die in the process than for a believer to sit down and just accept oppression because he or she is afraid of death.
Sé que sóc un afortunat perquè, quan mori, els meus amics i éssers estimats em recordaran.I know that I am fortunate enough that when I do die, I will be remembered by friends and loved ones.
Què faré quan tu et moris?What am I going to do after you die?
Després que moris, No estaràs realment mort... ho has acceptat Com l'únic Déu.After you die, you wouldn't really be dead providing you have accepted him as the one and only God.
No moris aquí sol.Don't die here alone.
No moris tan lluny del mar.Don't die so far from the sea.
No deixaré que moris.I will not let you die.
La majoria dels xamans són ancians i no tenen aprenents, de manera que quan morin també desapareixerà un gran coneixement.The majority of the shamans are old and without apprentices. So when they die a vast knowledge also disappears.
És inevitable que morin homes. Però una illa no es defensa sense defendre la platja.It is inevitable that men will die... but I never heard of an island operation without beach fortifications.
Esperem sincerament que lluitin amb honor i que morin per la seva Pàtria.We earnestly hope you will fight honorably... and die for your country."
És inevitable que morin homes.It is inevitable that men will die...
Imagina't que aquí em sento desgraciat, que m'estic morint lentament.What if I tell you I'm miserable here... dying a slow death?
Luarvik s'està morint.Luarvik is dying.
El meu espòs s'està morint.My husband's dying.
Pool, el meu espòs s'està morint.Paul, my husband, he's dying.
S'està morint, necessita un doctor.Okay, how long has he been like that? Oh, he's dying, okay - we need a doc -

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